Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 819: : Chen Zhirui's Abnormal Behavior


"Bring me a tuna sushi."

"I also want a copy."

"I heard that there was a Yejia fish pond in Huaxia, and a kind of Yejia tuna was introduced. The kind of sushi made by Yejia tuna has a taste that is simply beautiful."

"Unfortunately I can't go to China."

"It is said that this tuna sushi can be enjoyed in our Sun Island country, but the price is very expensive. Moreover, the production of the tuna at the Ye family is very low, and there is no way to popularize it.

"It's a pity."

"Don't say this, everyone continues to eat."

Inside a sushi restaurant run by Chinese in Lan Chong County, Sun Island.

A group of people from Sun Island are very happy to eat.

"Thank you all the patrons, all the people who come today will be discounted by 20%."

The owner of Lan Chong sushi restaurant simply greeted him.

Accompanied by the words thanked by many diners, they carried a delicious sushi and walked into a private room.

I saw that he glanced cautiously around to make sure that no one paid attention to himself.

I knocked on the dark box inside the box, and soon came out to reply to the princes, so the owner of the Lan Chong sushi restaurant directly opened the dark door and stepped into it.

"Boss Dou, you are here."

Seeing the owner of the Lan Chong sushi restaurant, the members of the Longhuang Special Forces Brigade hiding in the dark grid showed joyful expressions one by one.

Seeing this scene, the owner of Lan Chong Sushi said: "How is your body recovering?"

"It's been well recovered."

"There is a place where we can rest."

"And the boss you provide food and the like, speed up our recovery."

"Boss Dou, I really want to thank you this time, otherwise we don't even know how to persevere."

When I saw the members of the Dragon King Special Forces, their expressions were very hard, and they recovered some blood. The owner of the Blue Chong Sushi Restaurant couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief: "Last time, you let us collect the medicinal materials, I have given you Brought it."

I saw the boss Dou of the sushi restaurant spread out the sushi he brought.

And in front of everyone, pull the top sushi away to reveal a variety of different pills inside.

"This is a painkiller."

"This is an anti-inflammatory drug."

"This is a special effect medicine, and it is difficult to buy on the market."

"There is also this herb, which I found in many drugstores."

The Dou boss of Lan Chong sushi restaurant seriously introduced the medicine he brought.

And it is directly distributed to people such as sharp guns. After receiving the pills, sharp guns immediately used different methods to help their companions reduce pain and ensure their health.

While the sharp gun and others were healing and saving people, Chen Zhirui from the side came over and said to Boss Dou: "Boss Dou, what can happen outside today?"

"What changes?"

Boss Dou froze for a while: "Nothing changed? When I came in, the business in the store was still very hot, and there was nothing wrong with it."

"I don't mean you are in the shop."

Chen Zhirui shook his head and asked again: "I am asking you, have any strange things happened in other parts of Sun Island, such as Xichuan?"

"Other places?"

Hearing Chen Zhirui ’s question, Boss Dou recalled carefully: “I have n’t really heard anything about other places. But you said Xichuan, but I heard a diner say something.”

"whats the matter?"

"A relative of the diner currently lives in Nishikawa. After drinking a lot, many diners in the sushi restaurant said that Nishikawa seemed to have launched a large-scale missile attack not long ago, and it was a regular missile, not that kind of acting missile."

"Did it burst?"

Hearing Boss Dou's words, Chen Zhirui murmured a little.

Because he can still know that all this is controlled by him behind the scenes.

If there is no change, then everything is okay.

If there is a change, it means that there is a problem in the plan. The Xichuan Missile Base has adopted the most dangerous and last resort to solve the current problem.

Under such circumstances, Chen Zhirui could not help but sigh, and then stood up again: "Thank you Boss Dou, go back and be busy first."


Boss Dou turned and left, and Chen Zhirui was alone, and returned to the crowd with serious thoughts, slowly closing his eyes and resting his mind.

I don't know how long this has passed.

Suddenly there was another knock in the box outside.

This made Chen Zhirui and others open their eyes one by one and looked at the entrance.

Because the sound of this knock is completely different from the boss Dou.

"Everyone be more careful."

Chen Zhirui stood up and walked carefully to the box.

I saw that she made a gesture, so the sharp gun and others took their places and made various fighting gestures.

Seeing that everyone was ready, Chen Zhirui opened the door.


With only one crunch, Chen Zhirui and others saw Ye Xiaohu standing harmlessly in front of them.

"Instructor Ye."

"Instructor Ye, you are back. How did you get injured?"

"Instructor Ye, didn't the ninjas find you?"

"Instructor Ye, how is Jiulong Ding?"

Seeing Ye Xiaohu's return, the sharp gun and others were relieved one by one, but only Chen Zhirui sighed heavily.

However, this scene fell into Ye Xiaohu's eyes accurately.

But Ye Xiaohu did not immediately expose her, but instead showed a charming smile calmly.

"That group of ninjas was nothing in front of me, so they naturally couldn't hurt me."

Ye Xiaohu simply shrugged his shoulders and glanced at Muscles and others with his muscles, and then pointed at Muscles and others: "As for Jiulong Ding, I have been lucky enough to get it, so you do n’t have to worry That ’s it. When the night comes ~ ~ We will find a way to leave the Sun Island country and return to China. "

"Jiulong Ding got it?"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's sharp gun and others crying with joy, they sacrificed too many people for this task.

So the sharp guns and others turned around and said: "Instructor Ye, take a break first, let's comfort the dead and injured hands and feet."

Looking at the backs of sharp guns and others, Ye Xiaohu let out a sigh of breath.

Then I glanced around and found that the dark cell was not a basement, but an independent house. It was just that the boss Dou used some means to fuse the two houses together and made them into a dark room.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu chose a separate room and prepared to go in for a rest.

Yecheng wanted Ye Xiaohu to lie down and saw the sliding door of the room. He was pulled away from the outside. Then a figure walked in, hugged his neck from behind Ye Xiaohu, and exhaled gently.

(End of this chapter)

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