
It burst into black and gray, and the giant dragon disappeared completely. Except for the same black wedge, Wolf King left no traces in the world.

After that, Zhao Huang tried his best to flog his body and used the power of clairvoyance in order to find Luo Hao who was missing. It’s a pity that Luo Hao had already returned to Lushan with alchemy when he was swept away from the ground by the flood.

It has been a long time since then. With Sect Lord’s alchemy attainments and Lushan’s earth vein blessing, it is estimated that Sect Lord has recovered his injuries and strength. It is no use to rush to Lushan now, and it is nothing more than another battle.

To tell you the truth, Zhao Huang is already tired after a series of battles.

The spiritual foundation of the god of disobedience is not more inclined to the entity than the followers. At the very least, Zhao Huang couldn’t make himself Spirit Physique, nor could he easily repair his injuries with curse power.

So, now he also urgently needs recuperation.

Anyway, with the pride of Sect Lord, this matter will never be left alone. There will be a result anyway, so why rush for a while.

Thinking about this, Zhao Huang returned to London and erected his temple on the broken spirit vein in the center of the barren land.

This scene was immediately discovered by all the surveillance personnel.

After the sword idiot returned and Sect Lord returned, the god of inconsistency also returned to where he was originally.

Before the return of the king could bring joy, it was overwritten by greater and deeper despair.

Now that I lost the two Demon Kings, the god of incompliance is still alive.

The future of mankind will be completely overshadowed by this.

If such a powerful god of disobedience cannot be defeated as soon as possible, the disasters it will bring to all parts of the world will be devastating. In fact, Zhao Huang just left the temple to fight for more than half a day. Volcanoes around the world have begun to activate, the north and south poles have begun to melt, and the sea level has risen slightly.

If you continue to leave him alone, the extinction of surface creatures is only a matter of time.

PS: There is a group meeting in the evening, so update in advance.

PS2: There may not necessarily be the next change, it depends on the time to go back to the bedroom.

037 I can’t find a way to win

“How about, Yarek. This is all the intelligence. As for more…no intelligence officer is as good as that. Can get close to the battlefield of the godslayers and come back alive.”

The blonde woman in a white dress, sorting out the paper documents, has a hurried tone, but her expression is still forced to maintain Relaxed expression. If she, as the backbone of her heart, shows her nervousness and panic outside, it will be a bad thing.

At this time, their place was moved to the New British Library in Manchester. Most of the magic materials and books transferred from London are here. The Public Area Point, the temporary office of the Wise Council, is also located here.

The princess and the godslayer sitting opposite to a round table are now desperately searching for information, trying to unlock Zhao Huang’s secrets.

If Yarek was present when Voban was knocked down, all the troubles would be eliminated now. Unfortunately, in order to recover from his injuries and avoid being missed, the omniscient Yarek not at all rashly approached the battlefield, only trying to unlock his secrets through battle information.

Therefore, he has been lying in the pile of books recently, looking through the accounts of Metatron, and reading the Bible several times. For an unbeliever like Yarek, reading the Bible in its entirety is a very novel experience. Reading the Bible from the perspective of a general communicator and from the perspective of a godslayer is completely different.

If Metatron really has the power of the “king of angels” as described, then there is no need to resist at all. Winning is impossible to win.

However, what Zhao Huang showed when he knocked him down was not so exaggerated. In contrast, the “huge angelic” and “great flood” powers he showed in the melee are more terrifying.

“This information…oh?”

Alek, who looked at the information, suddenly found a handwritten report. The report contained traces of dry water, which looked like tears. The handwriting on this report is graceful but majestic, and it looks like it comes from a well-educated woman with high self-esteem.

“Erica Browntree…This name, if I remember correctly, should be the female Knight who served the seventh king who died in the battle a week ago. In the majestic state of the world, I’m a little bit!

Princess Alice, who had obtained the information curiously, immediately recalled the information of the signer.

For the once served as the council of sages As for the speaker, she is not even unable to grasp this level of intelligence.

“Really, because the Wang Zhan who she served has died, she thought that she would have to provide a copy anyway. Strength. Shang Da Bong… Metatron’s twin brother. This power is the true body of that huge angel. In addition, she was able to distort reality with her words, and she was directly transferred outside of London, and she could not take a step by any means until the end of the battle. …… The more I look at these materials, the more headaches I get. I sincerely hope that this kind of trouble will not happen again. “

Roughly cursed, Yarek put all the information together and compared them carefully.

“Some power, it should be Metatron and Shang Dafeng None of them. However, generally speaking, having two names in this way through [twin brother] is the limit, right? Or is there other prototypes for Metatron? “

Ignoring Yarek who showed his natural side, Alice analyzed it seriously. However, she always felt that she had forgotten something important. It was clear that she could find it without this piece of the puzzle. The right path…!

“speaking of which, Alice. “

Suddenly, Yarek lifts the head from the data. This god-killer who often travels archaeologically around the world with great speed, smells a very dangerous breath.

Speaking of Metatron and Shang Dafeng, the relationship between them is not just the twin brother.

Considering Metatron’s publication and the Jewish esoteric belief in K, a very terrifying probability Appeared in Yarek’s heart.

“Are you familiar with the Kabbalah Magic Base? “

“Kabbalah? Isn’t that a kind of alchemy? If you remember correctly, it should be based on the system of making golems, right? “

Alice’s main business is a witch, but after all, she has handled a lot of information. She has a little knowledge of these basic demonic path knowledge as a knowledge reserve.

” Yes, that is their magic system. However, if you think about it carefully, is there any mention of Life Tree in the Bible? “

With his fingers crossed, his elbows on the table, Yarek put his chin on the back of his hands, and said calmly:

“If you remember correctly, from that Life Tree, in the Kabbalah system, extends the concept called Kabbalah Life Tree, right? From there, we can also find the commonality between Metatron and Shang Dafeng. ”

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