Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 813: : Sublimation of floating island

"What about people?"

"That Chinese person seems to be gone?"

"Do you want to call the police?"

"Call the police! After all, it seemed to kill people just now."

"Yes, hurry up and call the police."

A group of people on the ground glanced at each other, then picked up the phone in their hands and dialed the alarm number.

There are even some courageous people who have slowly walked towards the place where Ye Xiaohu and the Ninja Fairy King are fighting.

After all, there are many people who do not believe in evil and science.

As everyone knows, there are many things in this world that science simply cannot explain.

Ye Xiaohu is very clear about mortal views.

So in their various actions, Ye Xiaohu had already taken the lead in leaving.

I saw Ye Xiaohu swept all the way like a bulldozer.

Destroy all the Five Pillars, so that the Five Pillars formation is completely abolished.

After returning to the Lingling Array, Ye Xiaohu went forward step by step.

"found it."

Soon Ye Xiaohu found the first one, the power of the elements buried under the array of eyes, could not help but be full of joy: "The property of thunder and lightning, with it, there will be weather changes."

Ye Xiaohu, without any kindness, directly sent the thunder and lightning elements into the floating island space.

"The formation of the lock-spirit array should be a five-pointed star pattern, so after the first point is determined, the subsequent array of eyes can be determined."

Ye Xiaohu stood in the thunder of elemental lightning and looked around.

Soon the immortal energy in Ye Xiaohu's body was identified by the immortal energy measurement method.

So Ye Xiaohu reversed the eyes of the Locking Array step by step according to the azimuth and distance measured by him, and finally found the remaining major elements.

When these five elements were found by Ye Xiaohu, they were sent to the floating island space.

Ye Xiaohu found that in the floating island space, unstable factors appeared again.

Suddenly lightning thunder.

Suddenly a gust of wind blows.

Suddenly the volcano erupted.

Suddenly the flood was raging.

Suddenly the vegetation is flourishing.

Suddenly the earth shook.

As long as there are natural expressions on the earth, they are all presented in the floating island space.

Even the floating island space where you could have seen the defense, after all the eight elements were put together, began to expand step by step in all directions.

If the past was a floating island floating above the void, then now it is an inland floating above the void.

With the expansion of the floating island, the water veins, forests, mountains and rivers above the floating island are also expanding and evolving.

Rivers, mountains, plains, or hills ... just born in Ye Xiaohu's floating island space, forming a beautiful picture.

"This is really about to evolve into the world."

When he saw this scene, Ye Xiaohu's judgment on the floating island space raised another level.

At the same time, Ye Xiaohu looked at the situation on the floating island and could n’t help but stroke his nose. Inside the island space, let them completely revitalize the floating island space. "

"However, before that, some life must be arranged to detect the situation in the floating island space and avoid unnecessary problems."

"But how to detect it requires me to think carefully."

As Ye Xiaohu thought about it, a strange consciousness came out of the floating island space, urging Ye Xiaohu to leave as soon as possible.

This made Ye Xiaohu slightly surprised, because he was the first to discover that the floating island space was born with consciousness.

But Ye Xiaohu can also understand that any life, as long as the conditions are sufficient, will give birth to its own consciousness.

"It seems that the floating island is going to evolve again, and I can't continue here."

Ye Xiaohu thought about it carefully and understood the meaning.

So Ye Xiaohu nodded and bid farewell to the consciousness of the floating island space, and took the initiative to return to the earth.

"Look, there's someone there."

"Is that kid the Chinese who just killed the ninja?"

"It must be him. There can be no other people in this place."

"Seize, be sure to hand him over to the police."

I saw a group of people rushing towards Ye Xiaohu.

Ye Xiaohu smiled indifferently, did not take this matter to heart.

Ye Xiaohu flashed away from them, and stepped towards the top of the mountain step by step.

Because Ye Xiaohu can feel that there is a lot of breath of life in that place.

There is some breath of life, which has something to do with Ye Xiaohu.

There is also some breath of life, full of ninja energy.

Obviously that is the real base of the Ninja, and Chen Zhirui and others should be held there.


I don't know how long I ran, Ye Xiaohu finally reached the top of the mountain.

I saw a ninja, and after seeing Ye Xiaohu appeared, he threw some darts at once: "enemy attack."

But he just shouted, and he found that the darts he threw out inexplicably flew back, and stuck in his throat.

"A little **** who has been abandoned has a look on his face."

Ye Xiaohu glared at him, then walked towards the front casually.

As a result, people in the Ninja Base Camp were already empty, just while Ye Xiaohu was climbing.

The leader of the Chunji group has already run away with the remaining ninjas.

Because they have already surveyed some images of Ye Xiaohu's victory over the Ninja Fairy King through various satellite videos, knowing that the Five Shadows have failed, so it doesn't make any sense to stick to it.

Ye Xiaohu did not stop them from escaping.

Because Ye Xiaohu knows that people can't kill.

Rather than wasting that effort, it would be better to rescue Chen Zhirui and others to go back and complete the task this time.

And this time he has gained a lot, and he is eager to change China's closure.

So Ye Xiaohu went directly to ~ ~ where was abandoned by Chen Zhirui, who was abandoned in the Ninja Base, and said: "I'm here, how is your body?"

"Instructor Ye, you are finally here."

Seeing Ye Xiaohu appear suddenly, the sharp gun and others showed their joy.

However, after being happy, the sharp gun suddenly thought of something, and quickly faced Ye Xiaohu: "Instructor Ye, don't worry about us first, hurry up to rescue Captain Chen Zhirui. She was captured by the Shenlong.

"I know."

Ye Xiaohu returned his hand with an immortal energy, and the immortal energy was like a sharp sword, directly cutting all the cages.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu turned contentedly, and turned in the direction pointed by the sharp gun and others, to the place where Chen Zhirui was taken away.

As a result, Ye Xiaohu had just walked over and saw Chen Zhirui's pale face, holding a dagger stuck in Shenlong's chest.

(End of this chapter)

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