The red light in his eyes began to fade, and Zhao Huang regained his sanity little by little.

I was hit by flames and resentment, and then opened the Treasure Item. The remaining magic power of Jack within the body was only enough for her to hold on for a while.

The wild beast who achieved the goal, retracted with satisfaction.

After eating the Zhao Huang who sent the Treasure Item just now, I was indifferent to Jack’s killing intent at this time.

Perhaps, this is the privilege he has now. At the moment when he received the Treasure Item, the resonance of maliciousness made him understand the existence of the girl in front of him.

Summon of the Assassin rank and their real name is Jack the Ripper. They are based on the collection of resentful spirits that existed around London’s Whitechapel district and many children who were aborted/conceived by prostitutes. Follower. They who have never survived, kill continuously in order to return to the womb.

In other words, they are the perpetrators born out of the “victim”.

“The game of revenge on society is about to come to an end, little girls.”

Pick up the long spear, Zhao Huang moved towards Jack step by step.

018 What did you get, and what did you lose

The dazzling scene made the red archer a little stunned.

“Berserker…has been relieved of frenzy? Why?”

Although she doesn’t know much about Zhao Huang, he is not crazy about this all the time, as an observation The range second only to Semiramis’s red follower, Atalante still knows.

However, she still shook her head inwardly.

The enemy has not been completely knocked down, the combat stance is lifted and so on. …This person is too naive.

Set up the bow, now that she lost her mist, she finally saw the enemy’s appearance clearly.

That was just a little girl. Poor, a little girl who made her aware of some kind of breath.

A trace of unbearable flashed in her eyes, but her hand did not hesitate.


The bow was pulled to the maximum, and the formidable power reached the A-level blow, piercing the atmosphere, leaving a circular wave of air, bursting out.

After that, I saw that the young man in jet black armor waved the long spear unintentionally.


With the strength of Grade A, berserker blocked this Grade A shelling bow and arrow.

The wrestling between the two shakes the atmosphere and winds up the wind. Asphalt road all split up and in pieces. The outer walls of nearby buildings were covered with dense cracks under this collision.

[archer? This assistance is too late. Moreover, it is not needed anymore. 】

Without stopping, Zhao Huang moved towards to the Liudao Lingxia side and Jack walked.


Although her body was trembling, Lingxia the Sixth Lead still stood in front of Jack.

[mother] opened her arms wide and stood in front of [daughter].

For an instant, Zhao Huang felt that the scene in front of him seemed a little fuzzy.

Perhaps, at this moment, he is the prisoner. The evil that should be defeated, isn’t he who intends to kill a mother’s daughter?

Squinted his eyes, the feeling in his heart is very complicated.

[As a result, isn’t the mother already found? Obviously this is the case, but hasn’t found any real precious things? 】

How sad that good luck makes people.

Stopping, Zhao Huang unfastened his helmet.

Suppressing the curse to the lowest level, he met the strong woman in front of him.

No matter who she is, as an ordinary person with no magical aura on her body, she can do this for her followers and stand up to a powerful follower. This is worthy of respect.

Not to mention, she faintly revealed some good mothers that Zhao Huang had never had the opportunity to see.

Zhao Huang can never do things that hurt such people.

“…Thank you for giving me a favor. Don’t worry, I won’t do anything to her anymore.”

The coldness in the words that were exported disappeared. Maybe even Zhao Huang didn’t realize it himself. His tone at this time was the most gentle since he came to this World.

Even the ferocious wild beast has a soft side.


Seeing such a young man, Liu Dao Lingxia’s body gradually relaxed.

However, she still does not intend to let him go.

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