Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 816: : Bombardment

"Target orientation, 45 degrees from east to west."

"No. 1 shell is filled."


Swish swish.

Armor-piercing bullets flew directly towards Ye Xiaohu as if they were meteors.

Ye Xiaohu, who was advancing step by step, noticed a trace of danger, so he glanced at the direction in which the No. 1 shell came, and could not help but sneered, "Sculptures."

I saw the big sword in Ye Xiaohu's hand, and released a lot of sword flowers, directly facing the armor-piercing bullet.

Bang Bang Bang Bang.

There are hundreds of armor piercing bullets, some of which are resisted by Ye Xiaohu Jianhua.

Some of the shells were not resisted, so they hit Ye Xiaohu on the body and hit the ground to make deep holes.

However, after the armor-piercing bullet passed, Ye Xiaohu did not suffer any substantial damage except for some damage to his clothes.

"The second turret is ready for launch."

Seeing this scene, the head of the Sun Island State turned directly and told the general of Fort No. 2 to say: "Give me a bombardment of the damaged part of his body. I will break his gas mask."

A cultivator.

In defense, nothing more than treasure armor and gas shield.

In the view of the head of the Sun Island country, if Ye Xiaohu wears a treasure armor, it should be damaged now, so there is absolutely no problem in seizing this point to attack.

"The second turret is ready, adjust the angle once."

"Break gas bomb into the slot."

"A gas bomb is launched."

After receiving the command of the head of the Sun Island State, the gas bomb No. 2 immediately adjusted its angle.

Abandoning the plan to start a full-scale bombardment, he turned to aim at the damage on Ye Xiaohu's body.


"It seems that the people behind the scene know the mystery of ancient martial arts practitioners very well, know the mystery of ancient martial arts cultivation, and target it."

Who is Ye Xiaohu?

That's a fairy, and the knowledge and vision are not comparable to ordinary people.

So Ye Xiaohu glanced at it briefly and understood the other party's mystery.

But Ye Xiaohu was not angry or impatient.

So he walked forward quickly and slowly, still releasing Jianhua to fight against the gas bomb.

Swish swish.

The gas bomb did not live up to its mission. It was on Ye Xiaohu's body in minutes, leaving Ye Xiaohu's hair scattered and slightly embarrassed.

If it were n’t Ye Xiaohu ’s body, but the fairy body, then this round, it is estimated that there would be no place to die.

"he is injured?"

"Yes, he is not a fairy after all, so there must be weaknesses."

"We have the hope of winning, as long as we continue to bombard him, then we can definitely win."

"Fuck, keep going."

Seeing Ye Xiaohu's body, there were some injuries.

The head of the Sun Island State standing at the command center couldn't help but smile with satisfaction, only to see that he commanded: "No. 1 and No. 2 were filled with missiles immediately, preparing for the second round of bombing. The other launch pads, one by one, confuse Ye Xiaohu Sight, prepare for a killing opportunity for launch pad # 9. "

"Fortress No. 3, a broken bullet is launched."

"Fortress No. 4, a bone-breaking bomb is launched."

Swish swish.

Missiles, just like Swift, rushed forward and backward, slammed into Ye Xiaohu's arms.

If it is a mortal, it is estimated to have died thousands of times.

But the target of the bombing was Ye Xiaohu, who defeated the Five Shadows, so the head of the Sun Island and others could not be more cautious.

After the missile was bombed, the smoke billowed, making it difficult to see everything on the opposite side.

Boom Boom Boom.

For a moment, the head of the Sun Island country calmed down, quietly looking at the picture on the big screen, and muttered quietly: "Will that **** Huaxia garbage die?"

"No, definitely not."

The leader of the Chunji team standing beside him shook his head and said with a determined face: "If such power can be used to kill him, then the body after the five shadows can definitely hang Ye Xiaohu without As for death. "


Just when the head of state of the Sun Island wanted to continue asking.

A general in charge of observation suddenly pointed to a small point on the screen and said: "Head of State, the leader of the team, you look at that place, there seems to be a bright spot."


The head of the Sun Island State and the head of the Chunji group quickly walked over, and after a closer look, they couldn't help but stunned: "He really didn't die, and the launch pad 9 aimed at the spot to bombard.

"Nine understands."

"A few launch pad missiles are filled."

"The launch pad on the ninth."


This time, there were no tens of thousands of missiles, only one of the secret traits of the Sun Island nation, which specifically killed the mastermind's thunder missile.

It is said that this missile uses the mystery of the heaven and earth **** thunder, which can make people experience thunder disaster.

Thunderbolt missiles, containing the power of thunder and lightning, flew straight out of the void.


It was like a real thunderstorm, shot through the fog, and finally hit the bright spot.

Under its bombardment, the bright spot collapsed instantly, and was directly blown into the ground by it.


"This is incredible."

"He didn't dodge, which is really strange."

"Anyway, as long as it hits, then we may win."

The generals of the Sun Island countries all gave out happy expressions, and obviously they were very happy to see such a result.

However, the group leader of the Chunji group said with a worried face: "I don't know why, I always feel that things are a little strange, and it is reasonable that it can't be so smooth."

"I also have this idea ~ ~ The head of the Sun Island country nodded, and then said to the team leader of the Chunji group:" Your Chunji group is our last strength, so I want to ask the team leader to lead you Subordinates, went out to explore the way in person, to identify the life and death. "


The leader of the Chunji team did n’t want to agree, but he thought again that once Ye Xiaohu had no problem, the only thing that would greet him was death, so the leader of the Chunji team nodded and said, "Since that is the case, then I will start . "

After the leader of the Chunji group took the command, he immediately took a part of his confidant ninja, left the command center, and went straight to the place where Ye Xiaohu was hit.

I saw them step by step, approaching carefully.

After reaching the destination, a deep pit was printed in their eyes, and there was a trace of thunder and lightning in the deep pit.

After the group leader of the Chunji group leaned forward and looked down, they suddenly found that inside the deep pit, Ye Xiaohu was holding the sword with her sword, sitting still.

"Head, is he dead?"

"Team leader, do you think we can withdraw?"

One by one, carefully asked the group leader of the Chunji group.

"Withdraw, withdraw the spiral dart for me, even if he is not dead, I will let him lose a layer of skin."

The leader of the Chunji group greeted him, took the lead out of his spiral dart, and aimed at Ye Xiaohu's position.

Just as he was about to launch, Ye Xiaohu, who was sitting still and motionless, actually opened his eyes and looked at him, and smiled to reveal his big white teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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