Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 856: : Sun Lan's Panic

Yaowangcheng is very big.

How big is it?

To give a simple example, walk from the eastern wall to the western wall.

If you follow the walk, you need to walk for at least a month.

If you drive, you must drive for at least ten days.

Of course, within the Kunlun world, few people walk, because most people take flying monsters.

The speed of flying monsters is several times faster than driving.

Within a day, you can fly around the Yaowang City.

So Sun Lanying's bodyguard, after bidding farewell to Sun Lanying, jumped directly onto a vulture-like monster and went straight to the North City of Yaowang City.

This is the residence of Yaowanggu, most of which is the core accommodation of Yaowanggu.

When he reached the Yaowanggu station, the guard did not go down immediately, but took out his token directly, and shouted at the people inside through the token: "Please ask Sun Lanshan to come and see."

Hearing the call of the bodyguard, an old man with a white beard quickly took off from Yaowanggu's station and said, "Oh, it turns out to be money escort. You're not in my brother's escort. What are you doing here?"

"Hello Sun Lanshan Deputy Valley Master."

Seeing Sun Lanshan asking, the guard of the city owner could not help but take a deep breath, and then respectfully said: "The person who was in charge of the medicine king pestle just now found that the medicine king pestle had some abnormalities, so he reported it to the city master. Come down and ask the deputy lord of the valley, what core members of my Yaowang Valley have gone out recently, or who has a problem with the Yaowang pestle amulet and lost its effect? ​​"

"This way?"

Sun Lanshan nodded and understood the importance of the matter, so he turned around and ordered, "Wait a moment, I will go down and ask."

With the attention of the city's guards, Sun Lanshan quickly returned to Yaowanggu's station, and after a while, he returned to his own way: "Except that Sun Shengchen went out to violate the rules, everyone else was in the valley. There is a problem with the human amulet. "

"Subordinates understand."

The guard of the city owner nodded, and escaped a book, and wrote down the situation of the place after saying: "Then the subordinates have to go to Dongcheng and Nancheng, so they leave first."

Sun Lanshan also knew the importance of the matter, so he turned back to the valley and did not continue to question the guard.

So the guardian controller flew the monster and stepped directly to the east city step by step.

Using the same method, shout out the defender of Dongcheng.

The defender of Dongcheng is not a person of Yaowanggu.

It is the person in charge of the other forces of Yaowang City. Yaowang Valley rewards them with an amulet in order to envelop people.

"It turned out to be Qian Shiwei."

The defender of Dongcheng immediately stepped forward enthusiastically after seeing the person coming: "Qian Weiwei is here for you, but Master Lord, what is calling me?"

"Not calling you."

Qian Weiwei shook his head and said: "This is the case, there is a problem with the medicine king pestle, so the master of the city told me to come and investigate. May I trouble you to take out the amulet of the medicine king pestle you are wearing."


Suddenly hearing this, the defender of Dongcheng couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Qian Shiwei, don't you forget that the last time we went out to hunt monsters, I once encountered an infant monster that was almost out of bounds. The monster was torn into pieces, so the amulet of the medicine king pestle appeared and helped me save me from the dead gate. "

"There seems to be this thing."

Qian Weiwei recalled that there was indeed a similar situation, so he shook his head and said: "However, even if there is such a thing, then you have to go to the city's palace with me, because the city's lord tells me to keep all the amulets away. , They are all called to the main palace. "

"That line, after I have explained the defense affairs, I will follow you."

The defender of Dongcheng nodded and accepted Qian Weiwei's reason.

So after he went down and ordered the guarding of the city, he changed his skin and followed Qian Qianwei to Nancheng.

In the areas of Nancheng and Xicheng, Qian Weiwei used the same method to inquire again.

As a result, the guards, or deputy generals, and core members of the various major factions in these two places, but all those who lost the amulet of the medicine king pestle were all carried by Qian Shiwei and flew back to the city's main palace.

"City Lord."

After returning to the main palace of the city, Qian Weiwei made a straightforward report: "At present, you have distributed a total of 36 amulet of medicine king pestle, of which 30 have no problems with amulet of medicine king pestle. There is a problem with the amulet, and the subordinates have brought back the people who have the problem. "

"Oh, just five of them?"

City owner Sun Lanying glanced at the few humans brought back by Qian Weiwei and said, "What's the matter with your amulet?"

"Master Qicheng, the amulet at the end is provided at home, so I didn't carry it with me. But on the way to the front, I have ordered people to get it."

"The amulet of the last general, the last time he guarded Qianjin to other cities, encountered some thieves. Although he defeated those thieves, he also consumed the amulet."

"The subordinate is old, so the amulet is passed on to his son, and the subordinate has ordered people to call him."

"When traveling to Kunlun, my juniors once confronted you in the first mountain, and ultimately failed to perform well. It was only because of the protection of Yaowang Pestle.

Five people introduced their situation one by one.

Sun Lanying recalled that those who lost the amulet had their own records here, and recalled carefully, without any problems.

As for those who put the amulet at home for offering, or inherited it, they have been ordered to get it, so Sun Lan nodded and instructed people to prepare tea, and then waited for everything.

After waiting like this for a while, those who put the amulet at home and inherited it came over one after another, and let Sun Lanying glance at the amulet.

After confirming that there is no problem ~ ~ Sun Lanying repelled them, and then asked Qian Weiwei who was always standing beside him: "Except these few people, is there really no problem with the amulet of others? ?"


Qian Shiwei said directly: "But there is a situation where I feel that my subordinates should report to the master of the city."


Sun Lanying curiously said: "What is it?"

"Things that Lord Shaogu is out."

Qian Weiwei took a deep breath and said: "At present, only Master Sun Shengchen and Shao Gu carry the amulet of Medicine King Pestle and go out without returning, and his subordinates remember that the young master was out of Xicheng."


Suddenly thought of Sun Shengchen, Sun Lanying couldn't help but grabbed it, then walked directly to the outside and said: "Go, immediately follow me to the suburbs of Xicheng to see who is using the amulet."

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