Fei Lan glanced at Banner and probably knew what he was thinking, but he was not ready to say anything more.

Stay if you can, or go to Saka Star if you can't.


Fei Lan and Natasha's group joined together and used the horse charm to wake up the comatose people. Although the illusion was lifted, the sequelae still took a while.

It is impossible to fight in a short time.

At this time,

Hill, who was sitting in the rear, spoke: "You first find a place to hide where Ultron can't find it, and we will notify you as soon as we have news~¨."

"Is there any problem on your side?" Fei Lan asked concerned.

"It's not that you don't know what I have, and I wish Ultron came to trouble me." Hill said confidently.


Hill has a fluttering fruit in his left hand and a thundering fruit in his right hand, which is a unit of "pure physical damage" such as Tianke Ultron.

"Where are we going then?" Fei Lan looked around.

He doesn't have any safe houses to remove, so he can't take everyone to Chaidar, right?

The veteran agent Patton said: "I'll arrange it. Hill, you send a Kun-style fighter."

"No, I have it." Fei Lan said.

The space of his system is infinite, and he has stored a lot of miscellaneous things. The Kun-style fighters were still more than a dozen when they destroyed S.H.I.E.L.D.


Everyone got on the Kun-style fighter, and was driven by Patton after turning on the stealth mode.

"It will take a few hours, everyone can rest first." Barton said.

Of course Fei Lan knew that Barton was going to take everyone to his house.


He knew the approximate location. Barton didn't go home less before, and the ghost remembered it clearly.

However, considering Patton's privacy, Fei Lan did not mention it.

Instead, he said, "Batton, you drive, I'll take someone back to sleep on the big bed... Who wants to be with me?"

He has a dark world, and it is very convenient to come and go!

Tony and the others responded immediately, why would they be crowded into a Kun-style fighter in a room with a big bed?

Only Sol thoughtfully chose to leave.


Only Patton was left driving the Kun-style fighter alone, and his eyelids twitched.

He now has something NMSL (that's fine) to say!

Fei Lan directly showed everyone on his island, where a basic building was also built, with villas, farms, and more.

It's just that the location here is not a secret, it's okay to stay for the time being, don't think about hiding.

How many satellites in the sky are staring at it right now.

Everyone was also tired physically and mentally, and they gathered together to chat for a while, and then they dispersed to rest.

As for Fei Lan,

There is not much to do, so many people are not suitable for pretense.

the next day.

It was just dawn, and Barton, who was driving fatigued, sent a signal that everyone who had been on standby for a long time immediately came to Barton's safe house through the dark world.

- their home!

Patton and his wife Laura, the eldest daughter, the youngest son, and the unborn child are all waiting.

Seeing Fei Lan and others coming,

Laura greeted her very gently, and then everyone stayed here.

I have to say, there are a lot of people.

But Fei Lan just sent everyone over. After a few chats, he took Natasha and Skye back to New York's Avengers Building.

To put it nicely, it is sitting in the base camp.

But in fact, it is the art masters who are bold and use themselves as bait, and Ultron dares to come to them to trouble them, it is absolutely no return.

For this,

Everyone is full of confidence. If even Fei Lan can't deal with Ultron, then this battle doesn't need to be fought.

the following few days,

Fei Lan was living a normal life, and Ultron did not intend to come to trouble him at all.

Rogers and others are also recovering the trauma of their hearts, and everything they have seen from the fantasy world needs time to heal.

But in the dark, the waves are turbulent!

Sol also found Eric, hoping to return to the illusion from the ".々Water Spirit" side. He felt that he seemed to have overlooked something.


Yan Huang is always paying attention (is it good), watching Ultron capture Zhao Hailun with the Mind Gem, and then use her "regeneration cradle", with the Mind Gem as the core and vibration gold as the raw material, to create a for himself. "Perfect Body"

It is the predecessor of "Vision".

In order to ensure the plot,

Fei Lan also asked Yan Huang to shield some of the clues that Ultron had exposed, so that he could not only prepare the "Zhenjin Body", but also plan the "World Destruction Plan".

Anyway, when the need arises, he can assemble the Avengers by saying hello.

in this way,

A week has passed Joe.

The Avengers were extremely irritable because of Yanhuang's intervention and achieved nothing.

On the contrary, Ultron is very smooth!

Zhao Hailun has reconstructed a perfect body of vibrating gold with the soul gem as the core, and has already started to transfer the consciousness of Ultron into a "living creature" with "flesh and blood".

This also gave DeWanda the opportunity to sense the "heart" of Ultron......

Chapter 133

The earth, meteorites, the sky, the extinction of the world, the end of mankind!

This is what Wanda sees about Ultron's plan in "The Body of Vibration".

Let Wanda be extremely shocked!

She screamed and took a step back, causing Ultron to stand up and seem to have noticed something, but couldn't be sure.


No one found out that Fei Lan, who had a 100% reflective layer on, quietly emerged from Wanda's shadow.

This was when he fled Barton with Wanda before, and put it into Wanda's shadow aboveboard.

After a short buffer,

Wanda immediately questioned: "Ultron, you told us that we just need to destroy the Avengers and create a better world..."

"It will be better." Ultron said firmly.

"A world without humans?" Wanda demanded. "Let us all die?"

"NO, of course not." Ultron retorted: "Humans are part of the biological chain. Of course I can't kill all of them, just most of them..."

"Just? Most?" Wanda felt very absurd: "We are not crazy enough to destroy humanity, you lied to us!"


Ultron looked down at the cradle of life indifferently, and inside was his body of Zhenjin.

With it,

He is confident that he can fight against the Avengers!Against that terrifying dimensional observer!

And just as he bowed his head,

Wanda quietly drives the power of crimson, eliminating the power of the mind gem that bewitched Zhao Hailun, and restoring her sanity.

Zhao Hailun knew deeply what she had done while being controlled by Ultron.


She silently modified the program, preparing to disconnect the link between Ultron and Zhenjin's body.

But just halfway through, Ultron was keenly aware of it.

"Oh, there are always people who resist." Ultron said helplessly.

He fired energy rays at Zhao Hailun, and Pietro was also about to pick up his sister and run away.

But the accident happened!

Fei Lan showed his figure, stopped in front of Zhao Hailun to reflect Ultron's energy ray, followed by one after another thunder alchemist jumped out and precisely smashed all the Ultron splits in the laboratory.

Including the one that talked to Wanda, it was also destroyed on the spot and turned into molten iron and scattered on the ground.

Seeing that Fei Lan appeared,

Pietro was not ready to run, and Wanda was greatly relieved.

"You are here." Wanda hurriedly said: "Ultron is going to destroy the world! His plan is..."

"I understand, I understand, meteorites are falling from the sky." Fei Lan waved his hand and said, "This is no big deal. By comparison, let's deal with this first."

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