"Come on, come on!"

"Let’s all get to know each other"

"These two are apprentices who came to study in the kitchen. One is named Shazhu and the other is named Lu Feng."

Zhou Yihai walked into the kitchen and shouted to everyone who was busy.

There were about ten people in the kitchen at this time. After hearing the call, they all looked towards the door.

Lu Feng took a look at the environment in the kitchen.

The entire back kitchen actually occupies quite a large area. In the middle is a large long table with various ingredients such as cabbage, potatoes, vermicelli, white noodles, sweet potatoes, etc. There is a wooden shelf in front, and there are also ingredients hanging on it, but Mainly dry goods and bacon.

On the left are three fire-burning stoves, including two large pots and one small pot.

On the right are three large steamers, as well as various chopping boards and kitchen knives. There is also a hanging stove directly above the kitchen The banner read: Always strive for the top, work hard!

There is an aisle through the back kitchen, and there are several small rooms going in, which should be the place where the factory leaders entertain guests in the drama.

Then there are the people in the back kitchen, he scanned At first glance, no one looked familiar.

But this is normal.

It has been 65 years since the plot unfolded in the previous life, and now Silly Zhu and him have just entered the factory.

However, through the position of each person, he has a rough understanding of the positions of these people..

Kitchen staff are divided into three different types: red desk, white desk, and reception.

The most important of them is the red desk, which can be subdivided into several types of work such as stove, dumpling, cold dish, cage pot, and water desk..

Then there are the chores, loading, assembly and other service staff who serve the red case master.

As for the white case, they are mainly responsible for the production of cakes, noodles and pastries. The work includes everything from the initial processing of raw materials, finishing to finished products. Process flow.

Reception is the simplest, equivalent to the waiter in the store, mainly shouting and serving food.

The chefs working on the stove are divided into one stove, two stoves, three stoves and even four or five stoves.

Kitchen comparison A large restaurant has more than ten stoves.

The closer it is to the front, the more powerful the chef is!

Lu Feng noticed that standing next to the stove was a man in his forties with a Chinese character and a handsome face. He seems to be a bit honest master.

This is very different from Zhou Yihai, who has a stern look, an old face, and a villain look on his face.

"As for the people in the kitchen, I won’t introduce them."

"Apprentice, then there must be apprenticeship rules. Zhou

Yihai continued to say coldly, but he did not ask any master to take care of Lu Feng and Shazhu.

"Silly Zhu, go and sharpen all those kitchen knives. If you can't sharpen them quickly, you won't be allowed to get off work today!"

"As for Lu Feng, you just do chores in the kitchen and do whatever the chef tells you to do."

He arranged work for the two of them.

One will sharpen the kitchen knife, and the other will do the chores.

The chores are equivalent to doing all the work in the kitchen. It is the most tiring and difficult to learn real things.

However, being a chore is better than grinding The kitchen knives must be good.

There are more than forty kitchen knives in the kitchen, and it takes at least ten minutes to sharpen one kitchen knife. After sharpening all the kitchen knives, your hand will be useless.

And who is here to sharpen kitchen knives on the first day of being an apprentice? Zhou Yihai just wanted to deliberately mess with Silly Zhu

"Director Zhou, there is no need to sharpen so many kitchen knives. Besides, just watch and learn from the kitchen when the baby comes."

At this time, the honest-looking chef persuaded.

However, the Erzao chef on the side gave him a look and told him not to talk nonsense.

As soon as he entered the back kitchen, he was assigned to sharpen the kitchen knife.

It was obviously this guy named Silly Zhu. Director Zhou was offended.

Otherwise, why would he be so targeted at the newcomers.

During this period, the factory leaders had a lot of opinions on the kitchen. If Director Zhou was unhappy again, everyone would be criticized.

As expected.

After hearing this , Afterwards, Zhou Yihai’s face suddenly fell.

"Yang Aiguo, what do you mean?"

"Are you the canteen director, or am I the canteen director?"

"After that shameless thing He Daqing left, I reported to the leaders of the factory and asked you to be the chef of the stove."

"The results of it? You can't even cook big pot dishes well, and the workers complain every day!"

"I didn't come to trouble you, but you still pretended to be in front of me, right?"

Zhou Yihai almost pointed at his nose and scolded the other party, not giving him a good look at all.

Yang Aiguo also blushed.

He can't argue, he only knows how to cook. He used to cook in the army and never went to a restaurant. I have studied cooking, so my cooking skills are very average.

After entering the steel rolling mill, there was no trouble with Master He as the back cook.

As a result, Master He suddenly ran away some time ago.

Although Yang Aiguo was promoted to a stove, But he knew that his cooking skills were not as good as Master He.

But in the army, he used to cook big pots of food like this, and the soldiers all praised his delicious cooking.

Why did the workers taste so bad when he arrived at the factory? So cunning.

Now the workers dislike him for not being good at cooking in large pots, and the boss won't let him cook in small stir-fries.

Yang Aiguo once cooked in small stir-fries before, and almost made the factory director vomit.

Since then, he has never done anything. Fried.

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