The last Self-destruction purple-robed man also stalled just now for Jacintos.

Now, Zhao Huang can finally use the Treasure Item without any hesitation to kill Minocarbon.

So Zhao Huang agitated his magic power and speared the long spear raised high in a gun-throwing posture, stretching his right arm backward.

Circles of flames, like boosting power, spray out from the end of the long spear.

Feeling the vibration of the long spear, Zhao Huang opened his mouth and prepared to chant his real name, turning it into rays of light.

In this blow, Zhao Huang does not intend to leave the healing power.

In one blow, it is necessary to carbonylate Mino into fly ash!


The flame went out abruptly, Zhao Huang stared wide-eyed.

“…come soon!”

With the clearer voice, the distortion of magic tears the space around Zhao Huang.

He naturally knows what this feeling means.

Then, there is naturally only one kind of probability that can cause this kind of thing.

“This…has it hit the Tower of Babel! Are the families of Loki and the families of Freya eat rice!”

Zila– weng!

With the distortion of space, Zhao Huang disappeared without a trace.

“Ohhhhh~ao ao ao!!!”

On the spot, only Minorcao roared angrily.

For a long time, it stared at the big copper bell-like eyes, moved towards the white tower inserted into the cloud in the distance and rushed.


“Flame Volt!”

bang bang bang!

Three burning lightnings, lifted from Bell The palm of his left hand burst out.

The bombardment of flames of thunder set off billowing flames.

The last three-headed monster lost his life completely under the blow of quick attack magic.


Bell panted laboriously, feeling that his lungs were about to burn.

Up to now, Bell almost couldn’t maintain his consciousness. His vision was shaking, his body was trembling, and the right hand arm holding the short blade had already lost consciousness. He just leaned on the stiff muscles to hang the handle of the knife. Even Bell himself did not expect that he could hold on to this point.

One battle after another, one battle after another, the number of monsters seems to be simply endless. In every battle, Bell must bet his life. Every time he fights, Bell has to fight all his energy.

There is more than one leapfrog battle, and at least three enemies must be faced in a battle of the same level.

Obviously it is a battle on the ground, and the cost is even greater than when I am in Underground City.

I can’t see the chance of victory, or the end, I can only fight in vain, praying that the monster will die before he falls.

It’s as if you are playing the infinite strange hell mode without knowing it.

Bell didn’t know, all of this was hidden in the shadow of the buildings around the Tower of Babel, what the Freya family did.

They controlled the monster easily, and then released it at Bell at the right time for the battle.

In order to allow the Lord God to see enough radiant light of the soul, they used their upgraded experience to master the rhythm of the battle and squeezed out Bell’s last trace of probability and potential.

The brilliance of Bell now has reached the limit of his current level.

The white brilliance hopped and hopped, as if it was about to explode at any time.

This phenomenon indicates [upgrade].

It didn’t take long to become lv2, and Bell achieved the great cause of lv3.

This speed is not terrifying.

It’s just that at this time, no one except Freya knew about this.

“~~~I did it!!”

“Good job! I am obsessed with you, little brother!”

“Oh oh oh Oh!!!”

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