…a long time.

“Ting bell.”

As the feeble sound of the iron wire falling to the ground sounded, the girl’s eyes that could not cry were slightly red.

“If someone could come to rescue me, how good would it be?”


As if facing an unknown god Praying, the girl moved towards the top and stretched out her hand.

“No one, come and help me…!”

I don’t know how many times I have done such a call.

The girl also knows in her heart that it is impossible to come here.

This is just the last comfort that’s all.

Distorted chapped lips, the girl laughed feebly.

At this moment–

On the ground in front of the cage, the scarlet rays of light lit up.

At the same time, with the burning pain, three bright red marks were drawn on the back of the girl’s left hand.

I looked at the back of my hand blankly, and then at the strange pattern gradually forming outside the cage.

Accepting the knowledge slowly instilled in his mind, two lines of dirty tears flowed from the corners of the dirty girl’s eyes.

002 Out of the cage

In response to the girl’s last call, in the scarlet magic array, a teenager in a white uniform appeared.

Clothes were blown by the chaotic airflow in the basement. The teenager holding a black long spear in his right hand looked at the girl in the cage with his black pupils the same color as his hair.

“…servant Lancer. You are my master.”

The girl is thin enough to see the bones, and she looks like malnourished.

No matter how you look at this picture, it is a tragic state of imprisonment, which made Zhao Huang frowned slightly.

The rags wrapped around the girl’s body exposed two arms that seemed to be broken with a little force. .

On the back of her left hand, the bright red three strokes outline a pattern similar to the tip of a gun.

――The scarlet ground, the tip of a gun that seems to drip with blood at any time.

This pattern is called Lingshu, which is the symbol of the girl as the master.

Confirming his own judgment, Zhao Huang secretly mobilized his magic power to check his status.

Looking at the girl’s appearance, anyone is impossible to treat her as a magician. As for the special energy that can replace magic, it seems that there is no need to look forward to it.

[It seems that weakness also has its advantages. 】

Making a fist, Zhao Huang walked to the cage.

Although there is almost no supply of magic power, in terms of ability value, except for the magic power dropped by one level, the magnitude of the ability decline is weak enough to be ignored.


The tip of black’s gun slid across the iron cage, lifting all the locks hanging on the cage.

Without asking why this is the case, Zhao Huang stared at the girl in silence.

“Are you… here to save me?”

Sitting on the spot, the girl raised her neck and asked in a hoarse voice.

At this time, she is so fragile, as if as long as Zhao Huang’s answer is wrong, she might be completely broken.

“Yes. I’m here to save you, master.”

Seriously answered, Zhao Huang took the girl out of the cage, and then moved towards the exit of the basement go with.

He felt a little angry as he felt the faintly tightened body of the girl in his arms.

――The girl who summoned him out, Physique was so bad as to have suffered a famine.

As a human being, this kind of treatment is undoubtedly unacceptable to Zhao Huang as a modern person.

It is a good thing for Zhao Huang to be able to be summoned by the girl.

This girl undoubtedly needs help.

“You…do not dislike…me?”

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