History is always so similar. No, I can only say that George felt the evil taste from the new boss, the half-dead Gaudous.

Touching the dark green bone and claw marks engraved on his chest, George can feel faintly discernable that his heart has been "gently" kneaded by the half-dead man Goudus' Undead palm This-the strongest single forbidden spell in the legendary curse class, the hand of death, once hit, regardless of the space distance, it can instantly kill the subject anytime and anywhere.

It can be said that George, who was cursed by the half-dead Gaudous, can't escape Gaudous's Five Fingers Mountain, whether he likes it or not.

"Damn it, I was called again, these aloof and remote bastards know the value of exploiting me. So no matter which country it is, the leader is fucking black when it is cut. ..."

George, who was extremely, very, and extremely dissatisfied with his treatment, kept complaining and cursing along the way, until the unicorn Nick under George repeatedly reminded him that his destination had arrived. Finally recovered from the state of broken thoughts.

"Is it here? It seems that I didn't find the wrong place."

The location where George is now is a seemingly ordinary human estate. The owner of the manor seems to be hosting a banquet, and from time to time he can hear happy laughter and cheerful voices coming from the manor.

At the entrance of the manor, masked human guards are diligently inspecting the guests who come to the banquet. The countless well-dressed guests in the beautifully decorated caravan can be said to be a city. Busy traffic.

Although it looks roughly, this manor is nothing special, but after watching it carefully, George observed that although there are a large number of human women among the guests, there are normally many. Brahman Space, which is the Blood Race activity in midair above the core area of ​​the city, appeared in this manor in an uncharacteristic manner, and the number accounted for half of the guests; most importantly, when George was just near the manor gate, he His nose already smelled the faintly discernable scent of fresh blood floating from the depths of the manor.

Blood Feast, the annual celebration of Blood Race. At this time of the year, the blood moon in the night sky will be larger and more colorful than usual, and the starry sky will also be stained. Blush, during the transmission, the patriarch of the Seven Great Family, the most powerful in Blood Race, was given the first embrace by Dracula, the ancestor of vampire, under the light of this blood moon!

In order to commemorate their new life, the blood race descendants and collateral descendants of the Seven Great Family gathered together to chat together, exchange feelings, and covet to establish a strong covenant of intergenerational friendship, even if the dead are now overshadowed by the sky. On Sunday, the sky is no longer the light of the blood moon, and the blood feast is still held as scheduled.

"Dear sir, are you here for the banquet too?"

George, who stopped at the entrance of the manor, naturally aroused the vigilance of the guard at the gate, but perhaps it was Because the guests are very popular this time, the guard's attitude when asking George is also very polite, for fear that George will be unhappy because of improper wording.

It just so happens that George also needs these guards as guides.

"Yes, I also came to participate in the blood feast, but my friend seems to have gone first, and the invitation letter he handed me was lost by me. What a headache!"

With the help of the telepathic innate talent, George has already figured out the necessary conditions for entering the manor: either he has an invitation issued by the owner of the manor, or he is a Blood Race, or he is led by Blood Race. Of humans.

In terms of identity, George naturally has no problem. Ordinary humans can’t distinguish the difference between Blood Race and Half Blood Race, not to mention that George has slightly changed his image with a disguise spell, pale The sharp and unusual tiger tooth on both sides of his face and the corners of his mouth make him more like a Blood Race than a Blood Race in a vampire cloak. Unless George is injured, or a thoroughbred Blood Race stronger than George appears, no one will be able to see his semi-Blood Race identity.

"That’s right, then what is your friend’s name so that we can let him come out and pick you up."

It is quite common to lose the invitation letter, as long as you have already entered Friends in the field can just pick George in. However, the guards are reluctant to run this leg from the bottom of their hearts. The reason is that no one wants to disturb a big person who is enjoying the banquet. Naturally, they will not blast their anger on friends who made mistakes. Instead, they will be responsible for their duties. The guards of, but often become bad luck eggs vented by big shots.

George naturally understood the inner thoughts of the guards, so he took out a few Gold Coins from his pocket and quietly stuffed them into the guards' arms.

"My friend is Ike Hamlet. His name is definitely on your list. With years of friendship and understanding between me and him, I guess it is not convenient for him to pick me up now. Several Captains, It’s the first time for me to participate in the Blood Feast. Can you take my friend and take me inside to recognize a way?"

Ike Hamlet, the Blood I met on the George Intercity Caravan before. Race "Second Young Master" of the Hamlet family. It is estimated that this "Second Young Master" would not have expected that he would be tricked by the same person again without knowing it.

While the dazzling Gold Coin succeeded in attracting the guards’ attention, another skill branch of the telepathic innate talent-psychic suggestion, combined with sufficiently true lies, successfully induced the guards’ thinking and idea. After the two-pronged approach, George successfully lifted the guards' guards and made them sincerely willing to help themselves and become their own guide.


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