Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 828: : Problems with wineries

"The boss will be here in a while, you must cheer up."

"There must be no slippage, otherwise I will only ask you."

"What are you doing? Don't hurry, get all the junk stuff aside."

Yejia Winery.

Ever since Ye Xiaohu acquired the winery, it has been a stocking gesture.

Because Ye Xiaohu's personnel are not very many, it is impossible to cover everything.

Under such circumstances, some businesses are handed over to others.

For example, Li Taigui of Yejia Winery is the right person selected by Ye Xiaohu.

First, he has experience managing wineries, and second, he knows how to make wine.

So Ye Xiaohu gave the sale to him, he was still at ease.

However, Li Taigui also has some minor problems. I saw him standing at the entrance of the winery and instructed a staff, and then turned to the man who always stood beside him: "Lao Xiang, when do you say the boss will come?"

"Should it be soon?"

Standing next to Li Taigui, Uncle Xiang froze for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Xiaohu said that he will come today, then he will definitely come today."

"It's good if you really come."

Li Taigui is a bit worried, because this national wine recommendation conference is undoubtedly a very important event for Yejia Winery.

As long as it can be recommended by the national wine this time, then Yejia Winery can truly become the first wine in the country, rather than a local wine system.

Li Taigui constantly wondered about his own feet and dared not leave in one step.

After waiting anxiously for a moment, Uncle Xiang standing beside Li Taigui suddenly pointed at the door with a happy face and said, "The factory manager, Xiaohu is here."


Li Taigui looked into the distance, and really saw a car.

Although he is not very familiar with this car, he has seen it several times and naturally knows who owns this car.

So Li Taigui greeted him, and a burst of welcome sounded immediately.


The approaching vehicle quickly stopped beside Li Taigui and Uncle Xiang.

Ye Xiaohu came out of the car and looked at Li Taigui and Uncle Xiang: "Which leader is going to inspect?"

"Cough ..."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, Li Taigui choked.

Fortunately, Uncle Xiang has some human feelings, so he glanced at Li Taigui and quickly explained: "We are not welcoming leaders, but we are welcoming Xiaohu."

"Welcome to me?"

Ye Xiaohu shook his head, and then said to Li Taigui: "I am a small farmer, there is no need to make too many face-saving projects. As long as you work hard and can lead the Yejia winery to go forward and go further, then I Xiaohu Ye Will be very satisfied. "

"Yes, you are right, boss."

Li Taigui habitually sent a horse fart, which made Ye Xiaohu smile helplessly.

Fortunately, Uncle Xiang knew what Ye Xiaohu thought, so he approached Uncle Li and said to Li Taigui: "The factory manager, Xiaohu has every reason, we can't delay Xiaohu's precious time, so take advantage of this effort, let's go first Let's walk around the winery. "

"Yes, the old one is right."

After hearing Uncle Xiang ’s words, Li Taigui suddenly awakened and patted his head: “Boss, please, let ’s take a look at the products we recommend this time.”

"it is good."

Seeing that things were back on track, Ye Xiaohu nodded happily, so he followed Li Taigui and walked to the winery where the products were placed.

I saw a bottle of Yejia Distillery, home-brewed brand wine, placed on the table.

Immediately after Li Taigui walked over, he pointed to wine bottles and made various displays and introductions.

After listening to Li Taigui's introduction, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but frown.

Seeing this scene, Li Taigui quickly said: "Boss, but what is wrong?"

"A little."

Ye Xiaohu said directly: "The products of our factory, are you planning to sell like this?"

"If you don't sell like this, how do you sell it?"

Li Taigui puzzled: "We used to sell like this in the past!"

"Not the same. In the past, we were selling locally, so the packaging for the brand is relatively low, but then we are going to the national alcohol promotion conference."

Obviously, Li Taigui's consciousness has remained at the level of the past.

Therefore, Ye Xiaohu could only sigh, and then stepped forward, stroking the product of Yejia Winery: "We must pack the product once, so that it is dangerous and high-end."


Li Taigui doesn't quite agree with this, because in his opinion, good wine is really good.

Any packaging is meaningless.

But given Ye Xiaohu's words, he could only listen to Ye Xiaohu's decision, so he said directly: "There is still time, I will arrange for people to design and package."


Ye Xiaohu gave a command, and then picked up a bottle of wine, and gently opened the wine stopper above, and smelled it lightly, so he frowned: "Is this our company's product wine?"


A bit of cold sweat flowed down Li Taigui's forehead: "Boss ~ ~ Isn't my wine a problem?"


"Wine is good wine, but not fragrant."

According to the method explained by Ye Xiaohu, using Lingshui as the main material, and adding some food infused with Lingshui, it is reasonable that the taste will not be like this.

So Ye Xiaohu put the wine directly to his lips and dried half a bottle of wine in one breath, then put down the wine bottle and said: "Take me to the industrial line of wine making."

"Okay, please, your boss!"

Seeing Ye Xiaohu's prudent expression, Li Taigui didn't dare to neglect, so he took Ye Xiaohu and walked over to it.

Soon a group of people came to the wine production line and saw the complete production process.

After reading it, Ye Xiaohu's frowned brows relieved: "Li Taigui, from now on, the wine brewed by our winery is not allowed to use any tap water, but can only be brewed with Yejia water produced by our company."


"There is still food, and I will provide it to you personally. There must not be any debris, otherwise you will not have to dry in our winery."

"I must change the boss, you must not fire me."

"As long as you know."

Ye Xiaohu glanced at Li Taigui and found that Li Taigui did tell the truth, and he was not fooling himself.

Obviously, he participated in some other tap water and food during the brewing process, and it is justifiable to want to come. After all, it is a way to reduce costs.

However, this is not what Ye Xiaohu likes, so Ye Xiaohu just reprimanded Li Taigui and said to Li Taigui: "The wine just now can only be regarded as a sales product, not a recommended product. After all, we represent the country, so I plan to brew a wine myself and take it to the National Wine and Liquor Recommendation Conference. "


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