After Wang Han finished speaking, he looked at Yuan Shishi quietly.

Yuan Shishi nodded slowly.

Even if I'm not in good shape right now, I still have to keep working.

It is her job to interview Wang Han today.

She took a deep breath to calm down her emotions.

Then she looked around the environment in the office.

What the hell is this!

The room is full of instant noodles and promotional posters.

Also, why is there a picture of instant noodles on the desktop of your desk? Do you lose your eyes when you work on such a desk?

Also, why are the bookshelves behind you full of instant noodles?are you serious

Or if you're hungry, you can grab instant noodles and eat right away.

Yuan Shishi was powerless to complain at this moment.

"Wang Dong, this office of yours is quite special." Yuan Shishi showed an awkward yet polite smile on her face.

Wang Han chuckled.

Not embarrassed.

As long as you are not embarrassed yourself, it is others who are embarrassed.

In the next interview, Wantong can no longer be allowed to do this again.

Wang Han couldn't accept being so shameless in order to save tens of thousands of dollars in advertising fees.

"It's quite special." Wang Han said calmly.

"Are we interviewing here?" Yuan Shishi asked.

Wang Han nodded.

After that, he skillfully walked to the office chair and sat down.

He was interviewed not once or twice, he already had experience.

After he sat down, the cameraman quickly found a suitable location for shooting, and Yuan Shishi also walked into the camera.

"Today we are going to interview the director of Haohan Food Factory. Now 80.00% of the instant noodles we sell in Chengdu are produced by Haohan Food." Yuan Shishi briefly explained to the camera.

"Not much to say next, let's start the interview." After Yuan Shishi finished speaking, she turned to look at Wang Han.

At this time, the cameraman moved around, the camera panned, and Wang Han and Yuan Shishi appeared together in the camera.

Immediately afterwards, Yuan Shishi greeted Wang Han: "Hi, Director Wang."

"Hello." Wang Han replied.

"Wang Dong and I are also old acquaintances. I met you a few months ago and you were still the chairman of Haohan Clothing. Why haven't I seen you for a while, and you have become the chairman of Haohan Food Factory?" Yuan Shishi asked.

Wang Han smiled: "Fate is such a coincidence. When I was interviewed by you for the first time, I didn't expect that I would be in the food industry."

Yuan Shishi continued to ask.

Wang Han continued to answer.

One sentence per person.

Cooperate tacitly.

Unknowingly, the interview came to an end.

Yuan Shishi looked at Wang Han and asked, "Director Wang, the interview has come to an end, do you have anything to say to the audience?"

Wang Han: "There really are."

"I, Wang Han, do real business. Whether it's Haohan's clothing or Haohan's food, the quality is definitely top-notch. If you want to eat instant noodles, please look for Master Cai's instant noodles."

"We will launch more flavors and more products in the future. We hope to forge ahead with the majority of users." Wang Han said successively.

Yuan Shishi's face was full of astonishment.


What the hell is this!

The last sentence is for you to say polite words!

Why are you still advertising?

What you said, I may not be able to broadcast it there.

After you do this, and then interview others, others will do it well, okay?

Also, your room full of instant noodles is actually a foul!

Yuan Shishi thought about it, feeling depressed in her heart.

"Wang Dong, why don't you change the sentence?" Yuan Shishi showed an embarrassed yet polite smile.

"What's wrong? Can't this one be broadcast?" Wang Han asked.

He has been interviewed to gain experience and knows some things.

Yuan Shishi nodded.

"Then let me change it." Wang Han said helplessly.

Then he looked at the camera and said with a smile on his face, "It's delicious and affordable, Master Cai instant noodles, you deserve it."

Yuan Shishi...

That's it?

It's not as good as the previous sentence!

"Still not working? Then I'll change it." Wang Han said.


I recorded four or five more in a row, and finally passed the test barely.

"Eat noodles when you don't want to cook, it's convenient anyway."


Yuan Shishi felt that although these words were still suspected of being an advertisement.

But barely use it, the tape is almost out.

"Shishi, aren't you in the newspaper office? How did you get into the local station?"

After the interview, Wang Han asked out his doubts.

"The project I was in charge of was taken away by the TV station, and I was also recruited by the TV station along the way." Yuan Shishi said.

"Then you have upgraded." Wang Han said.

Yuan Shishi was speechless.

You think this is a game, and it comes with an upgrade!

But with the end of this interview, her mood improved a lot.

She suddenly looked at Wang Han.

Being stared at by Yuan Shishi, Wang Han suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Especially Yuan Shishi still didn't speak.

"Why don't you speak?" Wang Han asked.

Yuan Shishi still stared at Wang Han, at this moment she seemed to have a deer bumping in her heart.

"You, you, why haven't you contacted me these past few months?" Yuan Shishi finally plucked up the courage to ask.

Wang Han was astonished.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Shishi would ask such a question.

Thinking back, I really haven't contacted Yuan Shishi for a long time.

The point is, why contact her if you have nothing to do?

What are you talking about?

Wang Han thought in his heart, some didn't know how to answer Yuan Shishi.

What little emotional intelligence he had left told him that he must never tell the truth or risk losing a friend.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

He looked at Yuan Shishi apologetically and said, "You saw it too, the reason I haven't contacted you during this time is because I'm really busy."

"When Haohan Foods first made instant noodles, Master Ding suppressed them, so I was very busy."

Wang Han said helplessly.

Anyway, it's not that I don't contact you, I'm just very busy.

The family is big and the business is big, and I am very busy.

Hearing what Wang Han said, Yuan Shishi suddenly felt better.

It turned out that he didn't contact me, there was something wrong.

That's right, he is a big boss, a garment factory, and a food factory, so there must be endless things to do.

"Don't be too busy, you seem to have lost weight during this time." Yuan Shishi said.

Wang Han?

He looked suspicious.

Are you sure I lost weight?

It's not that one or two people say I'm fat, okay?

"It's lunch time, would you like to invite me to taste the food in your cafeteria?" Yuan Shishi suddenly changed the subject.

"Is there anything delicious in the cafeteria, I invite you to the restaurant." Wang Han said.

After all, he was a friend whom he hadn't contacted for a long time, so Wang Han felt that he should treat him well.

If the relationship is better, my ad may be available in the next interview.

As he spoke, he took Yuan Shishi out of the office, and happened to run into Wantong head-on.

"Director Wang, is the interview over?" Wantong asked.

Wang Han nodded.

"Old Wan, remember to tidy up the office." Wang Han ordered.

Vantone nodded.

After Wang Han left, he called the workers to the office again.

He looked at the decoration in the office, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"Well, move all the instant noodles in the office back to the warehouse."

"Then those people moved the computers and materials to the next office."

Wantong ordered.

The office next door is Zheng Ming's former office.

Now that Zheng Ming is gone, it happens to be used by Wang Han.

As for this, he intends to keep it forever, maybe he can use it for the next interview.

Let's talk about Wang Han.

He drove the car, carrying Yuan Shishi to the city.

Not long after, the two came directly to Julaixuan.

Wang Han is a regular customer here, and the food tastes good here, so he doesn't bother to choose other places to eat.

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