Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 808: : 5 Wang Zhu


The earth is shaking, and a bird is flying above the sky, no matter it falls on the tree trunk, for fear of being destroyed.

"what happened?"


"The Earthquake Administration has not issued an earthquake warning?"

"No, you look at the top of Mount Fuji."

Under the mountain.

The tourists who had traveled with Ye Xiaohu stopped their bodies one after another, looking at the top of Mt.Fuji, stunned one by one.

"No, Mount Fuji is about to erupt."

Although Mount Fuji has not erupted for three hundred years, it does not mean that it will not erupt.

It's just that in the news of Sun Island, the language of scientists.

No one predicted that Mount Fuji would erupt.

So when the mountain is down, tourists on the mountain.

Seeing the top of Mount Fuji, when some firelight appeared, they turned around and ran.

For a time, the order was chaotic, and people appeared in various congestions.

When everyone is running down the mountain, Ye Xiaohu is still walking towards the top of the mountain step by step.

In Ye Xiaohu's opinion, what erupted Mount Fuji was scaring people.

Because Mount Fuji apparently did not reach the time of the eruption, the reason for this kind of situation is that someone must use the array method to induce.

Thinking of it, the high platform that I just pushed down.

Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but sneer, then said to the opposite platform: "You make them pretend to be members of the Longhuang Special Forces Brigade, isn't it just to lure me to Ye Xiaohu for climbing? Now that I have already climbed, why don't you appear? "

Ye Xiaohu walked forward step by step and shouted.

"Not at all."

"It seems that you are all afraid of death!"

"Since you don't want to come out, don't blame me Ye Xiaohu for killing."

Ye Xiaohu sneered with a big sword, and stabbed directly at the tree on the left.


A sword pierced out, and the place was immediately penetrated.

And blood ran out from inside, followed by the place where it was originally the same as the bark, showing a flashing light.


Ye Xiaohu withdrew his sword, and the shimmering bark fell directly to the ground, becoming a masked ninja, but he was dead and could not die anymore.

"Some low-level cannon fodder?"

Ye Xiaohu smiled coldly and walked forward step by step.

Without going through a place, the big sword in Ye Xiaohu's hand was either pointed towards the top, or towards the bottom, or towards the grass, or some animals.

One sword at a time, one sword at a time.

Basically, if a sword goes down, there must be a living creature killed.

For a time, behind Ye Xiaohu, blood had flowed into the river, and the bones were endless.


I don't know how long it has passed, when Ye Xiaohu came to the real summit of the mountain.

The scenery in front of me changed again.

Obviously, the opposite Ninja clique changed the past formation.

Turning the original four seasons like spring into a dark and terrible doomsday environment.

"The Five King Pillars lift me up."

Suddenly came a burst of emptiness in the void.

Immediately above the earth, a deafening roar came.

Five squares of land in the east, west, south, and north, one inch from the ground, raised a pillar of soil.


Ye Xiaohu muttered silently, and at the same time sensed the surrounding environment.

As a result, Ye Xiaohu suddenly discovered that he was exposed to a special magnetic field.

And this magnetic field contains five special elements.

And the content of the elements far exceeds the outside world, and has reached a very amazing point.


Just when Ye Xiaohu was surprised, a little dwarf old man appeared slowly on the middle pillar. I saw that he stroked his beard. "The martial art master from China has now fallen into us. Within the Five Pillars of the Ninja Group, can there be confession? "


Ye Xiaohu shook his head, then said to the humane at the pillar in the center of the Five Kings Pillar: "I confess to an egg, you are a garbage in front of Laozi."


Almost heard Ye Xiaohu's words, the old man on the middle soil pillar jumped directly from above.

"The magic of earth, the fist of the world."


With the cry of this person, the power of the earth was instilled into his body.

Immediately following his right arm, he entered the process of earthenization.

When he came to Ye Xiaohu's side, his entire right arm had become a fist of earth.


I saw a punch that condensed the power of the earth and slashed into Ye Xiaohu's face door, trying to regain the face he had just lost.

"Interestingly, I will use the power of the earth."

A little surprise flashed in Ye Xiaohu's eyes, because he was the first time he met such a person.

Because he can see that the other party is just an ordinary identity.

People like him, even if they reach the realm of immortality, they will not have such a standard.

Therefore, Ye Xiaohu wanted to know how the other party achieved this level as a mortal.

"Let me see what a fist like you can achieve."

I saw Ye Xiaohu sneered, and the big sword in his hand directly pierced a sword.


The big sword in Ye Xiaohu's hands stabbed the earth fist of the old man Ninja accurately.


This time, the big sword in Ye Xiaohu's hands did not suffer any damage.

On the contrary, the earth fist of the old man Ninja, because of the big sword in Ye Xiaohu's hand, was torn apart and scattered on the ground.


And the big sword in Ye Xiaohu's hand didn't stay at all. Instead, he pierced further and went straight to the face of the old man of Ninja.

"not good."

The old ninja whispered and quickly turned and ran.

But his response was obviously not as fast as Ye Xiaohu's offensive speed.

Almost as he dodged, the big sword in Ye Xiaohu's hand was already stabbed in front of him.

Bang ~ ~ The old Ninja wailed, and was directly killed by Ye Xiaohu's big sword.

When his body fell on the ground, it turned into a black energy directly, and reintegrated into the earth at a very fast speed.

"Strange, that seems to be the power of the element of earth."

Ye Xiaohu has been struggling to find elements, so he has a strong sensitivity to the power of elements, so he can see at a glance what the black energy is.

But this black energy made Ye Xiaohu slightly disappointed: "The element of fire, the elements of light and darkness are extremely powerful, how come when the element of earth is so weak?"

Just when Ye Xiaohu was puzzled and confused.

Above the earth king pillar in the middle of the five king pillars, a grave bag was slowly bulged, followed by a small figure, crawling out of the grave bag.

(End of this chapter)

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