Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 811: : The King of Ninjas

One to one.

Wu Ying can no longer fight Ye Xiaohu.

In such a situation, the five shadows looked at Ye Xiaohu's gaze and were more afraid.

But they cannot admit defeat, because this is above their territory.

Once they choose to admit defeat, then what is waiting for them is destruction, so they still have to persevere.

I saw their breath rising one by one, and then one by one.

Except for the old Ninja who was just killed by Ye Xiaohu and did not resurrect immediately.

The other four shadows that still exist, come together directly.

I saw that their palms touched together, and a moment of elemental force emanated from their bodies and merged into their companions' bodies.


Seeing this scene, Ye Xiaohu did not rush to attack, but instead looked straight ahead with a calm face.

He wanted to see what the ninjas were playing.

In such a situation, the four ninjas survived.

After the fusion of breath, the whole person's body also melted away and slowly merged together.


A few dozen seconds later, a brand-new person appeared in front of Ye Xiaohu and said: "Damn Chinese, you have to pay a certain price for your arrogance today."


It was almost when the words just fell down. After the fusion, there were some girly ninjas that were directly rushing towards Ye Xiaohu.

I saw thunder and lightning in his left hand, and a bush fist.

"go to hell!"

"Hua Xia."

The combined ninja body directly punched Ye Xiaohu's face.


Ye Xiaohu did not dodge and ate a punch from the opponent, but was beaten back dozens of meters.

When he stabilized his body, he stroked the part that had just been beaten.

"The strength is not small, I hit the cheek fiercely."

Ye Xiaohu smiled slightly, without any anger, but said calmly: "Originally, the four of you were nothing but cultivation at the beginning of the Yuan Realm. But when you united, the combat power directly reached the level of the Taoist early. , Which really surprised me. "

"More surprises, still behind."

The new ninja after the four shadows in one, rushed towards Ye Xiaohu directly.

I saw his hands fuse together, radiating a hot light, and chiseled directly to Ye Xiaohu.

But this time Ye Xiaohu didn't stand on the spot, waiting for being attacked.

I saw Ye Xiaohu blinked, and disappeared in the same place, while facing the new life of the four shadows: "But the power of the early Dao kind, you are still not my opponent."


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, the life of four shadows in one could not help but stunned.

The next moment, he felt a weird wind behind him.

Under such circumstances, he immediately turned his body.

But his reaction was still slightly slower.

Almost when he turned around, Ye Xiaohu, who suddenly appeared behind him, had already punched his nose bridge, breaking his nose bridge on the spot.

"Damn, how can you be faster than the four of us combined?"

The new entity with four shadows in one, climbed up from the ground, stroking the bridge of his nose, and said angrily: "You make us angry, we decided to catch you, and instead of busy killing, Your soul is dedicated to our great gods. "

"This is just your idea, because I will not agree with Ye Xiaohu."


Ye Xiaohu disappeared in place again, and when he appeared next to Siying Fusion Life again, he punched directly on the stomach of Siying Fusion New Life.


The Four Shadows united with the new life and was ready for a long time.

But still being hit by Ye Xiaohu, let them bend down and keep covering their stomachs, widening their eyes.

Faced with this situation, Ye Xiaohu smiled coldly: "Only the joint statement of the four of you is far from my opponent. Hurry to let the garbage hidden behind you merge with you, so that there is some attention. . "


Suddenly I heard Ye Xiaohu's words, the new life of the fusion of the four shadows, could not help but be surprised: "How do you know that the grandfather of the earth attribute title Xianren is still alive?"

"Am I not a fool?"

Ye Xiaohu sneered while attacking each other: "From the beginning, I knew he would not die so easily. Because I predicted that he should have another life."

"You are very smart."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, a black figure emerged from the ground and slashed towards Ye Xiaohu's door.

Ye Xiaohu immediately withdrew and backed away, avoiding the attack of the old man of Tuying.

"But you should not give me a chance to breathe and repair my body."

Although the old man of Tu Ying appeared, there was a little confusion in his breath.

Obviously after he was just killed by Ye Xiaohu, he wasted a lot of energy to repair his body.

After seeing him drive Ye Xiaohu with a knife, he jumped towards the fusion of four shadows.

When he fell on the new life of the four shadows, he directly integrated into it.

The original four shadows merged with the new life and became the five shadows life.

"Ninja fairy king."

When the five shadows merged together, five sounds were made to announce the start of their strong counterattack.

"It's kind of interesting, the strength has increased a lot."

Ye Xiaohu's spirit was carefully sensed.

At the same time, the power of five special elements was discovered, and the bodies of the five of them were perfectly communicated together.

Under such circumstances, the original combat power reached the new life in the early stage of the Dao species, and the combat power increased a large amount upwards, reaching the middle of the Dao species.

"I am full of strength."

I saw the ninja fairy king with the five shadows merged together, clenched his fist and said: "Now I ~ ~ can kill me just like a punch. Such a power, even if God comes, Not necessarily my opponent. "


Hearing Ninja Fairy King ’s words, Ye Xiaohu shook his head and said: “If I am right, the power now does not belong to you at all. Instead, you borrow the power of the five elements to produce the acquired effect.”

"so what?"

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, the Ninja Fairy King did not deny Ye Xiaohu's speculation, but instead said proudly: "No matter how this power is obtained, in short it can kill you, then I will be satisfied."


Almost when the words fell, Ninja Fairy King jumped directly to Ye Xiaohu.

Facing this scene, Ye Xiaohu could not help but shook his head and said helplessly: "People always have to die once to know how big the gap between reality is. But that's fine, kill you as soon as possible Take away the power of the five elements. "

(End of this chapter)

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