Shura Emperor

Chapter 617: Immortal dragon heart blood

Shi Hao glanced at him and couldn't help but be shocked, and said, "Father, there is actually some blood in Long Xin's heart!"

"True dragon's blood!" Shi Feng was also shocked.

This is a golden dragon, even at the level of an immortal. The blood flowing on his body is naturally immortal blood, and he has endless energy. If mortals take it, there are bound to be endless benefits. And the blood of the heart is the most important thing for any living being. For example, Shi Hao can only squeeze out two or three drops at most, which shows how precious it is.

To be able to take the blood of Xianlong's heart, how great a benefit would this be?

It's no wonder that this corpse worm king is biting into the dragon's heart desperately, and it obviously wants to eat the blood of the golden dragon.

As far as it is concerned, after eating the heart and blood, maybe it will immediately be able to enter the road to the sky or even build a ladder to the sky.

"Stop it!" Shi Feng immediately let out a long whistle and killed the corpse worm king.

However, there is more than this bug king here.

Corpse worms appeared one after another, some were at the level of casting a royal court, some were at the level of forging temples, and some were at the level of offering sacrifices to the heavens, and they all killed Shi Hao and Shi Feng.

Shi Feng was helpless, so he could only retreat and kill the mobs first, otherwise, his son would be in danger.

"Father, don't worry about me." Shi Hao said, the number of corpse worms is endless, and this seems to be the base camp of corpse worms. If you waste time on mobs, you may never kill the king of corpse worms. when.

Besides, when they entered the golden dragon body, others saw that they had lost their hope of seizing it, so maybe they would quit and bring in the Heaven-Building Ladder Great Master.

"Okay!" Shi Feng made a decisive decision, but still killed the king of insects. If his son's words, it would be a big deal to hide in the fairy house.

Sure enough, as soon as he went out like this, Shi Hao was under enormous pressure. He was okay with the cast royal court, but if there were too many, his scalp would become numb, not to mention that there were so many temple repairs and even a big sacrifice to the sky. ?

He quickly hid in the fairy house.

"Do you think I can't deal with you?" Shi Hao snorted and immediately controlled Xianju to enlarge.

Corpse worms rushed over, but Xianju was enlarged. How could they be able to fight against it?

Xianju was enlarged again, filling the entire golden dragon's chest.

You must know that a golden dragon is an immortal. Even if it has been dead for countless years, it is still tenacious, and a corpse worm can only be bitten by its mouthparts. In terms of the tenacity of the body, it is naturally insignificant, and the difference is far.

And what about Xianju?

That's even tougher!

So, under the squeeze of the golden dragon body and Xianju, which corpse worm can resist?

Some were directly crushed into flesh, while others got into the flesh and blood of the golden dragon, only to escape the catastrophe.

Shi Hao reduced the Xianju, and at this time, he could see the stupidity of those corpse worms, and they immediately appeared again. As a result, they were naturally crushed by a new round.

Every time, there will be corpses of bugs left in one place, but these bugs have no intention of learning their lessons at all. They keep rushing out and being harvested, and the number suddenly decreases sharply.

Under Xianju's one pass, he was much stronger than Shi Feng.

After dozens of times, although there are still corpse worms rushing out, the number is already very small.

Shi Hao laughed and came out of the immortal residence to watch the battle between Shi Feng and the Insect King.

This is the key battle.

If Shi Feng can't deal with the Insect King, then nothing will be mentioned.

Fortunately, Shi Feng lived up to his reputation.

He is known as the second in ancient history, and his combat power is terrifying. He doesn't look like a person who has just ascended to the Holy Throne. Coupled with the natural suppression of the corpse by the Holy Body of Sanyang, he quickly gained the upper hand.

But the corpse worm's physique is not overwhelming, especially this worm king, it is like a copper wall and an iron wall, each time Shi Feng's attack can only cause a slight amount of damage to it, and it is very difficult to expand the injury.

The worm king let out an angry howl, as if he was venting his anger. It has coveted the blood of the golden dragon for many years, and it has finally gnawed on it. Seeing that it is only one step away from the harvest, it is about to be harvested. How can it not be annoying?

If it could scold people, it would probably have scolded Shi Feng and his son to the bone.

However, if it doesn't retreat now, there is only one dead end.

This kind of worm lacks wisdom, but has an instinctive and persistent desire for power, and it really fights to the death.

In the end, Shi Feng finally burned it to death, and there were scorch marks all over his body, which was horrible to see.

And even with Shi Feng's power, he suffered some minor injuries, which seemed a little difficult.

To be able to make this genius work so hard, the strength of the insect king should not be underestimated.

Is this the strength of a fairy in the fairy world?

Shi Feng's genius may not be as good as Gu Shiyun's, and not as good as Shi Zhong and Shi Hao, but he is definitely at the top level.

But even so, it took so much effort for him to kill a bug king, which shows the horror of the immortal creatures.

——This is just a corpse worm, and it doesn't even have any wisdom.

No wonder Su Manman said that with Shi Hao's evildoer, he could only rank among the top 100 geniuses in the Immortal Realm.

"However, I have now cultivated into Xiao Xingyu. If I fight at the same level, I should be able to rank in the top ten." Shi Hao murmured, he still has this confidence.

The father and son began to focus on Jinlong's heart.

Don't look at the Insect King's heart, but it's a big problem when this gap is linked to Jinlong's body.

It's hard to get in the slightest bit!

But Xianlong's heart blood is just around the corner, how could he give up?

Shi Feng bombarded with all his strength, using the rules as a blade, but this was useless.

The Insect King can be bitten because it has special mouthparts - since it was born on the corpse of the golden dragon, it can restrain the defense of the golden This is the mutual growth and mutual restraint of the creatures in the world.

But Shi Feng's own attack power...sorry, it's far behind.

He could kill the Insect King because of his physical strength, otherwise he would not be able to help the Insect King's body defense.

"With the worm king's teeth."


The father and son pulled out the insect king's teeth, put them on their hands, and then went to dig the heart wall.

Sure enough, all things restrain each other. Although the golden dragon's body is tough, the mouthparts of the corpse worm are its natural enemies.

The father and son became more and more excited, and as they continued to dig, the walls of their hearts became thinner and thinner.

Ten inches, nine inches, eight inches... Only one inch is left.

In the last note, clap, the ventricle was finally dug out.

There was no blood flowing out, because the golden dragon had already died, and only some of the most precious heart blood was left in the huge atrium, which was deposited at the bottom of the atrium. come out.

Shi Feng stretched out his hand, turned his strength into his hand, grabbed the blood in his heart, and took it out.

Just a little bit, and all of them were caught in one fell swoop.

"Huh!" Shi Hao and Shi Feng were surprised when the hand retracted.

What did they see?

In the puddle of blood, there was actually a rat!


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