Spellcasting Heavens

Chapter 1318: Smuggler's Revenge

"Go! Kill all these rebels!"

"For the great offshore king!"

"For the establishment of the pirate kingdom!"

"For wealth!"

"For women!"


Accompanied by the screams of killing, thousands of fully armed pirates rushed up, easily overwhelmed the two-meter-high wooden fence of the rural nobles, and rushed into this so-called "castle". Merciful slaughter.

Any male who holds a weapon or does not surrender on his knees will be killed immediately.

Those who surrendered on their knees were skillfully trapped in a string by the pirates, and gathered in the open space waiting to be sold to the slave traders.

The fate of women is even more tragic. Except for the noble girls who maintain their virginity and can sell high prices, the rest will be devastated and ravaged in the next day or two, until these beasts who are trying their best to vent and satisfy, Only then will it be resold to slave traders again.

No forgiveness!

No mercy!

There is no such thing as sympathy!

Since they landed, the pirates under the King of the Sea have almost been burning, killing and looting all the way, neither accepting surrender and allegiance, nor letting go of any valuable town.

The way he established the ruling structure is very simple and crude, that is, first kill all the original rulers, destroy the foundation established in the local area, followed by canonizing his cronies, so that he can manage a certain area on his behalf.

Short of money?

It's ok!

In the lands they nominally rule, pirate captains can attack and plunder towns and villages with impunity, kill all the original owners of the land, demote all ordinary residents into slaves, or force them to cultivate the land day and night, or simply pack them all Sold to slave traders in exchange for the initial **** accumulation of capital.

With this kind of scraping and almost brutal suppression, the guys who dared to resist in the entire Attalos region are basically dying.

Of course, the price was that the population was rapidly reduced by more than half, and most of the remaining half were demoted to serfs and became the private property of the "new lords".

However, there is a small group of lucky people who successfully won the favor of the king of the sea through flattery. Not only did they not lose their personal freedom, but they changed their bodies and became the rulers of the land second only to the pirate captains.

They are none other than the smugglers who provided the pirates with supplies, information and intelligence.

A successful smuggler, Hassata is one of them.

At first, he only relied on a small sampan, secretly transported a small amount of weapons and armor to the pirate port, and sold it to the pirates who needed it at a high price.

Later, with the stimulation of amazing profits, the business became bigger and bigger, and finally there were twelve ships large and small, while doing normal sea trade business, while expanding the scale of smuggling.

In the end, he successfully seized the opportunity and turned over to become the new owner of this wooden castle and the surrounding land.

He was middle-aged, and his figure was slightly fatter. He was standing on the blood-stained balcony at the moment, looking down at the numb expressions of the male prisoners in the small square, as well as the heart-piercing crying and screaming of the women. He opened his mouth and asked without looking back: "Dignified Sir, when you rejected me, did you think that you would end up in today's end?"

"Bah! Kill if you want! I will never submit to a vile smuggler like you, and a dirty pirate."

Kneeling on the ground behind, his hands were trapped in a twist shape, and the old man in black armor spat fiercely.

From the stubborn expression on his face and the unyielding eyes, it is easy to tell that he is the lord of this land, a professional soldier who is completely full-time.

"Hey! Old guy! Who are you calling dirty? Maybe, I should teach you what is polite." A pirate next to him suddenly pulled out his machete and walked forward with a grin.

I saw that without the slightest hesitation, he swung the sharp machete and cut off the opponent's left ear directly.


Scarlet blood continued to flow down his neck, quickly soaking the white shirt inside the armor.

"Humph! Coward! Is this all your courage? Cut off the ear of a captive who can't fight back? Why don't you try to cut off my head?" Far from showing fear, the old man called Sir Instead, he raised his head and laughed loudly.

"Damn! Do you think I dare not? I'll cut off your head now!" The pirate was obviously provoked, and he swung the machete and slashed viciously to the neck.

But just as the knife was raised, Hassata said to stop it: "Wait! Don't kill him! He is deliberately provoking you, and he wants to die early to get relief."

"Damn it! I almost fell for this old guy!" The pirate suddenly came to his senses, and immediately put away the machete that was about to be chopped to the neck.

But he was obviously unwilling to let the other party go like this, raised his boots covered with mud and blood plasma, and put his foot on the lord's face, trying to vent the tyranny in his heart in this way.

In less than a while, the old man's face was covered with blood, and his left cheek was even more swollen, looking extremely embarrassed.

"Stop hitting! Any more hits will kill him! In fact, I have a way to destroy his ridiculous self-esteem, make him willingly lie on the ground like a dog, and clear up what's left for us. Obstacles." Hassata's mouth was slightly upturned, and a cruel smile appeared.

"Oh? What's the way!" the pirate asked, wiping the blood that had spattered on his face.

"It's very simple! First of all~www.wuxiamtl.com~ His dignity comes from being a man and a lord at the same time. Therefore, we must first destroy his male pride, which is to castrate him. Second, let him Take him to the dungeon and force him to watch his daughter being raped day and night until a half-breed **** is left. At that time, I'll see if he can still be as tough as he is now."

When he said these words, the smuggler made no secret of the hatred and viciousness in his heart.

As there is a saying, the more repressed you are, the crazier you will be when you vent, even to the point of perversion.

"No!!!!!!! You bastard! Kill you! I'm going to kill you!"

Hearing that he was going to be castrated, and that he had to watch his own daughter being raped by a group of filthy pirates day and night, leaving the **** who stained the blood and glory of the family, the old man's eyes were immediately covered with bloodshots, as if he was crawling from hell. The evil ghost that came out, even if someone was dragging him behind him, continued to struggle forward, and his head kept hitting the ground hard, as if he wanted to kill himself.

"Kill me? You didn't do it 20 years ago, and it's even more impossible to do it 20 years later. On the contrary, I have a debt that you need to repay..."

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