Spellcasting Heavens

Chapter 154: abduct

Huge body, sturdy scales, sharp teeth and claws, and two beast-like vertical pupils...

Looking at this monster that was constantly flapping its wings and staying in the air, Davos Seaworth fell to the ground with a frightened plop, and exclaimed, "Dragon...Dragon?!!"

"That's right, allow me to introduce you to my dragon, Cullo Kelba. Remember the battleship that inexplicably caught fire on the Blackwater River? It's all its masterpieces. Oh, by the way, a reminder, its You don't have a good temper, so you'd better not act rashly, otherwise I can't guarantee whether the dragon flame will spray on your face in the next second." After that, Zhang Cheng stretched out his hand and patted Long's huge, hideous head.

Cullo Kerba cooperated very well with opening his **** mouth, and a looming fire flashed in the depths of his throat, as if a terrifying flame would soon spew out.

"My God..." Davos clenched the amulet around his neck tightly, and his eyes showed a terrifying light.

He couldn't believe that he actually passed by a dragon at the beginning. If it wasn't for good luck, he might have sunk to the bottom of the sea with those unlucky **** to feed the fish.

You know, ever since the Targaryens conquered the whole of Westeros with three dragons, everyone has realized that dragons are a more terrifying and destructive tool of war than the army, so the ice and fire story will appear. So many guys who are obsessed with dragons.

The slave owners of Astapor were even willing to trade a well-trained and well-equipped army of the Unsullied for a mere juvenile dragon.

It's not that they are too stupid, but they understand that once the dragon grows up, how many Unsullied can't fight a giant dragon soaring in the sky, which has been proven many times in actual combat as early as the time of Aegon the Conqueror However, only Dorne has managed to slay a dragon with the famous poison.

In addition, the traditional confrontation between the two armies, or the castle offensive and defensive battle, is a joyful barbecue meeting for the dragon. For example, in the battle of the raging prairie, the rock king Lauren Lannister and the riverbend king Mengen gardener united and assembled With an army of more than 50,000 people, Aegon's pitiful human army was defeated in an instant.

But then, Aegon summoned three dragons to join the battlefield, burning thousands of hapless men to death in an instant, and the remaining soldiers quickly collapsed in fear and despair.

A battle that was supposed to be fought with more to win less was so abruptly rewritten by three dragons...

Seeing the "Onion Knight"'s fierce reaction, Zhang Cheng smiled playfully, turned around and stretched out his right hand at the shivering girl: "Come on, your lovely princess. Don't be afraid, I promise it won't hurt you."

"Really?" Celine Baratheon's tone was mixed with fear and curiosity.

"Of course! Don't you want to experience riding a dragon flying in the sky?" Zhang Cheng continued to seduce him.

Rather than taking the girl in front of him by force, he still prefers a gentler method.

After hesitating for a few seconds with her head lowered, little Celine's curiosity finally overcame her fear. She grabbed Zhang Cheng's right hand, stepped on Chloe Kerba's head, and sat firmly on the dragon's saddle.

Seeing that the abduction was successful, Zhang Cheng also jumped on the dragon's back, took off his cloak and put it on the girl, and then said to the "Onion Knight" in the corner: "Tell me a message for Stannis, just say I took his daughter. As for when he will come back, it depends on his performance. If he can make a comeback and become the master of the Iron Throne, I will immediately send Little Celine back to him, but if he fails , I'm sorry, but this little guy should stay safe by my side."

"Damn it! You can't do that! You're kidnapping!" Davos plucked up his courage and yelled.

"Kidnapping? No, no, no, I think it's a form of protection in disguise, you don't know how maddening people can be. Take my words with you, bye."

As the last word blurted out, Zhang Cheng gently kicked the dragon's neck.

After receiving the order, Cullo Kerba immediately flapped his wings vigorously and began to climb high into the sky. In the blink of an eye, he left the castle far behind. Several archers who heard Davos' shouting tried to shoot arrows at the dragon, but the arrows still failed. Before he could catch up, he lost his energy and fell from the air.

Passing through Blackwater Bay in southern Westeros, the dragon flies westward along the borders of Dorne.

When the two and one dragon were about to arrive at Bright Water City, the sun finally slowly rose from the horizon, dispelling the last darkness before dawn, and bringing light and heat to the whole world.

Little Celine tried her best to widen her eyes, admiring the rare and magnificent scenery in front of her, and her whole body began to tremble with excitement.

Flying at high altitude for several hours in a row made her face white with freezing, and her hands and feet were as cold as ice cubes, but this did not affect the joy in her heart at all.

After all, she is more eager to go out and see the world than to stay in the dark castle all day, not to mention that she is now riding a ferocious and terrifying dragon flying in the blue sky.

Zhang Cheng didn't disturb the girl in his arms, and quickly motioned for Cullo Kerba to fly towards the cave in the back mountain.

After a while, he appeared in the castle with the kidnapped little loli.

"My lord! This...this is?!"

Maester Inigo, who had just woken up and was having breakfast, undoubtedly recognized Stannis' only daughter, and was surprised that even the spoon fell on the table.

"Relax, from now on, she is my adopted daughter, understand?" Zhang Cheng hinted in a low voice.

The latter seemed to think of something, and nodded quickly: "Understood! She is your adopted daughter!"

"Very good! Let's continue to eat, let Derry come to me, I need him to do some things. Don't forget to let the kitchen make some hot soup and omelettes to my room by the way. "After the instructions, Zhang Cheng took the girl's hand and returned to his bedroom.

As a fairly cautious person, he knows that searching for the meteorite buried deep in the ground will never be an easy task, so he must be fully prepared instead of riding a dragon as soon as his brain heats up. Go to Valyria.

In his plan, he needed at least an expedition ship, about 150 sailors and soldiers, including ropes, heads, food, drinking water, oil lamps, and a series of tools that might be used.

In addition, since Valyria is a standard magical civilization, the Targaryen family did not dare to go back to dig for valuable treasures in the ruins when they were at their strongest, and he had to be prepared to deal with supernatural forces.

Anyway, Zhang Cheng always had a hunch in his heart that something terrible was waiting for him next to the meteorite...

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