“As you can see, it’s just the beginning. Even if the conditions provided by the Lion King are sufficient, it is not easy to determine the age and observe the location of the abnormality. More Needless to say, we need to fix the coordinates and verify the transfer. In order to ensure that Tachibana can fight with all her strength, we must clear all the trouble for her. For those of us who cannot go to the singular point, this is the battlefield.”

His hand tapped the screen, and Roman picked up the cup next to him and took a sip of coffee.

“Continue with the current progress, at least half a month is needed. During this period, it is a rare relaxation for both the standing flowers and the followers. Don’t miss this side, well Go and rest.”

After finishing talking, he waved his hand to Zhao Huang and continued to work.

Zhao Huang also disturbed him sorry and left obediently.

He has seen the coordinates of the seventh singularity, but he will not tell Roman about it. Of course, it is much easier to know the coordinates directly, but at the same time, it is also an insult to the staff’s efforts so far.

Zhao Huang respects every staff member, so he will not be puzzled. All he should do is to defeat the Magic King and not let everyone’s efforts in vain.

PS: The notebook didn’t support OTZ, and almost lost the draft.

PS2: I’ve hesitated for a long time whether to open a singularity or other comprehensive comics. After sorting out the ideas provided by everyone, dumbfounded that some dungeons are indeed suitable for opening in the outside world. The progress of the plot is now closer to the mid-to-late stage, and it is difficult to play some dungeons in the current position with dumb ability.

As a result, considering the number of votes, Shakugan first chose Shakugan Shana. The plot of the peculiar point, the room for play is still a bit small, and I am not very satisfied with several stupid designs. Please think more about it here.

Finally, about returning to some of the previous transcripts, I also replied in the comment section before stupid. The plot of this part has already been arranged in the outline, but the position is in time. After the temple.

002 The worries of the girl, what Zhao Huang did

After leaving the control room, Zhao Huang went straight to the Chaldeans through the transfer of Lingzi.

This time, the place he is going to is AD0060 Rome.

He is going to meet someone there.

Constitute the entity, Zhao Huang appeared on a grassland. According to the coordinates provided by the Chaldeans, this should be the closest place to the Roman capital.

Recently, in the capital of Rome, the fifth emperor Nero Claudius ordered a banquet to celebrate the smooth progress of the duel between her and the mysterious singer, which caused the entire town to become turbulent.

No one wants to be the lucky one chosen by the emperor to listen to songs. They knew the emperor’s singing, it could stop children from crying at night, it was comparable to prison sentence, and they had to accompany him until the emperor was happy. Although everyone is afraid to say that, in fact, they all think this is a kind of torture. So, if the proud emperor Your Majesty can personally admit that a “mysterious singer” whose strength is equal to her, it is most likely to be a terrifying existence.

To stay in the theater and listen to these two people’s sing for a day, I am afraid that they can directly turn people into fools.

The people walking on the streets are all laborers busy arranging the town under the mobilization of the emperor. Without a trace of sadness on their faces, those who arranged the stalls unperturbed were businessmen. They had to “sadly” “miss” the emperor’s singing because they had to look after their stalls.

Some of the remaining residents are trying to find ways to find refuge in other towns, while others are staying at home, praying for bad luck.

In this situation, Zhao Huang entered the city without being noticed by anyone. He maintained the Spirit Physique, and moved straight towards the newly established large theater in Rome-Domus Aurea.

There is the place where this song will be held, and the people Zhao Huang wants to meet are also there.

The scale of the huge theater is no different than the Colosseum standing on the other side of town. You know, the Colosseum can be said to be the favorite entertainment of the citizens at this time, so the Colosseum can be built so big. And Domus Aurea was able to get such a scale, entirely because of the order of His Majesty.

After being built soon, it will finally usher in its memorable first performance.

Passing through the gate of the theater, Zhao Huang rarely stopped because of what was in front of him. Looking at the distribution of seats here, it is clear that the goal is to accommodate the citizens of the entire town. As an ancient building, the height of the theater is definitely worth boasting.

Nero once said that her talent is unmatched. In fact, as the Roman emperor, she is indeed a versatile genius.

However, it is not her that Zhao Huang will meet this time, otherwise Zhao Huang would have gone straight to the palace instead of going to the theater.

The person he wants to meet does not belong to this era. Therefore, that person can go anywhere, but there is no place for him. Moreover, her appearance is not so easy to be accepted by people in this era, so the most likely choice for her is to stay in this place she likes and where her dream can be realized.

―She wants to be an idol.

And now, the girl who is determined to change herself for the “idol” culture is standing in the center of the theater. She wore a fairy-tale style light pink dress, the skirt was fixed high with a skirt, hiding her proud tail. She wore a pointed hat decorated with dolls on her head, and the girl’s inhuman qualities were obscured by the brim.

The only inhuman place that can be found in the whole body of the girl now is her alienated nails. But now she is in the center of the theater. With people’s eyesight, it is not easy to see her fingers accurately from the audience. Therefore, the girl is completely able to prevent herself from revealing any inhuman characteristics during the concert. Therefore, she is confident that the citizens of Rome can accept her performance.

The singing voice who has been praised by friends is ready, and the dance has been carefully rehearsed. Girls now shouldn’t need to worry about anything, just wait for the opening moment and enjoy the thunderous applause. But now, she looked up at the sky with melancholy and confused eyes.

The hand holding the “microphone” of the love gun trembled slightly. At this moment, the girl was so focused that she could not even notice Zhao Huang, who was already close behind her.

“What are you worried about?”

Zhao Huang finally said something. There is no point in continuing to be silent. If you don’t communicate, he will probably never know the girl’s mind.

“Huh? Zhao Huang? It’s great that you came to see me. But, are you here early? The time for the concert has not arrived yet. According to Saber, at least seven more days are needed to prepare Well.”

The girl’s face showed a perfect smile. However, this well-trained standard smile is full of flaws in Zhao Huang’s eyes. She didn’t want to laugh, just to prevent Zhao Huang from discovering her anomaly.

“…That’s just right. If the concert starts, don’t you as an idol have to be busy? Putting it that way, I came at the right time. If there is no audience now, you The only fan of is me. In other words, you are just my idol. Then, no matter what you have, you can say it.”

Holding Dragon Niang’s hand, Zhao Huang rolled up the breeze The ground was blown clean, and then she took her to sit on the floor.

Whether it is an idol or Guardian, they are essentially warriors and weapons. They are not so delicate that they will dislike the ground not being clean enough.

“It’s just your idol? Huh. Don’t want to monopolize me. Impossible. I’m everyone’s idol, lovely Elizabeth!”

Wrinkled her little nose, the girl’s mouth Despite that, the hand that was shaking with Zhao Huang began to work hard. The temperature from the palm of the young man made her feel the sense of peace after a long absence.

Since the first encounter, this has always been the case. He can always bring himself a sense of security. As a result, I will want to rely more and more on him.

Pouting her mouth to find a reason for her behavior, Elizabeth’s expression became serious.

“I’m thinking about the future. The exploration of the singularity has come to the end, right? The seventh singularity is the last singularity. Wait for the deer to conquer the last singularity After that, we will face the magic king who used the seventy two Demon God pillar.”

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