Shura Emperor

Chapter 635: 1 hit

? Yang Jiekong, nicknamed Little Wolf King.

It is said that the Yang family has the bloodline of the wolf clan. Once it is stimulated, thick hair will grow all over the body, and the combat power will be greatly increased, but the temperament will also become extremely violent.

Why does the human race have the bloodline of the wolf race?

Could it be that humans and wolves can produce offspring?

According to the Yang family themselves, their ancestors once killed a super fierce wolf at the level of building a ladder.

This is ridiculous, because others have not refined the blood of beasts, why only the Yang family will become beasts?

However, the Yang family throws out such an explanation, believe it or not.

The Yang family was also one of the main families that formed Lingtian and Tiangong Academy. In Lingtian Academy, not only did a few members of the Yang family serve as teachers, but they also provided many resources for exchange.

Just because of this, Yang Jukong can have a very special status in the academy, and he is also amazingly talented. He is one of the most valued students in the King of Boxing Palace.

With such an astonishing background, if Shi Hao wins him, he will definitely be targeted in the academy, and if he loses, he will be disgraced.

So, it's a dilemma.

Shi Hao looked at the little wolf king and smiled lightly: "This is my style, just get used to it."

"It's really shameless!" Yang Jikong snorted softly and killed Shi Hao.

Although he came from the King of Boxing Palace, he did not use fists, but claws.

With a brush, he swung out a claw, and saw five golden lines swiping towards Shi Hao.

This is his unique golden wolf claws, which are extremely sharp and can break all defenses.

Five golden lines were drawn instantly.

Shi Hao stretched out a finger and waved gently towards the front.

Pop, pop, pop, the five golden threads shattered almost at the same time, and the little wolf king's blow was unsuccessful.

Hiss, so strong!

Everyone said in their hearts, that was the little wolf king. The cultivation of the five kings absolutely crushed Shi Hao in the realm, but they still couldn't gain the upper hand.

Strong, really strong.

Yang Jikong took a deep breath, he was hesitating whether to continue.

Although it was just a fight, he was already able to confirm that Shi Hao's strength was unfathomable and most likely not under him.

If he stopped now, it would still leave an unfathomable impression on everyone, after all, he just made a move. However, if he tried his best and couldn't suppress Shi Hao, he would lose face.

So, he just hesitated and made up his mind.

can not fight.

"Shi Hao, the blow just now was just a warning to you. This is Lingtian Academy, not Tiangong Academy! You are're just an ordinary student." He put down a sentence and turned to leave.

Everyone nodded, Shi Hao was really smart, and drove the little wolf king back in this way.

——Shi Hao won, he must have offended the Yang family. If he lost, his face would be disastrous. Therefore, if he hit a tie and let the little wolf king retreat, this is undoubtedly the best way to deal with it. Way.

"Wait!" Shi Hao said, his tone a bit solemn, "Shoot me, how can you do it without paying the price!"

Huh, what's going on?

Everyone was astonished, is Shi Hao going to relent and continue to shoot at Yang Jikong?

But what good is this for you?

Winning or losing will work against you, so why?

What are you doing just now?

Yang Jiankong also did not expect that he looked at Shi Hao in surprise, as if looking at a monster.

"Where are you going?" he asked in a low voice.

Shi Hao smiled and pointed to his feet: "I have reserved a place for you here."


Hearing this, everyone couldn't believe their ears.

Shi Hao is too crazy, and, if he really wants to step on Yang Jikong under his feet, isn't that a deadly feud with the Yang family?

The Yang family is a superpower in Lingtian Academy, so why did you offend the Yang family like this?

Everyone shook their heads, no matter how big you are, you don't need to have such a big hatred with the Yang family for no reason.

Why bother? Why bother?

Yang Jikong was even more angry, he sneered twice: "You are really blind, how dare you be so arrogant in front of me! Well, I will teach you to write two words today."


When it came to the last two words, his whole body sounded "Kakaka", and golden hair grew on his originally fair skin, which was a foot long, blowing in the breeze.

At this time, his blond hair was perfectly blended with his body hair, and his five fingers became sharp and long, like wolf claws. the demon wolf.

Is this just refining the bloodline of the demon wolf?

What a joke.

People have refined dragon blood, but their physique has become a little more tyrannical, and they have not grown dragon scales and become dragons. How come to the Yang family, as long as the blood is activated, the whole person is like a wolf?

Therefore, the truth is definitely not what the Yang family said.

However, when the power of the bloodline was activated, Yang Jiekong's strength also skyrocketed, at least increasing the combat power of the second king. In addition, he is a genius, and his combat power is estimated to be able to suppress even most of the nine kings.

call out!

Yang Jiekong killed Shi Hao.

So fast.

Everyone said something in their hearts, most of them just felt a flower in front of them, and Yang Jiekong had already appeared in front of Shi Hao, the speed was really staggering.

If it was them standing opposite Yang Jukong... Thinking of this possibility, everyone felt a chill in their hearts.


Shi Hao punched, indifferently.

Then, Yang Jiekong rolled out.

He kept rolling on the ground, circle after circle, more than fifty laps, and finally stopped, his face and body were covered with dust, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

This was smashed.

Everyone is speechless, this contrast is really too big.

Before Yang Jiekong was still majestic, but as a result, he was instantly killed in a blink of an eye, and there was no suspense.

They looked at Shi Hao in Didn't this guy just step into the Casting Royal Court, how could his strength be so terrifying that he seemed to be sweeping the entire Casting Royal Court.

Shi Hao made it in the same way, so Yang Jiekong also became a member of the army of cushion chairs.

"Who else?" He looked around at everyone, still with a faint smile on his face, but full of contempt and disdain.

Too sarcastic, too sarcastic.

Everyone was extremely angry, but no one thought that Shi Hao would be so strong, and there was no master who was stronger than Yang Jikong today, and whoever changed it would only be beaten.

Therefore, they could only hold their breath and glared at Shi Hao.

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