Is it the Holy Grail?

Zhao Huang doesn’t know.

All he knows is that Cuchurin is really tricky.

He himself who threw a devastating shot also received an extraordinary recoil. Not only did he threw the right hand of the long spear, but also on his shoulders, chest and legs. He cracked open in a mess-he broke his muscles.

Now, the reason why he still stands motionless in place after catching the gun is entirely because his body has collapsed to the point where he cannot continue the high-intensity battle.

Compared with Zhao Huang, who just had just abolished one hand, his current form is undoubtedly more critical.


“Sara la…”

[email protected]@’s voice, accompanied by a little bit of light, from him holding the long spear Spilled on his right hand.

Rune’s repair power also has an upper limit. As a result of the external destruction blow and the internal active collapse one after another, Kuchurin’s right arm finally could not maintain its original structure.

It can be said that if Cuchulin’s skills stop here, then Zhao Huang can kill him here with just one shot.

――Don’t doubt this? Facing Zhao Huang, who was dying of Divine Spear and God-killing skills, Cú Chulainn had little chance to win. Even with such a posture, Cú Chulainn was still the son of light and Demi-God.

However, Zhao Huang seemed to have not seen the “victory chance”, silently using fire on himself, and keeping guard against Cu Chulin.

His Great Saint Cup within the body, although there is a slight difference from the Holy Grail in the peculiarity, it is undoubtedly a wishing machine. Therefore, Zhao Huang could perceive that the power of the Holy Grail is pouring into Kuchulin’s within the body.

The bone spurs extending from the long spear; the “necklace” with red fangs attached to the fur on the shoulders is exactly Kuchurin’s A symbol of strength once again. In the same way, his injury actually healed a long time ago, and now this picture is just a tactic to show the enemy’s weakness.

“It’s really troublesome…you guy, just like the final boss in the game, constantly changing state. Hey, don’t tell me you can be violent on top of this. That would be a headache. .”

“Be violent? I don’t need that kind of thing. Stop thinking about it, kid. I admit you are strong. But if you want to defeat me, this level is not enough!”

“Not enough…. That’s not necessarily. I can see, Cuchurin. Your Spiritual Artifact is overflowing. This time recovery is your limit!”

After comparing Maeve and Cuchulin, Zhao Huang decided to fight hard with Cuchulin.

――The Queen Maeve is vicious and merciless, but the Tale of the Bull is still Cú Chulainn’s world.

Only one person can make Maeve’s entire army scream, and all the trees are soldiers. This is Ulster’s strongest warrior, Kuchulin.

So, even if Zhao Huang had discovered that the Holy Grail was on Maeve, he still chose to fight with Cuchulin.

The probability of letting him get the Holy Grail must be eliminated. Otherwise, his recovery ability would not be comparable to that of his own Rune.

A mad king with no injury and unlimited magic power, that is simply despair itself.

“The limit…. What about the limit. You, who are about to run out of magic, are really at the limit!”

With a smile, Cú Chulainn raised a long Spear, like a four-legged wild beast, jumped up and rushed towards Zhao Huang.

The armor of the sea demonic beast has completely awakened, and the long tail is shaking restlessly, ready to be nailed into Zhao Huang’s body at any time.

As if using two magic spears at the same time, Kuchurin’s tactics are no longer fixed.

Ignoring the so-called elegance and beauty, he showed the wildness of fighting to the extreme.

After fighting again, Cuqiulin flipped over Zhao Huang’s head and fell in one step, short enough to brush the tip of the divine spear, then popped his tail fiercely and shot the divine spear away.

The tail of the outer skeleton armor worn by Cú Chulainn is made of a sea demonic beast. Seeing that the divine spear flies without any wear and tear, it is really unimaginable what a powerful monster the demonic beast in his lifetime was.

“Die kid!”

Pulling up his scarlet eyes, Cu Chulin used his three legs together, and a dash came to Zhao Huang.

At this distance, it is difficult for him to spread the long spear, as is Zhao Huang, who holds the longer divine spear.

So, he doesn’t need to worry about the counterattack from that weird big gun, he can dig out Zhao Huang’s heart as much as he wants, knock off his head, and kill this to force himself to this point. Enemy!

“All kinds of liberation-[the beast that bites the teeth]!”

Growling, Cú Chulainn liberated as his biggest trump card, and its importance is more important than Treasure Item of Gae Bolg.

The scarlet magic resounded all around along with the beating of the heart, and the outer skeleton covering all parts of Cuchulin’s body completely and thoroughly revived, cheering for the liberation of all killing intent and anger.

Under the impact of magical power like a torrent, the magic spear in Kuchulin’s hand melted quickly, turning into a mercury-like fluid, wrapped around his hands, shaped into eight sharp and sharp spearhead.

The outer skeleton deepens the erosion of the body, swallowing all the places other than the abdomen into the inside, and one after another bone spurs are inserted into the body of Kuchulin.

The head is wrapped in a helmet, and the scarlet spikes grow on the forehead like a horn.

Up to now, Kuchurin is convinced that Zhao Huang will become the biggest obstacle for the Celtics.

Galna, who is also the son of Sun God, can solve it with Arjuna who has taken refuge in. But in this way, the opponent of this guy in front of him is the only one left to be.

Counting on Maeve to solve him? This is impossible. Maeve how many catties and how many taels, Kuchulin knew very well.

The ominous premonition in my heart is getting heavier and heavier, as if I have forgotten someone’s existence.

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