Xiaoyao Xiaoyao in the mountains

Chapter 321 Auditory Hallucinations!

"Hmph, you're still a bit sympathetic!"

A thick voice said as if echoing in the valley.

Yang Xiaobao was taken aback, and quickly asked, "Did you speak?"

Liu Mei and Lin Yingwan were startled when they heard Yang Xiaobao's sudden words.

"Xiaobao, who were you talking to just now?"

Only then did Yang Xiaobao come back to his senses, and asked: "Didn't you hear someone talking just now?"

"Someone talking?"

The three girls all looked puzzled: "We only heard one sentence from you."

"Is there really no very thick voice to speak?" Yang Xiaobao asked unwillingly.

"Xiaobao, you, don't scare us, let me tell you, if you scare us again, we will never forgive you!" Liu Mei was startled by Yang Xiaobao's words, her face changed, and she said.

It was only then that Yang Xiaobao realized that he had an auditory hallucination just now.

Then when I saw the statue of the mountain god smiling at me and turning my head, it was a hallucination.

Yang Xiaobao sighed, ready to stand up from under the futon.

"Boy, for the sake of you bowing down to me, be here on time at twelve noon tomorrow."

The voice said suddenly again.

This time Yang Xiaobao didn't panic so much, but looked at the mountain statue carefully.

This time he finally saw clearly that the mouth of the mountain god moved.

Yang Xiaobao almost jumped up in surprise.

It seems that there are really mountain gods.

Without hesitation, Yang Xiaobao kowtowed three more times to the mountain god statue.

"Little Treasure, I didn't expect you to be so devout to the mountain god." Lin Yingwan laughed.

Yang Xiaobao stood up from the futon and said with a smile: "Of course, although our stone village is poor, there have been no major disasters for so many years. Even if there are landslides and mudslides, they will not harm our village. There are mountain gods Bless."

"That's right, I think people sometimes have to be in awe." Han Lu said with a smile.

"How about we also worship the mountain god?" Liu Mei suggested.

"Why do you worship the mountain god? Do you want him to give you a boyfriend?" Lin Yingwan teased.

"Don't you want a boyfriend?" Liu Mei laughed.

Lin Yingwan said: "I was originally..."

Realizing that she had said the wrong thing, Lin Yingwan shut her mouth quickly.

Just now she wanted to say that she already had it, but when she thought that she shouldn't have said this, she swallowed it abruptly.

Then she glanced at Yang Xiaobao embarrassedly.

"Xiaowan, tell me, who is your boyfriend?" Han Lu asked with a smile.

"What are you talking about?"

"Hey, if you don't tell me, I'll know who it is." Han Lu looked very clear.

Lin Yingwan became anxious and wanted to hit Han Lu with her small powder fist.

"Stop making trouble, and if you provoke the mountain god again, let's all kneel down and bow down. You see, Xiaobao is so pious, how well he is developing now."

Liu Mei pulled Lin Yingwan and Han Lu and kowtowed three times to the mountain god alone.

After kowtowing, the three girls stood up and laughed happily.

At this moment, they heard a voice from outside.

"I just said there was someone inside. I heard a voice just now." A man said.

"Hey, boss, why don't we go and see who it is?" the second man's voice said.

"Maybe it's a vixen?" said a third man's voice.

"Even if it's a vixen, I still want to make out with her." The voice of the first man said.

Then there was a wretched laugh.

Hearing the conversation outside, the faces of the three girls changed.

Yang Xiaobao also frowned involuntarily.

From the conversation and laughter just now, Yang Xiaobao judged that there were at least four people.

"Little treasure, let's go."

Han Lu was a little timid and said hastily.

"Yes, it's time for us to go down the mountain." Liu Mei said.

Yang Xiaobao nodded, and walked out of the temple with them.

But before they could go out, they ran into the four people who came in.

These four people are very young, that is, in their 20s.

They were dressed in strange clothes, crooked when they walked, and looked like they were fooling around.

What worried Lin Yingwan and the others was that one of the guys was carrying a shotgun on his shoulder.

When they saw the three women, Lin Yingwan, Liu Mei, and Han Lu, who were facing each other, their expressions changed immediately.

They looked up and down the three girls greedily, their mouths opening and closing.

Lin Yingwan and Han Lu, let alone in Stone Town, even in the provincial capital, are also the kind of girls that all men keep looking at.

They are like a pack of wolves seeing a few sheep.

Lin Yingwan and the others took a step back, feeling uncomfortable all over their bodies, as if there were several snakes crawling around on their bodies.

"Let me just say, there must be women. I didn't expect there to be three super beauties."

said the guy with the shotgun over his shoulder, and his voice was that of the first person just now.

He is a little older, standing in the center, and should be the eldest brother of the other three.

The others laughed when they heard this.

This guy took a step forward, and said with a flattering smile: "Three beauties, come to travel? How about I take you to have fun?"

Han Lu and the others showed fearful expressions on their faces, and quickly hid behind Yang Xiaobao.

As if he just saw Yang Xiaobao, this guy looked him up and down.

"Boy, you can do it. You have a lot of fun, and you even brought three girls out to play." The guy grinned and said, "Why don't you borrow some of my buddies?"

"You... hooligan..."

Liu Mei scolded angrily.

"How do you know my name? I'm a hooligan today."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to touch Liu Mei's face.

Liu Mei was so frightened that she hurriedly hid back.

"I just like girls who resist, this is how I want to conquer!"

One of the other three guys came forward with a wicked smile, and wanted to catch Liu Mei again.

But before his hand touched Liu Mei, someone had already tightly grasped his wrist.

It was none other than Yang Xiaobao.

The guy felt a tingling pain in his wrist.

He yelled a few times, trying to break free, trying to shake off Yang Xiaobao's hand.

But Yang Xiaobao's hands were like pliers, he couldn't shake them off at all.

The guy with the shotgun, seeing this situation, immediately raised the shotgun and pointed it at Yang Xiaobao.

"You fucking want to die, don't you? Let go quickly, or I will shoot you to death!"

When Han Lu and the others saw this guy aiming his shotgun at Yang Xiaobao, their faces turned pale with fright.

"Little Treasure, be careful!" Han Lu couldn't help shouting.

"Yo, you're still worried about him. If you don't want me to beat him to death, just follow me to the temple obediently and let me enjoy it." The guy said with a wretched smile.

"You bastard!" Liu Mei scolded again.

"Damn it, you will be the first to do it later!"

After speaking, he turned his head and said to Yang Xiaobao: "Boy, I'll count to three, let him go!"

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