Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 873: : Get out of the way


In a secluded place, Xiao Qi looked at the door with a serious look.

At this moment, a woman's voice sounded outside: "Xiaoqi, is Xingrui inside?"

"Three ladies."

Hearing the woman's voice, she looked up at the woman.

Xiaoqi, who had been standing at the door, could not help but smile slightly: "Master Xingrui is indeed inside, but the master plans to retreat to the hunting competition when he is out of the customs, and then fight for an amazing, so that the whole family dare not start the incident. . "

"That's it!"

The third lady rescued by Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but sigh, and then said to Ye Xiaohu behind him: "Senior, do you think you are waiting?"

"no need."

Ye Xiaohu smiled indifferently: "Originally I just wanted to say goodbye to Nangong Xingrui and then went to Nanpai City. But since Nangong Xingrui was closed, then I will not say goodbye to him and wait for him to go After that, Xiao Qi told me to help him. "

"Senior Ye, are you going?"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's voice, Xiao Qi quickly looked at Ye Xiaohu and said, "Senior Ye, can you please wait until tomorrow's hunting competition is over?"


Ye Xiaohu puzzled: "What is the name of this hunting contest?"

"Senior Ye, this hunting competition is a game that determines the ranking of the big family in the town. At that time, the young masters of each family will lead the elite of the family to enter the hunting and select the first place."

Xiao Qi said with a wry smile: "In the past, our Nangong family was the first, but this time when the Manchu family rises, there is another terrifying force on the clinic, which makes our Nangong family quite stressed. And this time the family is full Let out the wind and look for opportunities to kill Master Nangong Xingrui within the hunting competition. "

"Is there such a thing?"

Ye Xiaohu nodded and said, "Since this is the case, then I can wait a day before leaving."


Hearing Ye Xiaohu said to wait for another day, Xiaoqi jumped up excitedly.

As he prepared to interact with Ye Xiaohu, there was a muffled hum in the otherwise quiet courtyard.

Immediately after the roof of the other courtyard was blasted away, there was a burst of men's screams. Obviously someone was in a bad situation.

"Little Lord."

Hearing the voice inside, Xiao Qi naturally knew who it was.

So regardless of Nangong Xingrui's instructions before closing the gate, he quickly ran to the gate and saw the picture inside the room, which made him shocked.


Looking down Xiaoqi's position, it was almost clear that there was a man in the room with his hair disheveled, and his face was very pale and his expression was grim.

There was no such handsomeness as Nangong Xingrui in the past, but there was an unbearable eerie terror.

"What's the matter, Young Master?"

Xiao Qi was a little overwhelmed and stood aside and jumped.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu, who had observed it for a while, could not help but come forward and said: "If I am not mistaken, Nangong Xingrui should be the time to practice.


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's explanation, Xiao Qi almost cried anxiously: "The young master has gone into flames, how can this be good."

"I'll take a look."

Ye Xiaohu glanced at Xiao Qi, and then took a step forward.


Ye Xiaohu's body instantly appeared next to Nangong Xingrui. He glanced at Nangong Xingrui and suddenly knew where Nangong Xingrui's problem was.

"Do you force a breakthrough if you don't have enough energy?"

Ye Xiaohu yelled, and then directly blocked Nangong Xingrui's body, and then slapped a palm on Nangong Xingrui's forehead.


Being beaten by Ye Xiaohu, Nangong Xingrui immediately stabilized.

Immediately after Ye Xiaohu burst into a scream, he directly directed the soul of Nangong Xingrui with the power of soul instillation: "Suck Dandan, immediately run the exercises and continue to impact the realm."

Hearing Xiaohu's voice, Nangong Xingrui was slightly pleased and quickly operated according to Ye Xiaohu's instructions.

With the help of Ye Xiaohu, Nangong Xingrui made another breakthrough.

This time there was no hindrance. Those meridians that could not be broken through, and even made him fall into devil, were suddenly sprinted away by him.


I don't know how long it has passed. In short, Nangong Xingrui opened his eyes slightly, and then looked at Ye Xiaohu gratefully: "Thank you Senior Ye for your help, otherwise I am afraid that I will not die this time, and I will be crippled."

"In fact, giving you some time, you can break through smoothly."

Ye Xiaohu smiled slightly: "This time, I just helped you clear your body and veins, and you still need to practice carefully in the future."

"I hope there is another chance?"

Nangong Xingrui smiled bitterly: "If I can survive this hunting competition, then I must retreat and practice hard ~ ~ Looking at Nangong Xingrui's expression, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but move: "Relax, you can survive, because I promised Xiaoqi, and wait for you to go after the hunting competition. "

"Senior is leaving?"

Nangong Xingrui has long known that he can't retain Ye Xiaohu, so Nangong Xingrui said calmly: "Senior you are going to go, then the junior can arrange someone to **** you over."

"Nanpai City."

Ye Xiaohu smiled slightly: "I want to take a look at Nanpai City, one of the top ten cities, and then use the springboard of Nanpai City to go to other cities."

"That's it!"

A smile appeared on Nangong Xingrui's face: "If it was Nanpai City, then if the younger generation survived the hunting competition, they would also have to take the hunted prey to the Nanpai City. "

"That feeling is good."

Ye Xiaohu nodded and said: "Since this is the case, then hurry up and consolidate your cultivation, let's see you tomorrow."


However, Nangong Xingrui wanted to consolidate his cultivation, so he agreed with Ye Xiaohu's idea, directly changed a room, and continued to retreat.

After he left, Ye Xiaohu said goodbye to the third lady, and then followed Xiao Qi to the room arranged by Nangong Xingrui for herself.

Ye Xiaohu originally planned to rest, but the members of the hunting team led by Nangong Xingrui found Ye Xiaohu again, and wanted Ye Xiaohu to teach them to practice.

Ye Xiaohu, who had nothing to do, smiled and agreed to their request, so he kept pointing at Xiao Qi and others to practice.

Overnight, just passed.

Early in the morning of the next day, everyone came to the venue of the hunting contest in Nangong Town, and there were sparks of intense collision everywhere for a time.

(End of this chapter)

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