Spellcasting Heavens

Chapter 188: Tentative

There is no doubt that Zhang Cheng is very clear about what his actions mean, and he is also very clear about the definition of evil in universal values.

But he does not intend to succumb to these definitions, much less to admit that he is a member of the evil camp, because once admitted, it is equivalent to subconsciously placing himself on the opposite side of the majority, only an arrogant idiot would Loves endless confrontation with so many enemies.

What he wants to do is to distort, or subvert the definition of good and evil, in order to achieve the purpose of hiding his true intentions.

In short, he is an uncompromising utilitarian, who cares about the results and whether he can get benefits, not the means used.

Of course, right now, Zhang Cheng doesn't need to think about the faction.

After all, A Song of Ice and Fire is not like a forgotten kingdom. There is a strict line to separate evil from justice. In many cases, only a simple low-level spell is needed to distinguish the opponent's camp through the aura on each person.

This is a relatively chaotic world, and it is also a world close to reality. Everyone has complex human expectations and obsessions, and it is impossible to distinguish between simple "good" or "bad".

To put it simply, due to the lack of the guidance of real gods, the mortals here lack purity. One second they may have been intriguing for power, **** and looting for the sake of desire, but the next second they will help a stranger because of some emotional factor. An acquaintance beggar.

Complexity means change and uncertainty. When you can't be sure what kind of change a person will make in the next second, naturally you can't predict the behavior of the target 100%.

When this uncertainty gradually accumulates to a certain extent, the original "plot" will undergo major changes.

For example, now, Zhang Cheng followed a young attendant through the corridor and into the hall where the imperial meeting was held.

The quaint long table was surrounded by important figures including King Joffrey, the future Queen Margaery, Tywin, Duke of Casterly Rock City, and Mace, Duke of High Court. The moment he entered the room, all eyes turned to him. .

"Good morning, Your Majesty, and all the adults, do you know what is the urgency for you to summon me so early?" Zhang Cheng calmly bowed and asked with a smile.

Although he had anticipated that the content of this conversation must have something to do with the mass death of civilians yesterday, he still pretended to be innocent.

"Mason, I'm summoning you today for two reasons. First, we only got the news not long ago that someone saw you riding a dragon less than five kilometers away from Brightwater City, may I ask you about this? What do you want to explain?" Mace, Duke of Highgarden, glanced at Tywin, who was sitting opposite him, and asked first.

Obviously, the appearance of the dragon filled his heart with a sense of crisis.

You must know that the surrounding area of ​​Brightwater City was originally one of the most prosperous territories in the River Bend. If you add a terrifying dragon, it is foreseeable that some nobles will begin to gradually alienate the Tyrell family in a short time. Take refuge in this mysterious and powerful young man in front of you.

Zhang Cheng is very aware of the other party's concerns, and shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly: "No, there is nothing to explain, I did hatch a dragon egg not long ago."

"What?! You hatched a dragon egg! So you have the blood of the Targaryen family?" Tywin narrowed his eyes, revealing strong hostility.

In order to "show sincerity", he ordered his knights Gregor Clegane and Amory Lodge to brutally slaughter Rhaegar's wife and children.

If the bloodline left by the Targaryen family has a plan of revenge, then the first place is not the usurper Robert, but the Lannister family who slaughtered the defenseless women and children.

Looking at the sharp eyes of "Old Lion", Zhang Cheng pointed to his black eyes and hair and asked: "Your Excellency, what do you think I look like a descendant of the Targaryen family? Not bad, but far from the inhuman beauty of House Targaryen."

"Then how do you hatch dragon eggs? As far as I know, no one except the Targaryen family can hatch dragon eggs, let alone make dragons obey orders." Cersei, who couldn't bear the loneliness, inserted mouth.

As an ambitious woman, she deeply hates and resents all magical powers that are not bound by power, and can't wait to use her father's hand to eradicate this guy who has embarrassed herself many times.

"Hehe, I forgive your ignorance. Only the Targaryens can hatch and tame dragons? Although I don't know where you heard the rumors, I can tell you clearly that long before Aegon the Conqueror was born, The Valyrians have mastered the technology of hatching and domesticating dragons, and I just happened to crack a small part of it. As for the Targaryens who are feared by all of you, in fact, before the end of the Valyrian catastrophe, even the nobles It doesn't count, at best, the social status is only slightly better than that of ordinary civilians. I don't understand, what is there to be so nervous about a family that can almost be considered extinct?" Zhang Cheng sneered, while inspecting every room in front of the conference table. Changes in expressions on an individual's face.

According to his guess, 80% is Daenerys on the other side of the sea, who set off a vigorous war of liberation of slaves. The powerful combination of Garon the Unsullied makes these nobles who have betrayed and hurt the Targaryen family sit on their feet. install.

Neither Lannister, who is in full swing, nor Tyrell, whose ambitions are growing, can't tolerate the appearance of a second conqueror, Aegon, riding on his head.

The Queen of Thorns, Olenna Redwyn, seemed to have noticed something, and immediately squeezed out a smile to reassure: "Please don't be angry, Earl Mason, you haven't lived through that era and don't understand the crazy behavior of Aerys II Targaryen. , what a huge psychological shadow it has caused us. What's more, his daughter Daenerys, who has just acquired a brutal slave army not long ago~www.wuxiamtl.com~, plus three fast-growing dragons, finally One day I will cross the sea and return to this land to avenge my father and brother."

"So you guys are going to figure out my position before she comes back?" Zhang Cheng raised the corners of his mouth slightly, showing a smile that was not a smile.

"Yes! But I think the suspicion that you are of the Targaryen blood can be ruled out, but we still need a guarantee that when the war comes, you and your dragon will be on our side." Orian Na Redwyn crossed her hands on her chest, and her old and thin body released a strong sense of oppression.

"Oh? What kind of guarantee?" Zhang Cheng completely ignored the other party's aura and continued to maintain a nonchalant attitude.

"It's very simple! For nobles, nothing is more important than marriage and bloodline inheritance. We hope you can complete the long-delayed wedding as soon as possible, and give birth to your first child with Ai Luo."

The Queen of Thorns didn't mean to go around in circles at all, and made a straightforward request...

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