Spellcasting Heavens

Chapter 199: wedding

At night, a grand wedding carnival was being held in the Red Fort. Almost all the nobles in King's Landing came to the scene to send gifts and blessings to the newlyweds.

In particular, the Tyrell family, one of the parties to the marriage, not only paid for all the expenses of the whole process from their own pockets, but also took out the dowry that made countless people jealous, and the ownership of a fully armed army with more than 3,000 people.

Of course, this army is not a direct descendant of Highgarden, most of them are free riders and mercenaries captured in the Battle of the Blackwater, and they abandoned their former employer Stannis Baratheon without much resistance. , loyalty is also very questionable, but in any case, the army is an army after all, and the veterans who have experienced countless wars and killings will always be much stronger than the recruits.

What's more, although the seven kingdoms have temporarily ended the war, but anyone who is not a fool can feel the turbulent undercurrent hidden under the plain surface.

Not to mention the secret confrontation between Lannister and Tyrell for power and profit, Stannis Baratheon, who is only trying to make a comeback, is like a cloud over the Iron Throne.

Coupled with the ambiguous Dorn in the south, and the ambitious Bolton family in the north, it can be said that although the seven kingdoms are reunited in name, they have only entered a truce period. They are all actively preparing for the war, preparing for the start of the next round of war.

Due to the lack of a powerful and terrifying deterrent of destructive power like the Targaryen family dominates the dragons, the cost of war has been reduced a lot, and the rebelliousness and ambition of the nobles have been thoroughly inspired.

At this time, whoever has more troops will have more political leverage.

Looking at the pair of eyes full of various kinds of **** in front of the table, Zhang Cheng, the protagonist of the banquet, could not help but sigh in a low voice: "No wonder some people say that **** is the driving force for human progress, and it will also lead to self-destruction. Original sin. Look at these poor fellows, they don't know that while they are busy killing each other, a truly terrible enemy is about to cross the Great Wall and bring cold and death to this continent..."

"Sir, what are you muttering?" Ai Luo, who was sitting on the chair next to him, blinked and asked curiously.

As another protagonist of the banquet, she was wearing a long white dress with a hollow pattern today. Through the translucent tulle, she could even see the seductive skin looming below.

"Ah, nothing, I'm just looking forward to the exciting moment after the banquet." Zhang Cheng smiled and took the girl's hand, kissing the back of the other's hand.

Ai Luo, who had long been taught about men and women by the "Queen of Thorns", immediately realized what the so-called "exciting moment" meant, a flush of red quickly appeared on her face, and she bit her lower lip lightly, showing a shy look. A bit more eager.

Just when Zhang Cheng was about to continue flirting with his new wife, Tyrion suddenly came forward, raised his glass and said in a drunken tone: "Congratulations, dear friend, I wish you a happy married life. At least your A wife will do her duty, and my wife will only make me a disgrace and a laughing stock in the eyes of others."

"Haha, are we friends again?" Zhang Chengyi asked rhetorically.

"We've always been friends. Sorry, I apologize for being rude last time. You're right, I've never been a Lannister, I wasn't, I'm not, I won't be, it's even more ridiculous I'm also looking forward to proving myself to my father through my grades, what a stupid idea." Tyrion mocked himself in a sarcastic tone.

There is no doubt that after another fierce quarrel and conflict, he was completely disappointed with Tywin and the entire family, and the dissatisfaction and resentment in his heart also accumulated to the limit.

As Zhang Cheng had expected, the little devil in front of him only needed an appropriate incentive to do extremely crazy things, such as killing his biological father.

Although he is not sure whether this situation is the result of the careful planning of the two conspiracy masters, or some kind of coincidence, but in any case, it is more beneficial to him that Tywin is dead than alive, so he will not interfere easily. , but also to fuel the flames.

"I'm glad you can clearly realize this. Tell me, what are you going to do next?" Zhang Cheng tentatively asked.

"Me? What else can I do? Continue to hang around with the title of Chancellor of the Exchequer bestowed upon me by my great father. At least he hasn't taken away my surname, has he?" After that, the little devil raised his glass and drank it. The whole person staggered and joined the ranks of the vulgar nobles who were doing their best to the maids.

Looking at his desolate back, Zhang Cheng murmured to himself in a voice that only he could hear: "No longer burst out in silence, just die in silence. Tyrion Lannister, I hope we meet next time. Not an enemy. Also, that news should almost reach King's Landing..."

It's not over yet!

Grand Maester Pycelle suddenly rushed in from the door, panting and shouting: "No... not good! Your Majesty! Duke Tywin! Duke Mace! A raven has brought terrible information! From the Iron Islands The fleet launched a surprise attack on the old town at sunset yesterday. It captured most of the city in just three hours. At present, the Hightower family is relying on the towering tower and castle for the final resistance. They hope to get the Iron Throne soon. rescue."

"What?!" Joffrey stood up abruptly, his face full of disbelief.

Not only him, but every nobleman present had similar reactions. No one wanted to believe that the Iron Seeds had the ability to capture the Old Town, especially since the Hightower family also commanded a huge fleet that was not inferior to the Iron Islands.

In contrast, Tywin, who has excellent military literacy, is much more stable. After a moment of shock~www.wuxiamtl.com~ he immediately asked loudly: "How did the fleet of the Iron Islands pass through the Shield Islands? What about the fleet and army? Also, who will command the fleet of the Iron Islands?"

Anyone who knows anything about the geography of Westeros knows that in order to attack Highgarden and Oldtown, one must pass through the Shield Islands.

Just like its name, the Shield Islands are like a shield, firmly protecting the coastline of the Reach region.

If anyone wanted to attack the Reach from the sea, they would have to destroy and occupy the Shield Islands.

But usually before the Shield Islands fall, Tyrell of Highgarden and House Hightower of Old Town will arrive with reinforcements to smash the invaders' plans.

The great scholar Peychel undoubtedly understood this, and explained with a wry smile: "Lord Duke, according to the description of the letter of request for help, first a group of pirates of unknown origin attacked the Shield Islands, and the Hightower family sent a fleet to fight against them, the Iron Islands. The fleet should have sneaked around at this time. In addition, the letter also mentioned that when the Iron Seeds attacked, a small group of guards guarding the city gate defected, and they opened the city gate, causing Two consecutive city walls fell instantly..."


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