the direction of Roman鈥檚 fingers, Ma Xiu turned his head with Fu Fu who was lying on her shoulder.

Zhao Huang and Altria are standing there, and the faint spirits dispersed from them. It seems that the two of them deliberately waited until now to materialize.

“You are really throwing me a difficult question, Romani. Well, if you answer from the point of view of the gods, all lives are’meaningless existences’, including gods Myself. Growing for death, this kind of sad, painful and futile behavior certainly doesn’t have any meaning.”

The cold answer I had just heard in the morning made Matthew’s eyes widened in surprise. She didn’t expect this remark to come out of Mr. Zhao Huang’s mouth.

Even Altria narrowed her eyes as if feeling unwell.

“Well, human beings are not gods. God鈥檚 point of view and so on loves how to do it. The so-called 鈥渕eaning鈥?is the definition of the other through the understanding, which is the evaluation of history. A person who is still alive, no matter what he does, he doesn鈥檛 know what it means–at most, what it means to him. In a broad sense, people can only comment on the meaning after his death.”

After that, Zhao Huang lightly patted the girl’s shoulder.

“Masiu has taken a big step forward when thinking about such troublesome things. However, now you only need to consider what it means to yourself. The meaning of life is for you. What it means to say. Use your eyes to witness, and then use your heart to get the answer.”

“Yes, Mr. Zhao Huang. I’m leaving.”

” Oh, a good journey~”

Watching the excited Ma Xiu enter the cabinet, the smile on Zhao Huang’s face gradually disappeared.

There is a touch of magical power remaining on her body.

She was called here as soon as she was in bed. It seems that someone interfered with her earlier. The magical power Zhao Huang is not familiar with is probably the only one who can do this kind of thing.

This guy has stretched his hands a little longer.

“…Then, the transfer of the soul begins!”

Took a deep breath, and Roman officially issued the instruction.

The broadcast in the control room began to report on the work situation.

The anti-summon system starts. Lingzi conversion is complete. The spiritual transfer begins.

The whole project is completed. Start the actual verification of the seventh crown designation.

As the excess light blue spirit flashed away, the human form in the basket disappeared without a trace.

Masho and Tachibana were successfully sent to BC by the power of all Chaldeans.

“It turns out that the process of the transfer of the soul is like this.”

Staring at the basket, Altria was looking thoughtful.

“Okay, don’t look, Altria. We should start.”

“hmph, got it.”

Holding hands Together, the magical brilliance of golden and black lit up on the two of them.

“Huh? Wait? Zhao Huang, where are you going?”

Roman was puzzled.

Accordingly speaking, even Zhao Huang, if he can’t go with the cabinet, he can only wait for Tachibana to summon him over. Although, in his special circumstances, summon may not be needed. However, this does not mean that he can go by himself?

“Do you still have to ask, Romani, of course they are going to Tachibana’s side~”

Da Vinci saw through the truth.

“Yes, I am indeed a Da Vinci pro. Using the contract of the follower as a medium, I can locate Tachibana in a peculiar point. Then, I counter-summon at the cost of a lot of magic , I can pass. It鈥檚 the same with Altria as my servants. With us, don鈥檛 panic no matter what happens. That鈥檚 it, let鈥檚 go.”

Empty Shao’s hand waved to Roman, who opened his mouth in surprise, and the silhouettes of Zhao Huang and Altria dissipated in the brighter magical light.

“…That’s the generation of God, he can actually use that uncertain environment as the destination to conduct anti-summon?”

Zhao Huang can do anti-summon. , Roman knew it before. But, that’s the god generation? The general anti-Summoning Spell style is basically impossible!

However, with Zhao Huang using mission time (and correction points) these days to study Da Ming Poems, his understanding of “world” is no longer what it used to be. Even if it is a god, it can still be positioned with a little effort.

In the eyes of Roman who doesn’t know this, Zhao Huang’s attainments in summon and anti-Summoning Spell are at least equivalent to his own.

It is clear that Zhao Huang could not do this not long ago. Did he hide it, or did he hide something?

Slightly, a little worried. However, now that Roman has no choice but to believe in Zhao Huang.

“Must be fine, Tachibana, Matthew…!”

“Ai, every time you worry about this, but when did they successfully overcome the difficulties? We just need to do our job well, and trust them, Romani.”

sighed, Leonardo took a seat on the plane prepared for her. The ordinary person employee who is usually responsible here has now been transferred to other less important seats.

The existence of this time proves that without the power of her genius, it is most likely to fail.

The so-called god generation is an era that has been blurred to this point.

Its truth and its dangers are beyond imagination of many followers.

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