Yellow Springs Road is long and there is no end to the flow of people.

The bright flowers on both sides are all over the land, Zhang Xiao stared at the land in a daze, “Is this the world after death?”

Unexpectedly, the heaven did not Lie to him, it really exists.

“Everything can only be done again.” Zhang Xiao squeezed his fists, feeling dazed and bitter.

Various sounds are all around.

“Am I not dead?”

“I am also dead.”

“This is the world of the dead?”


There was a boil next to them, apparently opening their eyes and closing their eyes, they also suddenly came to an unknown land, feeling very strange, very scared, endless crowd discussing spiritedly, whispering.

“Huh? It’s the leader of the country of Xiao! Zhang Xiao, the god of swords!”

Someone exclaimed, seeming to recognize Zhang Xiao, and quickly gave way, even in the entire Yellow Springs Road , Most of them were the people of Xiao Country, who died in the war with the heavens and humans, and they are now full of the underworld.

“You are in front.” Someone said.

Zhang Xiao was silent in his heart, and felt very guilty. If the heavenly man said it is not bad, then he is indeed a spy of the heavenly man. On the contrary, he helped the heavenly man expand his power, and he is really faceless.

He hurriedly waved his hand and said, “The world of the dead, the identity of the dead, do not need to care.”

The surroundings quickly said yes.

After several twists and turns, Zhang Xiao looked at all around curiously, and carefully looked at it. This is the world of the dead? What mysterious existence is in charge?

At this time, in front of the front team, there was also news constantly,

“Already queued for half a month, it is said that trading was suspended again!”

” It is temporarily closed. It is said that too many people died this time, and the underworld is full and it is difficult to manage!”

“It is said that Master Meng has already started again, but already let Master Black and White Impermanence recruit people. .”


Zhang Xiao’s expression is weird and he is puzzled. hiring?

“What does this… mean!?”

Zhang Xiao looked at the moving crowd in the distance, and suddenly felt that his life has lived in vain, and he couldn’t help but be surprised Color, the world of the dead is really deep and unmeasurable.

There are various special personnel in charge of reincarnation, it is said that the highest, and the mysterious supreme in charge of Samsara Palace?

After waiting in line for a few days, the flow of people continued to flow in, and the flow of people was vaguely seen in front.

Zhang Xiao gradually saw the mysterious buildings like Bridge of Helplessness, Wangxiangtai, and Sanshengshi, and the people on the bridge were crying in great grief. After inquiring about the specific effects, Zhang Xiao couldn’t help but be surprised and more respectful Up.

However, he is also extremely bitter in his heart. He is dead. This Yellow Springs Road is the last road. He can’t remember everything at all, and he is regretful and at a loss, extremely regretful.

He wants to change everything, but he can’t start.

He laughed, his face is only vicissitudes of life, “Before death, all beings are equal.”

Gradually, as this path moves forward, some people point to Bridge in front of the crowd. of Helplessness’s engraved verse, loudly admiring, “Resurrection Lily opens Resurrection Lily, Bridge of Helplessness sighs. I have forgotten the past in this life, how can I keep the old man in the next life… It’s a good poem!”

“It is said that Lord Black and White Impermanence said that this was left by a person of reincarnation a long time ago.”

“Huh? It’s strange. Since he doesn’t remember the afterlife, he doesn’t It’s a new life, how can you write this poem?”

“Is it not the next life, what else do you want to do to the people in the previous life?”

“This too It’s ridiculous, how can anyone remember the past and this life?”

Listening to the discussion around, Zhang Xiao was slightly surprised. There seemed to be some special thoughts in his heart. Fists clenched.

“Perhaps, I have hope…”

Gradually, Zhang Xiao came to the head of Bridge of Helplessness. He saw the three-life stone and the legendary Po Meng. It was indeed very ugly. , Hideous and ugly, a smile is scary.

“No. 124529, next life, heaven and humanity.” The old hoarse voice spoke, and there was envy all around him, and he became heaven, the most noble existence, beyond countless people.

“Can you wait a moment…” Zhang Xiao couldn’t help but speak.

Meng Po startedled, looking at this man, and looking up and down, “Everyone is queuing up and waiting for a long time before it’s their turn. I want to reincarnate, but you have to wait?”

Zhang Xiao is nodded nervously.

“You have to wait, just wait…” Po Meng ignored him, and Zhang Xiao silently returned to the beginning of Yellow Springs Road, standing very quiet in the distance, waiting, curled up in In the corner, watching the death of one by one newcomer come.

He watched everyone’s expression intently.

These people have just appeared in this world of the dead, very scared and very nervous.

“Maybe it exists, maybe it doesn’t exist…the person I was looking for, the moment I came to the underworld…it would be very calm. Others encountered this mysterious unknown. One reaction is to watch all around nervously… and this man shouldn’t be nervous, but an expression of remembrance and familiarity.”

He doesn’t know whether existence exists, But he has to wait, he has to try!

If there is such a person who remembers reincarnation, then he will definitely appear. After all, if a person lives, he will die.

How smart is he?

This is the last chance.

After all, it is a formidable person, and most people are impossible to think of this and try decisively.

Day by day, Yellow Springs Road has a flow of people. I don’t know how many people have been received. Zhang Xiao has been waiting, as if turning into a nail house, and also witnessing the continuous improvement of the underworld.

In the meantime, news came from before,

“Master Black and White Impermanence, brought back a strange tree, screaming, so strange… It is said that this is a temporary public official who is going to appear in the prefecture…it looks very courageous. Little Qi is weird.”

Zhang Xiao’s face was a little weird, and the Lord Black and White Impermanence mentioned earlier is back. ?

A few more days have passed.

“My God, it is said that the tree man is whimsical and planning to build a city there! What architectural drawings are he doing, and he is planning to bring the dead souls to move bricks. I don’t know what it means…”


A few more days passed.

“It is said that Mrs. Mengpo once again ordered the tree man to solve the loneliness that we were waiting for on Yellow Springs Road. The tree man came up with a daily newspaper! Let us Not so boring!”

“Daily, what is that?”


Even the sword god Zhang Xiao was a little curious.

As a result, within a few days, a one by one “newsstand” facility was added to Yellow Springs Road. There are newspapers in it, which are said to be picked up and put on the go.

Some people who were waiting in line on Yellow Springs Road to reincarnate were really lonely and bored. They couldn’t help but picked up a daily newspaper and started to pass the time. The result was less than a few days, and they were fascinated for an instant.

On the entire Yellow Springs Road, almost every creature sits cross-legged on the ground, holding a newspaper to read.

I even had no intention of queuing up.


Although Zhang Xiao is a formidable person, he was suddenly curious about this after death The world is really mysterious and unpredictable.

Even his this one, the God of Swordsman, couldn’t help but try to pick up a so-called newspaper, read it, and saw that it was written in large characters “Reincarnation Daily”, a little on the first page The title is:

“Shocked! The ghost city of Fengdu is established, planning to recruit workers, and the pay is good?”

This title is very strange. Zhang Xiao doesn’t know why for a moment, and he has a desire to read. He kept reading, “In order to realize the construction of the underworld, enrich the spirit life of the reincarnation underworld, and realize the three modernizations…”

Spreading an article eloquently, he read it unconsciously and indulged in it, This is a weird feeling. Even after reading it, he is a little bit interested in taking the initiative to help establish Fengdu.

He looked towards the other pages of the newspaper. It seems to have just opened. The content of “news” is not rich, mainly the “novel section” for filling. It seems that there is a book called “The Great Emperor of Alchemy Record” Novel.

Chapter 1: Great Emperor of Alchemy Don’t go into the forest, try cloud and rain for the first time.

This writing is really good.

Unconsciously there was silence.

“Sorcerer World? Sorcery? mental power?” Zhang Xiao muttered silently, always feeling that in this novel, he has a special intuition, some of which contain a certain heaven and earth principle, which should not be underestimated , There is the big secret of world-shaking.

“This first chapter is not simple, and some concepts in it are worth trying.” Zhang Xiao, who is known as the god of swords, is enough to show how terrifying his cultivation innate talent is. In this book, it will not happen. Right?

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