Spellcasting Heavens

Chapter 174: Poisoning (top)

"Ha! When did you care about my marriage?

To be honest, I don't really know why I didn't reject the marriage in the first place.

Maybe like you said, I kind of sympathized with what happened to Sansa and was eager to protect her.

At least after marrying me, Joffrey couldn't continue to blatantly insult and hurt her.

As for fulfilling my wife's responsibilities and obligations, forget it, I'd rather spend some money to go out and find a woman than force a girl to do something she doesn't want to do.

Also, do you think that with the current situation, who would risk offending the Lannisters and take Sansa away from me?

There may be a lot of restless guys snooping in secret, eager to use the prestige built up by the Stark family to rule the North for hundreds of years, but I don't think anyone dares to take any action. "

After all, Tyrion filled himself a glass of wine again and drank it clean.

Like many people who have a serious psychological gap, after finding that he lost his precious power, he began to vent and indulge through alcoholism, spending most of the day half-drunk and half-awake.

"No, you are wrong, my friend." Zhang Cheng smiled and shook his head. "It is undeniable that after the eradication of the Baratheon brothers and Robb Stark, no one in the entire Seven Kingdoms except Dorne in the south has enough strength to challenge the Lannister family head-on. But don't forget, The most important thing in this world are conspirators and careerists. Think about it, if someone told Sansa to send her home, she would stay by your side and face the murder of her father and brother all day long Enemy?"

The little devil has never been a political idiot, on the contrary, he is very smart, and has read countless books, and immediately understands the strong hints revealed in his words.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he quickly opened his mouth and said, "Can you tell me who the conspirators and careerists you are referring to? The Boltons?"

"Burton? No, no, no. Roose Bolton may be a master at seeing the wind, knowing how to preserve his strength, how to put himself on the side of the winner when it matters, but he is certainly not a conspiracy. Home. The real conspirators are always good at hiding themselves. As long as you check who Sansa walks closer to on weekdays, you will come to a conclusion immediately. But I have to remind you that it is better to act fast. otherwise……"

Before Zhang Cheng could finish speaking, a young and beautiful maid walked in with a plate.

She didn't even say a word, she didn't bow, she just put the food on the table, followed by a very subtle eye contact with the little devil, and then turned and disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Zhang Cheng took everything in his eyes, and made a meaningful joke after the maid had gone away: "I said why you don't care about your new wife at all, it turns out that you have someone else in your heart. Please be careful, I My friend, I'm not sure how your father Lord Tywin will react to this news."

"I don't understand what you're talking about! Please, she's just a lowly maid." Tyrion deliberately pretended not to care.

"Don't act in front of me, you should know very well that you can't deceive me at all. I'm afraid you haven't realized it yet, when the maid appeared just now, your eyes almost melted when you looked at her. There is a saying that is good. , eyes are the windows to the soul, no matter how good a person is at lying and deceiving, eyes can never deceive people. What's more, you are not very good at deception in the first place, and I am not your enemy." Zhang Cheng slightly raised his mouth and dismantled it The opponent's poor acting.

"Damn! I'm starting to hate dealing with you." Tyrion gritted his teeth and complained, and then asked nervously, "Is my eyes really as obvious as you said?"

"Yes! Very obvious! I think you'd better not meet her when there are outsiders, otherwise it's just a matter of time before you find out. Well, let's talk about your colorful love life first, it's time to talk about it. Take out what you promised me." Zhang Cheng stretched out his right hand as he spoke.

Without any nonsense, Tyrion directly opened a dark compartment on the shelf on the right wall, took out a scroll that was a little yellow and covered with black spots, and carefully spread it out: "Note, this thing is very old, slightly It will shatter with force."

"Relax, I'll give it back to you at a glance." Zhang Cheng narrowed his eyes, and quickly swept over the indistinct handwriting on the paper.

What is recorded on the scroll is nothing else but the materials and spells that the Alchemist Guild has preserved for years to make wildfire.

As a collector of knowledge, he will not give up anything that may be useful or enlightening to him.

The little devil stood aside, silently observing Zhang Cheng's concentrated expression, a wry smile appeared on his face.

You must know that before the outbreak of the Battle of Heishuihe, he made many promises in order to win as much power as possible, but the secret recipe made by stealing wildfire is undoubtedly the most special one.

To this day, he still can't figure out what the man standing in front of him yearns for in his heart.


Although Zhang Cheng took advantage of the siege of the city to send a "national disaster wealth", he soon spent seven to eight-eight.


After seizing Bright Water City, Zhang Cheng delegated the rule to a small bureaucratic system he set up by himself, and he hid in his room all day, not knowing what to do.


According to the information obtained by the little devil, Zhang Cheng has never slept with any woman or man so far, and his degree of abstinence is almost comparable to that of the most devout monk.

The only thing Tyrion can be sure of is that Zhang Cheng seems to have an unusually strong thirst for supernatural power...

Just when the living room fell into silence~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Sansa, who was hiding in the kitchen, quietly pulled out a small liquid surrounded by lavender smoke from her belt, uncorked the bottle and poured it into the soup bowl. , stir quickly with a spoon while the cook is not paying attention, until all the purple smoke is completely gone.

The first time she did this kind of thing, she felt her heart skip a beat, and the sweat on her back soaked her clothes in just a few seconds.




Sansa didn't know what she was feeling at the moment, but in order to be able to go home and return to the Winterfell where she was born and raised, she was willing to pay any price, even if her hands were stained with blood.

In order to ensure that the soup in the bowl would be delivered to the right person, she also specifically instructed the maid who was in charge of delivering the dishes.

About three to five minutes later, this bowl of soup with ingredients was placed in front of Zhang Cheng...

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