Spellcasting Heavens

Chapter 223: birth

..casting the heavens

Undoubtedly, as a Dalaran mage, undead magic has never been Zhang Cheng's specialty. To be precise, he has never even practiced even a little bit before, and the only thing he has obtained is only from books. little theoretical knowledge.

In particular, transforming a dead egg into a new life form requires not only extremely superb magical attainments, but also huge unknown risks.

However, for him, this is a rare opportunity to accumulate experience. At least in Azeroth and the Magic Earth, conducting such a scale of undead magic experiments will definitely be wanted and hunted down.

With a strong expectation, he began to slaughter the captives endlessly. In just a few days, hundreds of ironmen and pirates were sacrificed, and the horrific dry corpses were piled up like mountains.

I don't know why, the vitality revealed in the dragon's egg is getting stronger and stronger, but there is no sign of hatching...

"Strange, why haven't I transformed yet? Is there something I did wrong?" Zhang Cheng muttered to himself while frowning as he gently stroked the eggshell surrounded by a large amount of black mist.

Due to the large number of sacrifices, the terrifying aura of death in the dragon egg has begun to overflow outward. Any ordinary person who approaches, is afraid that the energy will invade the body in an instant, which will lead to serious illness in the lightest, and the death on the spot will be transformed into an undead in the worst case. biology.

Obviously, he has no way to look up the information now, and he can't ask the Dalaran Archmage for advice. The only thing he can do is to wait patiently and pray that he remembers every step described in the book correctly.

A day has passed, and the dragon eggs have not hatched...

Three days have passed, and the dragon egg has not hatched...

A week later, the dragon egg still hasn't hatched...

Half a month has passed, and the dragon egg still remains in a state of half life and half death...

At this time, the strong aura of death emanating from the surface of the dragon egg began to make Zhang Cheng feel a sense of trembling. The magic symbol of death. It was as if a terrifying life form was being bred in the black smoke.

When he was a little unsure if the situation was a little out of his control, Moroya suddenly pushed open the door and broke in.

This mentally twisted and sick woman first glanced at the mummified corpses piled up on the ground with lingering fears, and then quickly came closer and said cautiously: "Master, bad news, there are no more living prisoners in our dungeon. In addition, my Sister Lennise has also just arrived in port, but not alone, but with Trade Prince Trager O'Mollen and an entire fleet."

"Oh? A fleet? What does she want to do?" Zhang Cheng pursed his lips, showing a dangerous smile.

"I think... she probably came here for the inheritance." Moroya raised her head, a cruel smile also appeared on her face.

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, Trade Prince Trag O'Moron is an opponent that should not be underestimated. The wealth, fleet, mercenaries and slaves he possesses are not much worse than any of the great nobles in Westeros.

But in Zhang Cheng's eyes, Trade Prince Trager O'Mollen was just a stronger ant, and he could be crushed to death with the slightest touch of a finger.

But he didn't understand a little, what gave the other party the courage to set foot in the old town to support his concubine.

Could it be that Trigg O'Mollen didn't know that any fleet or army would be as fragile as a piece of paper in the presence of dragons?

Or does this guy have some other purpose?

Of course, it does not rule out that the other party is really stupid, just like the slave owners in Slave Bay, who actually think that they can defeat Daenerys with three dragons in the frontal battlefield.

If that's the case, Zhang Cheng doesn't mind giving the other party a good lesson, capturing Reese by the way, and checking to see if Trigg O'Mollen's treasury has anything he needs.

After thinking about this, he temporarily put down his resentment that the dragon eggs had not hatched, turned around and walked towards the exit, intending to see how beautiful Lynnice was that Jorah Mormont could never forget.

Seeing this, Moroya quickly followed, but she didn't want to stay in the eerie basement for a second.

But just less than a minute after the two left their front feet, the dragon egg, which had never moved, suddenly made a clicking sound, followed by several cracks on the surface of the bullet casing, a wrinkled, silver-gray young dragon. Drilled out from the inside.

Unlike ordinary dragons, it has no pupils or even eyeballs in its eyes, but only two cold white dim lights, and its mouth is not sparks, but smoke full of rancid death. .

With no heartbeat, no body temperature, and no wisdom, this new-born little guy was completely driven by his instincts, jumped directly at a shriveled corpse, opened his mouth and sucked hard.

I saw a silver-white translucent soul that was sucked out forcibly, and became the food for the growth of the dragonfly with a face full of pain.

Followed by the second, third, fourth...

In less than half an hour, it devoured hundreds of dead souls in the basement, and its size quickly expanded from the size of a dinner plate to the size of a truck, lying on the ground and slowly fell into a deep sleep.

You don’t need to ask to know that it takes a while to digest after you have just eaten a meal.

Cullo Kerba, who was resting on the top floor of the towering tower, seemed to sense the threat, opened his eyes suddenly, flicked his tail restlessly, and spurted golden sparks from his nostrils.

But the anxiety came and went quickly.

After it found that the threat came from the bottom of the tower, it quickly quieted down.

Because it knows that it is where its master conducts magical experiments. Since the master has not notified it to help, it means that the situation is not out of control, and there is no need to worry too much.

In this way, without anyone noticing it ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ is likely to be the first undead creature in the world of A Song of Ice and Fire, born at the bottom of the tower, and even survived the most dangerous nascent stage.

No one knows what this means, and no one understands how disruptive its birth is and what impact it will have on the future.

As the initiator, Zhang Cheng had no idea that his dangerous creation had hatched, and was sitting in the living room looking at Linise Hightower from afar.

I have to say that although she has serious personality flaws, she is indeed very beautiful, with long blond hair, milky skin as white as snow, and the weak temperament of a little woman, no wonder she was able to conquer Jorah Mo. Elmon and Trager O'Mollen.

Right now, this woman is wearing the purple silk robe popular in the Free Cities, exposing large swathes of attractive skin on her chest and back, showing off her curvaceous curves.

And her man, Trade Prince Trager O'Mollen, didn't seem to mind that his woman was appreciated by other men, so he stepped forward and bowed with one hand on his chest: "It's a great honor to meet you, Earl Mason. . Know that even on the other side of the sea, we can hear stories and legends about you."


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