This is a miracle thing, a precious treasure she has never received.

Also, the mechanical robot named Frankenstein is the first precious and beautiful experience since his birth.

There is no need to hesitate, or even regret.

It’s better to say that girls are even somewhat overwhelmed by emotions now.

Even if she missed the chance to realize her wish this time, it was a worthwhile trip.

She met the best lord.

Looking at the Black Rider in front of him, the immortal monster, Frankenstein struggled to drive his throat:

“Thank you…Master…”

This is the last word she left in this life.


Pour from the sky to the earth, or from the earth to the sky-the rays of light of jade green pouring down like a waterfall.

The proliferation that poured down like a towering tree to track the lightning strike completely ravaged the world.

Everything within the radius of two 100 meters was completely destroyed, and a strong smell of ozone wafted in the air.

The formidable power of this blow is even more powerful than the power black master imagined.

The blow that Zhao Huang released may be because it is not the relationship of Treasure Item after all. It only lasted for less than a second and was swallowed by the subtle spark that appeared to be so in front of the girl’s consciousness. unremarkable.

In the friendship with his companions, Zhao Huang at this time completely lost to the opposite.

The moment he was struck by Treasure Item, his magic power supply was cut off vaguely.

Due to the lightning strike at the same time, Zhao Huang did not notice this.

While Frankenstein got the help of the master, he got the backstab of the master.

However, Zhao Huang is also the Guardian who has come all the way with his own strength anyway, and hardship is one of his few advantages.

After a few seconds, the thundercloud dissipated and the smoke subsided.

A huge pothole was left where the two berserkers faced each other.

Almost at the same time, the magic of farsightedness, Atalante and Astorfo who were nearby, all reached the edge of the pothole.


In a different sense, people who are watching here at this moment have lost their words.

The body of Black Rider, which was already dark, now emits black smoke and the smell of burnt meat.

Black Rider, half-kneeling on the ground, supported his body with a long spear leaning on the soil.

On the armor covering the true face, there are spider web cracks everywhere.

The left shoulder and helmet were completely shattered, and there were hideous burn marks on the skin under it.

I won’t talk about the frying hair, my left eye was blinded, and half of my face was disfigured.

However, there is nothing wrong with the left arm.

Perhaps because the thunder and lightning smashed off the head, the only place he was injured was his head.

“Aiya, I was really beaten this time…”

Enduring the pain, Zhao Huang and Ata met their eyes, grinning helplessly.

He doesn’t dare to move at all now. The magic of within the body suddenly bottomed out, causing a crack in his defense midway.

Following the instructions of the contract, Zhao Huang turned his head and looked towards the jungle west of the city.

“…what are you going to do?”

035 Amakusa: I am very well prepared


However, the monster still hasn’t fallen, as if he really has an immortal body.

Under the blasted black armor, what was exposed was a face that was disfigured and indistinct, making it impossible to recognize the age, and the pale left arm that could not be completely covered by the tattered clothing.

Standing on the spot, he also has sufficient combat capability.

The superficial injury of trifling disfigurement can be cured in a blink of an eye as long as the master uses magic.

And repairing damaged armor requires no more magic power than releasing a Treasure Item.

――Monster can still fight.

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