“Then, what do you do?”

“I have nothing to do. The magic power has been consumed to the point where it cannot be replenished by itself, and it can basically be said that it cannot be maintained. .The time to speak like this, there are probably dozens of seconds left.”


The Dragon Mother bit her lips tightly and didn’t know what to say.

It’s the same again.

She was protected again.

When I saw his face, I felt the security of my soul, and now it all turned into a rebuke to myself.

If she can fight with him, at least she won’t hate her powerlessness like she does now.

Look, that bloody right arm, relying on the thigh with a little skin attached to the edge, and bloodless cheeks.

The light that once pulled herself out of the darkness turned into this miserable situation for herself.

On his own, he defeated the despair that a group of people here couldn’t resist.

Elizabeth can’t sit and watch him disappear.

In other words, she didn’t want him to disappear.

Obviously, it is so easy to see each other again, how can I lose you so easily!


While breathing slightly, a bold idea emerged in Long Niang’s mind.

The essence of the follower is a collection of magic power. As long as the spiritual core and spiritual base are not damaged, the supplement of external magic power can help them repair any injuries.

Zhao Huang doesn’t look like he has suffered an irreversible injury, so there is no reason why he cannot be saved.

“The idol doesn’t need that many magical powers anyway, so… I will give you a little bit of compassion!”

Mumbling like this, Elizabeth stroked her skirt Swing, sat down beside Zhao Huang, then gently cupped his cheeks, closed his eyes, and lowered his head.


At the moment when he realized that and so on happened, Zhao Huang opened his eyes wide.

018 The shackles that cannot be crossed in my heart


That is the fiery touch mixed with strong magic.

A kiss of blood as literally.

Zhao Huang, who lost his ability to move due to lack of magic power, stared blankly at Long Niang act wilfully on him.

Closed her eyes tightly, frowned from the pain of actively biting her lips, and tried her best to meet Xiafei’s cheeks.

At this moment, Elizabeth, it can be said that she has all of her own.

Not only the inner determination, but also the chastity retained as a noble girl.

If it’s this person, it doesn’t matter if you give it to him.

The Dragon Mother at this moment undoubtedly has such thoughts in her arms.


The tongue was entangled, and a drop of blood was poured into the mouth.

Although it is the heraldry and literary works that caused the deterioration, this does not affect the authenticity of the power contained in it.

Elizabeth Bartori does possess dragon’s blood. She is both a young dragon and a demon, but she has no characteristics as a vampire.

In her blood like this, there is naturally more magical power than others.

And the behavior she is doing now, in layman’s terms, is to “make up for evil.”

Through the injection of blood, the magic power is also sent into the body of others.

It is blood composed of magic power, and its purity does not need to be said.


Feeling the other party’s body firmer, Little Yi Li reluctantly let go of her mouth.

A strong sense of shame made her lose her sanity halfway through.

In the end, she couldn’t figure out whether she was giving or taking it.

However, at least it works well.

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