Song Tan Jishi

Vol 311 Chapter 1168: 1168 left a hand

  Chapter 1168 1168. Save a hand

Boss Chang stayed happily at Lao Song's house for most of the day. When he was full of harvest, he couldn't help but check the WeChat Moments.

 Seeing that Boss Zhao’s circle of friends had just been updated with radish and cabbage, he couldn’t help but feel a little sour in his heart.

 But the top-end version was sold to him, and he couldn't express his sourness. At this moment, he just snorted, turned around with his cell phone, and pretended to send a video casually.

No information that should be disclosed in the video was leaked. Only a few familiar faces vaguely flashed through. The main one was only shown to Lao Zhao, which can be called affection.

Thinking about it, I felt so excited even when I got in the car and started.

Song Tan washed the fishy smell off his hands and took a look at his phone again, thinking that this was really childish.

Fortunately, there is no conflict in positioning, otherwise we might have to fight when we meet.


At Youranju, since there were not many customers all day long, the kitchen was left to the apprentices - anyway, some of the special dishes are pre-made, and it doesn't matter whether they are skilled or not.

As for the chef team... two or three chefs have been laid off in the past few months, and now there are only five chefs left who have been meeting with the boss for a whole day.

 To be precise, I had been scolded for a whole day unilaterally. It was already dark when I left the office, which made me feel even more dizzy.

 The only few live broadcast customers are already there. I left early, but now everyone is too lazy to even search for reviews online, they just sit there in a daze.

 “If that doesn’t work, let’s find another job.”

“That’s right, can you blame us if business is not good?”

“I just said don’t use pre-made dishes, don’t use pre-made dishes, if you have to use them, no one will come, right?”

 “Stop it, buy braised pork for 9 yuan a piece in a group purchase, how can you make money without pre-making?”

 “That 9 yuan per serving is not much! Why can’t you earn it?”

“The rent, water, electricity and labor are so expensive, what can we do with just a few dollars?”

“Then you can’t expect to pay for the rent, water and electricity with just one dish...”

“Okay, okay, stop arguing! Now is the time to argue about this! Think about finding a new home!”

 But it’s not so easy to find a new home at this time.

Especially the chef Bai Yan. He has rarely done anything himself in the past year. He just fought with the boss to get the store's dividends, and the business collapsed.

The chef industry also needs reputation. He is now in his forties or fifties, and his physical fitness is declining. Where can he find a suitable one now?

The house I just bought is still paying for the loan, and the loan is also high. Now that there is no such income, this...

At this moment, staring at the bustling Changleju, he couldn't help but spit: "Made."

It happened that there were too many people and cars at the entrance of Changleju, so I temporarily called out a few waiters to help support them. Seeing their chefs at the door, the waiter rolled his eyes and went in with his head held high.

 This made Bai Yan angry!

The waiter looked familiar. Didn't they live in Leisure before? Now, once he gained the upper hand, he started to tremble!

Little did he know that people on the other end were also whispering about him!

“You don’t think the chef at Youranju looks like a human being. In fact, when we worked there, we scolded him every day!”

 “What’s going on?”

"Originally, the hotel provided meals for employees, but he and his gang deliberately made the meals for employees so small and unpalatable that they couldn't eat them. In the end, everyone had to pay for meals outside... Later, everyone After complaining several times, they calmed down a bit.”

 But the food is still unpalatable. “No way, their chef doesn’t want to eat it himself?”

“They don’t want to eat it! They eat in a small stove every day and are full of fat. When the apprentices cook for us, they either sprinkle sugar or salt on it, and it’s impossible to swallow it.”

The people in Changleju are all old employees who have been working for many years. At the moment, they can’t understand the logic here at all. They just asked in surprise: “Then what are they trying to do?”

 “What are you looking for? Just money!”

The waiter was bright-eyed: "At that time, I heard that their kitchen staff signed a contract with the boss. They don't need a basic salary and get dividends every year... Doesn't this mean that we eat too much? The food we cook is unpalatable and less. If you don’t see a few pieces of meat in a month, you can save a lot of money.”

“Bah! If you know how to save money, why don’t you get rich? Is life too miserable?”

 Good guy!

 Everyone looked at her sympathetically: "No wonder you have gained 10 pounds in just two months since you came to our place. We thought you were overworked..."

 Their Changleju can make employees reluctant to leave for more than ten or twenty years, so the food aspect is certainly not bad.

This year, the boss has negotiated with a new supplier. No matter how the supply of ingredients exceeds demand every day, the kitchen can still cook a pot for everyone every now and then.

What kind of vegetable porridge, shredded radish cake, etc...

Even if it is a limited supply for everyone, compare it with the opponent and judge!

The chef Bai Yan opposite him took out his mobile phone and contacted a few old friends, hoping to find another job that he wanted through their contacts.

 However, he has always behaved like a villain. Whenever he contacted him, the other party would hesitate and do Tai Chi.

Half a day passed, and no one gave me an accurate answer. It wasn't until he hung up the phone angrily and scrolled through his Moments that he saw Boss Chang's Moments across the street.

Each of them has added a small account to Boss Chang’s WeChat account in order to know themselves and the enemy.

Now he saw the other person wandering around in a building like a rural villa. Even after decades, he recognized the figure that flashed past him instantly!

 Song, Master Song!

 He turned pale and couldn't figure out why Boss Chang had this person in his circle of friends.

Haven’t he always stayed in his hometown?

Over the years, I have paid attention to the other person from time to time. Obviously, the last time I saw the photo I was sent, it was a couple wandering around the supermarket, looking dejected and about to die.

 But why did the figure that flashed past look so red and energetic?

And Boss Chang!

Thinking of those raving dishes across the street, I vaguely heard that they were purchased from a base in some mountain village...

 When it comes to understanding ingredients, no one knows it better than the chef. And today, Changleju secretly sent out invitations saying there was a whole fish banquet...

 Bai Yan connected the things in his mind instantly!

 He narrowed his eyes and his expression became increasingly ugly.

Okay! Let’s just say that when I was a disciple before, the old guy really kept a secret!

They also talked about raising him as a son, and what about the old tradition of apprenticeship and apprenticeship in this industry... Now you know, the old guy was on guard against him, and he had a trump card in his hand and didn't teach him!

If these top-quality ingredients are all made by him, then why should he linger on a mere chef position now? !

 With these as stepping stones, I don’t know how many dignitaries I can meet, and how prosperous my career can be!

It’s not like the guy surnamed Chang opposite, who only does catering!


 What a waste of natural resources!

Update 1, a new book will be released at midnight, you can probably see it when you wake up tomorrow morning!



 (End of this chapter)

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