Sign in to the Zhundi Xiuwei At The Beginning to Suppress The Dark Turmoil

Chapter 709 Feeling ashamed, the injury aggravates!

Immediately attracted a lot of people to come.

They are not for the fun.

but to escort.

But once outside, no one dared to go in.

Without him, there are no enemies here, only two of them kneeling on their heads.

And they are the two close guards of the Emperor of Heaven.

These two people seem to be very valued by the Emperor of Heaven, especially Lin Cong.

This time, he even brought him to crusade against the Rakshasa clan, which was obviously a chance for him to make meritorious deeds.

Even when he was ambushed by the Rakshasa clan, he would protect him.

This shows how much the Emperor of Heaven attached great importance to him, and some even felt that the Emperor of Heaven attached no less importance to Lin Cong than Qin Xiu.

But such a highly regarded person.

Why are you kneeling there?

Why is there bleeding on the forehead?

Why is the God of Heaven so angry when he sees him?

These questions made them unable to move their footsteps at all.

One by one, at the risk of being reprimanded by the Heavenly Emperor, they stood outside.

No one dared to speak, no one dared to look away, not wanting to miss what was happening in front of them.


The Heavenly Emperor, who was in rage, didn't seem to want to pay attention to them.

No reprimand, no expulsion.


They were completely absent from the Heavenly Emperor's sight at the moment.

For everyone, this couldn't be better.

Qin Xiu stood in the front row outside the hall, eager to rush in and ask them what happened.

He looked at Lin Cong worriedly, doubting whether it was because of his own words, Lin Cong went to inquire.

As a result, he was held accountable by the Heavenly Emperor, and the trouble became what it is now.

Although he wanted to know how the Heavenly Emperor's injury was, he didn't want to see the blindness appear.

If the jungle is disposed of later, what will he do with himself?

For a time, Qin Xiu could not wait to rush in immediately.

But seeing Heavenly Emperor's unprecedented gloomy expression, he was a little dazed, and he didn't dare to go in at all.

While he was hesitating, the Heavenly Emperor suddenly spoke up.

"I am too indulgent to you on weekdays."

"You who indulge don't distinguish between high and low."

"You dare to trespass in, you just ignore me!"

As soon as this word comes out.

The people outside the hall instantly knew what had happened.

Dare these two people trespassed in?

How bold!

No matter how easy-going the Heavenly Emperor is, some taboos cannot be violated.

Can you enter without announcing it? Isn't this nonsense?

Invasion is also a glimpse.

This was a little different from what he thought.

Even if he asked Lin Cong to find out the truth and tell him.

But not in such a hurry, right?

Can't you watch it slowly in a few days?

What do you want to do when you break in directly? Do you ask directly?

This is simply...


There is no reason for this.

Don't say God.

He was a little angry.


"It was me who trespassed, and I admitted my mistake and punished me.

"But Lin Cong just wanted to stop me, he didn't break in on purpose."

"Also ask God to be extra gracious!

Zhou Yi interceded for Lin Cong.

Lin Cong spoke hurriedly.

"It was the Heavenly Emperor's injury that I mentioned to him first.

"It was only when he was worried that he would barge in and ask.

"In any case, I was at fault, and to blame.

"I also asked the Emperor of Heaven to punish me, and I am happy with it."

The two of them said those words.

Everyone instantly understood how the whole thing was going.

It turned out to be so.

But it's too silly.

No trespassing is allowed.

But everyone also knew that Zhou Yi was a little impulsive.

Otherwise, the Heavenly Emperor would not value Lin Cong more.

But this time, Lin Cong was also at fault. He was usually so prudent, but this time, he didn't think about it.

Is God so angry?

I believe that God is very disappointed in them.

Only this time, the Heavenly Emperor seemed to be extraordinarily strict.

Even though their faces were covered in blood, they did not soften at all.

This surprised them a bit.

Tiandi has always been very easy-going, even sometimes very talkative.

As long as you don't make mistakes, the Heavenly Emperor will never criticize anything.

And if you make a mistake, admit your mistake sincerely, and be willing to accept the punishment, it will also let the Emperor of Heaven open up.

The last time they saw Tiandi speak so harshly was when they misunderstood Su Xuanji.

The Heavenly Emperor gave them the feeling that he was going to strip them alive.

This time was not as scary as last time, but not by much.

Just two people trespassing, why are they so angry?

There were some doubts in everyone's heart for a while.

at this time.

The Heavenly Emperor suddenly swayed.

He opened his mouth to vomit blood, and then fell backwards.

Everyone was instantly shocked.

Not thinking about anything anymore, they rushed into the hall one after another.

"々 God!

"What exactly is going on?

"Does it really hurt badly?

(Okay, okay) Everyone exclaimed in surprise.

at the same time.

Su Xuanji shot in time to hold Tiandi.

He then supported him and sat down cautiously.

Then everyone stopped in a hurry, and Lin Cong and Zhou Yi, who suddenly got up because of shock, also knelt back.

The faces of both of them were very wonderful.

The guilt can't be added, the other has a heavy face and a pair of eyes staring at the Emperor of Heaven, unwilling to relax.

At this time.

Su Xuanji stared sharply, looked at Lin Cong and Zhou Yi and spoke.

"You two are bold."

"Breaking in and interrupting my healing for the Emperor of Heaven. 35

"Although I closed my hand in time, it still made Heavenly Emperor's injury aggravated.

"Do you know that Heavenly Emperor's injury is already..." Pregnant.

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