Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 893: : Money that crushes Dao Zi

"Dao Zi, you can rest assured that our Youlong auction house has always been fair and just, and there will never be malicious competition."

Although he said so, the auctioneer in charge of the auction gave a gesture.

So he has been waiting for the master of the nearby Longyou auction house, directly through the layers of crowds, and came to Ye Xiaohu and his party.

I saw the most burly man among them, facing Ye Xiaohu said: "Sir, please show your invitation letter."

Ye Xiaohu did not respond to him, but used his eyes to signal Nangong Xingrui.

Although Ningong Xingrui was dissatisfied, he still obeyed Ye Xiaohu's instructions and took out the invitation letter from the Youlong Auction and handed it to the burly man: "Nuo, this is the invitation letter from your Youlong Auction House to us. If your Youlong auction house is still not satisfied, it is really disappointing. "

"Sir, don't be angry. We are just following the rules to protect the interests of most people."

The burly man of the Youlong Auction House, while speaking, handed the invitation letter to the person behind him, and asked the person behind to check it in person.

As a result, there was no problem with the inspection, so he responded to the burly man with a look.

After receiving the signal from the subordinate, the burly man nodded and said with satisfaction: "Sir, your invitation has been confirmed, and you are one of our VIPs. However, since Dao Xiancheng's Daozi, doubt whether you have the financial resources, bid on the above Things, so please cooperate with us and show your Kunlun Gold Card. "

Ye Xiaohu still did not speak, and continued to signal Nangong Xingrui.

So Nangong Xingrui took out his Kunlun gold card and asked the burly man to confirm.

Because I bid for a yin and yang disk before, I spent a Kunlun coin, so there are only 240 million points left in the Kunlun gold card.

"Sir, your money doesn't seem to be enough?"

After confirming the above amount, the burly man of the auction house said uncomfortably: "After deducting the funds you used to bid for the Yin and Yang disk, your Kunlun Gold Card is already less than 250 million."

"Haha, I said he was a viciously competitive bastard, sure enough, right?"

"Humph, how could a poor ghost come up with 250 million?"

"I think he was bluffing in front of him, there was no money at all."

"I don't know which bastard, please such a garbage man to stimulate the Tao."

"Pushing out, a scum like this, how can he get into the auction house?"

I saw people who had conflicts with Ye Xiaohu before, or who had an ally relationship with Dao Xiancheng, all stood on the side of Dao Zi and satirized Ye Xiaohu.

Faced with their irony, Ye Xiaohu opened his mouth for the first time, only to see him indifferently said: "I know that the Kunlun coins in the Kunlun Gold Card may not be enough, but we have collateral and can exchange more money. "

"Yin Yang plate?"

The burly man of the Youlong Auction House shook his head and said: "Even if the Yin and Yang disk is fully returned to you, you are not enough for 250 million."

"No, it's not a Yin Yang plate."

Ye Xiaohu smiled indifferently: "It's a secret technique about the flaws in your appraisal technique of your dragon auction house."


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, the burly man shook his head and said, "Sir, if you continue to stir up here and disturb the order, then I will ask you to leave."

"If you can be the master, then although you can ask someone to go out. But I am afraid that the last chapter of your Long Jian treasure art will not be able to make up."

Ye Xiaohu stood up and said to the burly man: "Let's go."

Ye Xiaohu turned around and walked out, but he had just taken a step.

When I saw the burly man, sweat stopped Ye Xiaohu from going to the road: "This gentleman, how did you see that there are some loopholes in our identification?"

"Nonsense, of course, with your eyes."

Ye Xiaohu said disdainfully: "Your appraisal technique of the Youlong Auction House is not an advanced play."


The burly man originally wanted to argue with Ye Xiaohu.

But when he saw Ye Xiaohu swearing, it didn't seem to be a fake expression, he could not help swallowing and said: "Please wait a moment, I will go to the person above and let the person in charge talk to you. "

The burly man did not dare to take risks and missed the opportunity to complement their roaming skills.

So he quickly turned around and ran to the head of the Nanpaicheng branch of the Youlong Auction House, briefly introduced the situation.

After a while, the burly man ran back and said: "This gentleman, our person in charge said, we must first verify whether what you said is reliable."


Ye Xiaohu didn't care, just took out a pen and paper, and wrote a paragraph to the burly man.

The burly man glanced briefly, his face suddenly changed, because this paragraph was the content of their appraisal technique of the Longyou auction house, and it was correct.

This is the biggest mystery of their Longyou auction house, but it is now known to an outsider.

If it weren't for the large crowd, he really wanted to shoot Ye Xiaohu directly.

But not now, so the burly man turned and left again.

Xu Shou.

The burly man brought an old man with white hair and a vicissitudes face: "Minister, it is this person who is going to take the missing part of the dragon identification technique."

"I know."

The vicissitudes of the old man stared at Ye Xiaohu and said, "You have the core part behind, do you also have a young man?"


Not to mention an area where you can identify dragons, even if it is a more advanced identification technique, Ye Xiaohu, Ye Xiaohu can find several versions.

So like this low-level roaming dragon identification technique, Ye Xiaohu didn't even care.

Therefore, when the people at the Youlong Auction House asked, Ye Xiaohu responded calmly: "And there is no word."

"That deal."

The vicissitudes of the old man nodded, and then announced in the eyes of everyone: "Our Youlong auction house is now willing to help this person to advance one billion Kunlun for personal reasons."

One billion Kunluns.

As soon as this amount was opened, everyone at the scene was dumbfounded.

Not to mention one person, even if they are the masters of the Daoxian City, without the consent of many principals in the main government, it is impossible to take out a billion Kunluns at once.

Therefore, when everyone heard the words of the people from Youlong Auction House, they closed their mouths one after another.

Under such circumstances ~ ~ Dao Zi reluctantly said: "Don't you roam the auction house, because this little person breaks the rules under your own, and even offends our Dao Xiancheng?"

"very sorry."

Hearing the word, the person in charge of Youlong Auction House smiled bitterly: "But there are some things that we have to do for Youlong Auction House."

"Okay, you are ruthless."

Daozi returned directly to the box and turned away.

Without Dao Zi, a competitor, the remaining auction process becomes relatively simple.

So, under the cover of Ye Xiaohu's billion-dollar funds, no one dared to fight with Ye Xiaohu for the purpose of transforming the **** grass.

So Ye Xiaohu took Huashen Grass very easily, relieved a little in his heart, and then waited a long time, waiting for a long time, fearing that he had run away. So we can complete our previous transaction. "

(End of this chapter)

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