Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 832: : Mysterious forces

Ye Xiaohu asked Li Taigui and others to load the car and went to the venue earlier.

As for Ye Xiaohu himself, he went straight to the hotel to find the flower too old.

According to the information provided by Li Taigui, after Ye Xiaohu reported that he was looking for a flower too old, a waiter came over soon and led Ye Xiaohu to find a flower too old.

I saw Ye Xiaohu step by step up and went directly to the top floor of the hotel.

This hotel is very unique, actually on the top floor of its hotel, built a huge swimming pool, and all are open-air glass.

A group of men and women are playing in the swimming pool.


Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu coughed helplessly: "You came to me, not to let me see your sister?"

"Xiaohu, you are here!"

The rhythm of the bubble girl was interrupted by someone's cough. Hua Taisui was slightly dissatisfied.

But when he saw Ye Xiaohu, he immediately smiled awkwardly and waved his hand gently.

Those unwilling girls in the swimming pool could only stare at Ye Xiaohu, and then left unhappy.

Ye Xiaohu, who saw this scene, puzzled and said: "Who did I mess with? You let them go, but I didn't let them go. What do they mean by staring at me one by one?"

"How about you don't understand the style?"

Hua Taisui grabbed a bath towel and wrapped her body: "If they can take me off today, then at least one person can get a return of more than one hundred thousand. If they can be on the list, in the next three to five years I do n’t worry about eating and drinking flowers. But because of your appearance, they cut off their hopes, can you say they can be happy? "

"So it turns out."

Ye Xiaohu thought about it for a while, and it was indeed like this, he could not help but laugh bitterly: "You guys play so well, but how do you chase Cui Xiaoqing like this?"

"I was chasing Xiaoqing because I was too tired, so I found a chance to relax."

Hua Taisui shrugged helplessly, because since Cui Xiaoqing gave him a signal to pursue, he put an end to all kinds of nightlife and made him feel uncomfortable doing anything.

But after complaining, it passed.

I saw Hua Taisui walked to Ye Xiaohu's side and said earnestly, "You are not in a hurry to find me. It seems that you haven't watched your phone in recent days?"

"Not really."

Ye Xiaohu is not controlled by a mobile phone, so he never looks at his mobile phone when there is nothing wrong.

Hearing Hua Taisui's words now, Ye Xiaohu immediately picked up his mobile phone and took a closer look, and found that there were many calls from Hua Taisui and Cui Xiaoqing, as well as some text messages.

After a cursory look, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but say: "You two are looking for me so urgently, but something happened to the hospital?"

"Shen Hospital is no problem, but Sun Zhihua has some special situations."

Hua Taisui poured a glass of champagne to Ye Xiaohu and himself, and then explained to Ye Xiaohu: "Xiao Qing saw an unpredictable, seemingly murderous old man who called Sun Zhihua away. And in the process Sun Zhihua's attitude is very humble, and he doesn't want to pass him at all. "

While talking, Hua Taisui took out her mobile phone and tuned out the videos and photos taken by Cui Xiaoqing for Ye Xiaohu to watch.

Ye Xiaohu watched briefly: "Can you arrange someone to investigate the identity of this person?"


Hua Taisui nodded and said seriously: "But from the situation we investigated, this person's identity is strange and unpredictable, there is no registration at all, it is likely to be a black household."


Ye Xiaohu shook his head and then, with his hands on his back, stood on the top of the hotel and looked at the starry sky: "This person's identity is absolutely extraordinary. In my opinion, it should be a hidden family disciple who just came out of the mountain."

"Hide the family?"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Hua Taisui suddenly remembered something, so he said to Ye Xiaohu: "Speaking of this, there is a special news recently. It is said that there is a mysterious force that is challenging the masters of the rivers and lakes in recent days."

"It is said that the first master of Shaolin Temple was defeated in almost one round."

"The master of Wudang, using the Seven Star Sword Array, barely supported a dozen rounds and was also defeated."

"There are also Kunlun, Tianshan, Yin and Yangmen ... Even the masters of Laojun Palace have only insisted on a few moves, and have been defeated by the mysterious people and became their captives.

"Now all the martial arts up and down the rivers and lakes are basically defeated, and it is announced that they are subject to this mysterious force."

Hearing Hua Taisui's words, Ye Xiaohu's expression became cautious.

Within a few days, this group of people defeated so many masters in a row, obviously the goal is very obvious.

They want to control martial arts and rivers and lakes ...

"It seems that they are not small!"

After taking control of martial arts and rivers and lakes, will they go further?

Ye Xiaohu didn't know, but had to guard, so Ye Xiaohu said to Hua Taisui: "Did you tell Grandma Hua about this?"

"Without me, they know about it."

Hua Taisui knew what Ye Xiaohu was worried about, so Hua Taisui said to Ye Xiaohu: "Now the Chinese senior executives are already negotiating secretly about how to deal with this mysterious force."

"That's good."

Ye Xiaohu breathed a sigh of relief, then said to Hua Taisui: "If Grandma Hua needs their help, they can tell me directly."

"Can't run you."

Hua Taisui sighed: "Although you are not in the rivers and lakes, but you have fought against the Yin and Yang Gates and destroyed the Laojun Palace before, and you have already received the approval of the martial arts. So the gang may have been watching you. "

"bring it on!"

"If they are not afraid of death."

Ye Xiaohu actually already has a guess in his mind ~ ~ The mysterious people who took away Sun Zhihua and the mysterious gangs that wiped out the martial arts of Wulin may be a group of people.

But there is no way to verify, so Ye Xiaohu did not say it.

I saw Ye Xiaohu shrugged his shoulders, and then said to Hua Taisui: "If there is nothing else, I won't disturb you to enjoy it here. I will drive a while later, go to the liquor recommendation conference, and bring a new wine, Talk about cooperation with the liquor distributors attending the conference. "

"Are there new wines?"

Hua Taisui is also a wine grinder, so you have to drink it everywhere.

So when he heard that Ye Xiaohu had a batch of new wine in his hand, he immediately licked his tongue and patted himself: "I am too old but have a goal, and someone who is determined to go to Cui Xiaoqing's wife, how can he eat, drink and have fun in this place? What about? "

"you win."

Seeing Hua Taisui's serious expression, Ye Xiaohu reluctantly said: "If you want to drink, you can keep up!"

(End of this chapter)

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