Shura’s Wrath

Chapter 342: Unknown tomorrow (on)

If the water leaves like a sharp thorn deep in their hearts, let them cry. Whether it is for Ling Chen or every day, this pain will last for a long time... or it will never disappear. But fortunately, Ling Chen has woke up, they are with each other, even if they are painful, they will not be desperate again. They will follow the promises of the past, with the common thoughts of the water, and accompany each other.

Ling Chen’s amazing physique made him recover quickly after he woke up, and his wounds healed more quickly. There were more than a dozen wounds on his face, which were completely unsuccessful, but now it is good seven or seven eight, and even the scars are not left. This is more than the monster's self-healing ability, which makes him detached from the mortal world countless times. Those who have enough normal people to die and injure countless times have been on his body for only a few days and have begun to recover.

In the afternoon, in the afternoon, Ling Chen has already left the state of powerlessness and has the strength of action. He moved his body, and there was no other discomfort in the body except for the burning pain, which made him completely relieved. He stretched out his left hand, and the five blood holes that were stabbed by the wolf in his hand had healed almost the same. In a few more days, the mark should disappear.

During his time of restoring his strength, he relied on him every day, his hands firmly holding his clothes, for fear that he would disappear when he let go. He reached out to the weak body every day and said softly: "Every day, after I left that night, what happened... I told you in detail, let me know in detail, okay?"

His last two memory faults, one that was holding the throat of Long Tianyun, but fell weakly, the consciousness dissipated, and the other was awakened by Mu Bingyao, and then coma again. During this period, there are still things that he will not know. But he can guess that it was the ghost tooth who rushed into the dragon house and saved him. However, with the strength of the dragon's guardian power, they must bear such a heavy loss.

He remembered that Mu Bingyao told him that the ghost knife was dead... Perhaps, there are other more companions who died in the Dragon House in order to save him. After he woke up, he couldn’t see Mu Bingyao, but only every day... Obviously, it was chased behind him, Mu Bingyao stopped, and then let him escape with him every day...

He couldn't imagine how he used his thin body to take him so far away, and he went to the Dragon House and Ghosts and they never found a place. The blood on her shoes stabbed his heart like a steel thorn.

For every day, for those who died to save him, he has no reason to go to selfish death.

Nodded every day, the body leaned against Ling Chen’s body more hard. When he woke up, she finally stopped being so scared. She could put everything down and rely on him: “I suddenly saw my brother disappeared, everyone is good. Anxious, Ghost Brother said that he knows where you went, with everyone to find you, leaving only Mister Sister to protect me, and after they left, I and Mister Sister wanted to accompany her sister, but found My sister is gone."

Ling Chen, who was quietly listening, suddenly became a spurt, and the breathing became urgent. He subconsciously grasped the little hand of the day, and asked in disappointment: "If you say... If she is gone, what does it mean? What does it mean? Why not see it? Already?"

"I don't know, I don't know at all." Every day, when she shook her head in fear, she remembered her sister who suddenly sounded that night. Her heart was still helpless: "When I found out that my brother left, my sister was still there. We all I saw it. But after the ghost brothers left, my sister... I’m gone. I’ve been looking around for a long time with my sister, and I haven’t found it. It’s like... it’s like disappearing suddenly. Sister and Mu were so scared at the time, but no matter how they found it, they could not find it."

"...I found out that I am not there. When you find out if you don't see, how long have you been in the middle?" Ling Chen asked in a hurry. If Ling Shui’s departure is enough to make his world collapse, now he has heard the news that her body has disappeared, how can he calm down. Isn't it possible for him to sleep peacefully?

"A total of ... a total of less than a minute." Recalled every day, whispered.

Less than a minute...

At that time, ghost teeth, ice Yao must be there, and must be very close, he is familiar with their ability, normal people will be the first time to see them within 50 meters. He can quietly leave under their eyes, but under the close distance of so many people, silently taking away an inaction body, even if he is, it is impossible.

Who is it? What happened? Is it really true that I have suddenly disappeared from the world...

Under the flustered, Ling Chen could no longer be stable. He stood up and looked at the direction of Jinghua. Both his eyes and his body were trembled fiercely.

He wants to know what happened and wants to find water right away. Although she has no life, but at least... but at least let her sleep peacefully, instead of disappearing so unclearly, after death, there will be various kinds of unexpected events...

Every day knows where he is looking. She panicked and rushed to the back and forced him to hug him. He cried again: "Brother! Don't go... Don't! It's so dangerous now, I don't want you to go wrong... You just promised me. Live well, never leave me again... brother... not high... oh..."

The clothes behind him quickly came with a clearer sense of moisturization. Ling Chen closed his eyes, his hands slowly tightened, and there was almost bleeding between the fingers. He imagined that he must have been wanted all over the country. With his ability to be exposed in the Long Family Courtyard, the Dragon family will never allow him to live. Especially in the city of Jinghua, he must have set up a network to wait for him. The emergence of him, if he is going back now, there is no doubt that he is self-investing.


If...where are you... what should I do... tell me what to do...


"No... you can't die!! We managed to save you. They saved their lives, they didn't even have a life, how can you die... You know, the ghost knife fled in order to cover us, he detonated. The body's **... If you are dead, who will avenge him and all the dead brothers and sisters! Do you forget how to die if you die? Don't you want to take revenge if you live! Live and live! !"


"Master... We know that if you leave, you are sad, we are equally sad, just as painful! But... if nothing, you still have me... and us! And every day! We will always stay with you. With you, stay with you forever, if you leave us, we will never go!! You really want us, willing to be happy every day! Especially every day, she has lost her favorite sister, you want her Even if you lose, you become helpless and lonely? You are dead, who cares for every day, how can she live every day!"


"Brother... I have to take care of myself every day, let me accompany you every day, and take it with my full happiness, okay..."


"Brother... Don't leave me... We said yes, it will last a lifetime... Together... No one can leave anyone... My sister is gone, I am so sad... My brother is so sad... But, I And my brother, my brother and me... I will listen to my brother’s words later, I will try my best to be as good as my sister... Don’t leave me... I don’t want my brother to die... I don’t want my brother to have something... Oh..."


Mu Bingyao's cry, the water's whisper, the cry of every day... alternately echoed in his mind. Silently, he took a sigh of relief and turned back. He used his resilience to hold the body up every day, just like picking up a doll and clinging to his body, then heading for Beijing. The opposite direction of the city: "Don't cry every day, I just pulled a hook with everyone, how can I do stupid things. In order to take care of my life, I will always be safe, do not do anything dangerous, do not go any Dangerous place, okay?"

Every day the crying stopped, and the dust was tightened tightly.

"So, then? What happened later?" Ling Chen asked in the direction of the sound of the water.

"Later... We have been unable to find a sister, I cried in fear. Then, many people approached our home, Mu sister took me away, always took me away far and far, after a long time, I arrived at a place that was very dark and quiet, no one else. Then my sister put me next to a big tree, let me wait for her there, she was going to save her brother..."

Ling Chen: "..."

"Then, I was waiting there, I waited for a long time, I heard that my sister was calling me, then, I saw my brother, then my brother didn't move, the whole body was blood, I was scared almost. Mum sister told me that my brother has nothing to do, let me take my brother away, the farther the better, the more you can stop, you can't go back. Then, I will pick up my brother, keep moving forward, keep going... ...I don't know how long I have gone, how far I have gone, then, dawn, the sun rose, I walked desperately, and finally, I fell... After I woke up, I was in this place..."

Ling Chen: "..."

Ling Chen quietly listened to the story of the day, did not speak. Soon, a small stream appeared in front of the stream, and the stream was crystal clear. The water that is fed to him these days is from here. Ling Chen stopped his footsteps and placed it on a fast, flat stone by the stream. He gently wiped the tears on her face with his fingers, and then gently stroked the scratched traces on her face. Whispered: "Is it painful?"

"No pain, no pain at all." Shaking his head hard every day. After entering Ling Chen and water to give her new home, she did not even hurt a small finger. In just a few days, she had too many scars on her body. These scars are all left for him.

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