Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 801: : Chaos in different dimensions

After killing Baqi, Ye Xiaohu carried the **** sword and turned to look at Ye Xiaohu: "Now it is your turn to descend from Baqi."

"Why don't you human beings talk about credibility?"

When Ye Xiaohu turned his face, he didn't recognize people. This made the Eight Divine Gods slightly awkward and said: "In the past, you humans, but very credible, and promised us things, never violated."

"The past is the past, others are others."

Ye Xiaohu shrugged his shoulders and said with a light face: "I Ye Xiaohu is myself, so I want to do whatever I want. For example, I don't like your eyes and feel ugly, then I want to kill you. "

"No, don't kill me."

The Great Divine God shook his head, and then said again: "I still have value, as long as you are willing to leave me, you will definitely find it."

Ye Xiaohu asked back: "So you talk about it, what value do you have?"

"I have got……"

The domineering god's brains turned sharply, and his eyes rolled for a while: "Yes, you are a new-generation cultivator of the earth. I'm afraid you don't know how to continue cultivating?"

"I'm sorry, I know how to continue practicing."

Ye Xiaohu said indifferently: "If you use this as a bargaining chip, then you still can't escape death."

"What about magic?"

"Do you think I am missing a magic weapon?"

"It doesn't seem to be, but should you lack a thug?"

"Do you think I need a thug?"


Baqi is about to cry, I don't know I should justify myself.

Under such circumstances, Ye Xiaohu smiled coldly: "If you have no other reason to argue, then I will send you away."

"No, I have a shocking news."

Seeing Ye Xiaohu about to start, Ba Qi stepped back a few steps in horror: "When I left the different dimension, the space of the different dimension changed dramatically. This is something outsiders don't know about."

"A problem with the different dimension space?"

Ye Xiaohu was stunned for a while, because in his memory, the Heavenly Court or the Spirit Mountain ... The places where these gods live and live are basically in different dimensions.

So after hearing Xiao Qi's words, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but get interested: "You talk about the problem of different dimension space in detail."


Seeing Ye Xiaohu interested in this matter, Baqi quickly introduced: "Earth is the main world, there are many gods around the main world, forged space. According to incomplete statistics, there are at least tens of thousands There are so many of them. Some of them are stable and some are unstable. "

"After we were assigned to the heterodimension space, we also found a stable heterodimension space for a long time to survive. But just one year ago, the heterodimension space tremored violently. Even There are some unstable heterodimension spaces, which actually collapsed directly. And some past stable heterodimensions saw cracks and fluctuations. "

"It's nothing, because this has happened in the past. What really surprised me was that when I returned to the earth, I found that the two largest spaces in the different dimension space actually had cracks."

Hearing Baqi saying here, Ye Xiaohu couldn't help but shocked: "Did Tianting and Lingshan also have problems?"


Seeing Ye Xiaohu guessed it, Ba Qi nodded seriously.

This shocked Ye Xiaohu very much, because he returned from heaven, so he knew the horror and horror of heaven.

But how could such a horrible explanation cause problems, and after oneself left, one after another appeared fragmentation?

Is it all related to yourself?

Ye Xiaohu recalled that before he returned to earth, some fairies told himself.

I can't help but feel that the chaos between heaven and different dimensions must be related to myself.

When Ye Xiaohu thought about it, the eight gods on the side said again: "There are cracks in Tianting and Lingshan. This is not the place I am most surprised. What really surprised me was some fragmented heterodimensional spaces. Under the influence of a mysterious force, even a little fusion seems to have merged together and a new world has been born. "

"new world?"

"Yes, and it is a world similar to the immortal system."

"Such a world, don't you mean popularizing cultivation of immortals?"


Hearing Ye Xiaohu's words, the Eight Divine God nodded seriously.

Under such analysis and judgment, Ye Xiaohu walked back and forth a few steps, and then faced the Eight Divine Great Shinto: "Do you want to live?"


Baqi nodded quickly and said, "Are you willing to let me go?"


Ye Xiaohu stared at Baqi cautiously: "But I need you to do me a favor."

"What's busy?"

The Great Divine God said in surprise: "As long as I can do it, then I must agree."

"You can do it."

Ye Xiaohu stood up, carrying his hands, looking at the sky and said: "I hope you can return to the space of different dimensions and help me investigate the turbulence in the space of different dimensions."

"no problem."

Hearing Ye Xiaohu's instructions, Baqi was slightly disappointed.

Just returned to Earth, it will be sent back to the different dimension space.

But going back alive is better than dying on earth.

So Baqi quickly nodded and said, "Yes, my subordinates will go back here."

"Before going back, I'll cut off several of your bodies and refine a magic weapon for communication."

Ye Xiaohu smiled evilly, and then waved his hands to cut off eight bodies and seven bodies.

Immediately followed by the terrified eyes of the Great God of Eight Differences.

Ye Xiaohu took out some materials, and forged a spirit communication pigeon, and delivered it to Baqidao: "If you find any mystery, then you can start the spirit communication pigeon to notify me."

"Is this the spirit communication pigeon?"

Ba Qi looked at Ye Xiaohu in surprise ~ ~ because he knew it, the spirit communication pigeon is the method of fairy communication above heaven.

But Ye Xiaohu, a mortal cultivator, would actually use such a method.


Ye Xiaohu directly removed the seal and said, "Now you can go."


Ba Qisheng was afraid that Ye Xiaohu would change his mind, so when Ye Xiaohu opened the seal, he directly took the spirit communication pigeon and returned to the different dimension space on the spot.

After it went back, Ye Xiaohu used the method of sealing again to seal the black hole again.

After confirming that there was no problem, Ye Xiaohu sat satisfactorily on the ground, and used the big sword to pick up the remaining body of the eight-man, so as to pick out the snake tendons. The snake meat underneath is also a big tonic and can be used to make snake soup. "

(End of this chapter)

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