Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 852: : Defoliation Alliance


As soon as Ye Xiaohu left, there was a master of the Jianghu martial arts, who spurted blood on the spot.

"My Dantian is completely broken."

"Mine too, as soon as I practiced the exercises, I felt like Wan Jian was passing through the heart, and there was no way to concentrate. And even if it is running, it has no effect, just like Dantian is a sieve, and it leaks.

"Ye Xiaohu is such a heart-wrenching man. You say you leave and leave, why do you want to start with us innocent people?"

"That's also justifiable. If at first we didn't choose to surrender to Sun Shengchen and target his little girl friend, then we wouldn't be bothered. Such a situation would arise."

"Hey, what's the use of saying this now?"

"Good, still think about it, how to go back to Zongmen to talk about it!"

Several gangsters were sitting together decadently at this moment.


At this moment, a wolf howl came from the mountain.

Hearing the wolf howl, everyone could not help but stood up and looked around.


I saw a gangster, swallowed, and said to the others: "This place seems to be a wilderness in Kunlun Mountain. There are a lot of ferocious animals. Let's leave early."

"Yes, this is reasonable."

Many gangsters stood up and walked together.

Almost as soon as they moved, a group of hungry wolves rushed over, chasing them and biting off.

Some old arms and old legs, repaired and discarded, are simply unable to run away from these hungry wolves.

"Go away, you **** hungry wolf."

"My leg, my leg is about to be bitten off."

"Save me, I don't want to die!"

"My first name, will it be buried in this group of hungry wolves?"

However, the younger, strong, burly and powerful people dare to stay and meet the hungry wolves.

So they ran faster, almost in a blink of an eye, and left those old people to block the wolves, and then ran alone down the mountain, the nearest town.

"Master Chen, have you gone down the mountain?"

"Master Wang, you are back in sadness, that is really great."

Some people who knew him saw their master, or the leader went down the mountain, so they swarmed up, surrounded their master and master in it, and asked for warmth.

However, some people did not see their masters and masters, so they asked curiously: "Masters, what about the masters of the rush?"

"And what about the head of the Kunshui School?"

"And our master?"

One by one, who did not see his master and head, looked at those who came down from the mountain.

Under their gaze, some people lowered their heads, apparently regretting their previous performance.

But there were also some people who could not afford to lose face, so the strong men endured disgust and said to those who died Master: "We met a terrible demon Ye Xiaohu on the mountain. After some chaos, we defeated him. But because of the great price paid, so when going down the mountain, one by one is already unsustainable. Therefore, your master, in order to ensure that we live and protect the rivers and lakes, so resolutely turned to meet the devil Ye Xiaohu, I am afraid Already killed on the mountain. "


"Head ..."

Hearing the words of those who came back from the mountain, those who had lost their masters and masters fell to their knees on the ground, their expressions very frustrated.

Obviously, they felt regret for the death of their leader.

"Everyone, don't be discouraged. Although that Ye Xiaohu killed many martial arts fellows, but he was seriously injured, and I'm afraid I won't live long."

When I saw an individual who believed in his own words, he added another sentence: "But his relatives and his men are still there. I am worried that they will inherit Ye Xiaohu's will and make a comeback. So in this case, I think we should all be tied together to find opportunities to avenge Ye Xiaohu. "

"Yes, that should be the case."

"I must report the murder of Master's revenge."

"No matter how powerful Ye Xiaohu is, but this hatred we have to find in another place."

"He killed my master, then I will kill his relatives."

Hearing the sounds of all the aspirations, the man who spoke first couldn't help but smile proudly.

I saw him turn around, glanced at the direction of Ye Xiaohu's departure, and then waved his hand: "If everyone believes in me, then I will head Ma Sanjun, the leader of the Dove Demon School, and will lead you to complete this revenge."

When Ma Sanjun said, everyone looked at each other.

Those who have been revoked are one by one already on the string, and they have to recognize Ma Sanjun's identity unless they want to wipe out their reputation and be spurned by others.

If they don't want to, then they can only put down their psychological shame and agree with Ma Sanjun ~ ~ I will wait for Ma Sanjun's command. "

"Starting today, Ma Sanjun is our leader."

"Yes, from today onwards, we will form a demon defense alliance to prepare for the encirclement of Ye Xiaohu."

"Demon demon defender, kill those evil martial arts scum."

Hearing everyone's words, Ma Sanjun couldn't help complacently saying: "Since you believe me, then my Ma Sanjun must take you to complete revenge and re-establish a sunny, harmonious river and lake.


"A Ting."

"Who is talking about me?"

Ye Xiaohu, who had been driving in the void, suddenly sneezed.

This caused Ye Xiaohu to stop slightly, and rubbed his nose: "When I thought about two scolds and three colds, I just sneezed two times. It seems that it is not a good thing. When I save Erzunzi from the Kunlun world, I have to Go back to Songjiang City immediately. "

"But Songjiang City has the formation that I arranged when I left, my parents and the bodyguard Baoyu I left behind, and Huang Jiaojiao and other guards, I believe that ordinary people will not cause them any harm."

Nowadays, masters of rivers and lakes are basically abolished by Ye Xiaohu, so there are few people who can threaten Huang Jiaojiao's father and daughter.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu put away his worries, and then looked at a position directly in front of him, where there was a place similar to heavenly eye.

I saw Ye Xiaohu stroked the bridge of his nose, and then muttered looking at the position of the sky eye: "It seems that this place should be Yao Wanggu Sun Shengchen They left Kunlun Realm and returned to the crack of the earth."

After judging for a while, Ye Xiaohu immediately condensed a protective body of qi, and then rushed in directly from the outside, and instantly reached Kunlun Realm.


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