A muffled sound came from the black iron pipe.

Liao Er, who was riding a horse on the road, froze for a moment, and the horse under him seemed to sense it, and his speed gradually slowed down, but Liao Er still landed straight on the ground.

At that moment, the bullet landed on his heart.

People die instantly.

Don't even know who was killed, what was killed!Pain is less noticeable.

Dabao watched indifferently, the iron pipe moved, and his finger fell on the trigger.

Suddenly there was one person missing, and the rebel army behind them became slightly agitated. These people seemed to be well-trained, and they quickly formed a formation that could be attacked or defended.

If Dabao and Yan Qingshu were holding cold weapons, they would have no way to break the situation against such a person.

But Yan Qingshu held a machine gun in his hand.

Machine guns fired over, creating a mess.

Does the pistol in Dabao's hand make a bang bang bang sound from time to time.

Machine guns don't have aiming skills, but pistols do!

One person sweeps randomly, one person shoots accurately.In less than 5 minutes, all these people were resolved!

Dabao didn't come out in a hurry, he changed the magazine for the pistol, and made up shots at the people on the ground, in case some people pretended to be dead!

Who is better at pretending to be dead than him?

A picture flashed in his mind, and Dabao came back to his senses in an instant, shooting one shot at the heart!

He didn't stand up until he was sure that the people lying on the ground were all dead.

Looking at the black thing in Yan Qingshu's hand, his eyes showed grievance: "Your one is more useful, bigger, thicker and longer."

What a fucking adjective!

If Dabao hadn't been under eight years old, she would have thought that this man had a yellow accent!

"If you don't use it, the recoil can knock you over." Yan Qingshu said, retracting the machine gun.

Follow Dabao to check the team.

Take the dagger and dig the bullet out of the heart body of the corpse.Put it back into space.

This kind of thing that should not appear in this world should be taken back as soon as possible.

Suddenly, the dagger in his hand fell on a dead body, and the feel was a little different. He lowered his head to meet the eyes that opened suddenly.

Good guy this man is not dead.

Stirring the dagger in his hand, Yan Qingshu found that the man's heart was crooked, even with Dabao's gun, there was nothing he could do!

fortunately!She is cautious!

I don't want to leave the bullet in this place, otherwise this person will have to tell the rebels what happened when he fled back. If the rebels are prepared, it will be even more difficult for her to make a move.

Looking back at Dabao: "See, there are still people alive, be more careful in the future! These people are rebels, how do you think they came here?"

Dabao shook his head: "Yes, I will be cautious!"

Killing must be dismembered and quartered, what if there are still people with crooked hearts!As for how the rebellious army came here.There is too little information, it is difficult to analyze, frowning and thinking: "their team is not many people, but there are scouts, obviously doing things to track people, there are only us in front of them, maybe there are people they are tracking in front of us, It’s just that there are no traces in front of us, the ground is bare, and there are few traces of a snake crawling, I think they are following us.”


Not bad!

"Why are you chasing us? We don't have much supplies, and there are many old people and children. With so many burdens, why are they interested?"

"Why!" Yan Qingshu increased her voice and continued to ask!

Dabao frowned: "There must be people who want something, but..." I didn't expect to meet the cheating stepmother, and they disappeared before chasing these people.

"Let's go back." The matter has been settled, so we have to go back earlier.

Dabao stared at the horse wandering in place, feeling a little moved.Rebels are not nice people, but the horses are through no fault of their own.And if there are horses, it will be very convenient for them to flee famine.

"Mother, these horses! Let's take them back too!" Dabao said, his face blushing.

Yan Qingshu lowered her head, what did the little guy call her just now!


Not a stepmother anymore!

Pain-free motherhood, but it feels good.

Especially my son is a little genius.

It feels even more like flying.

"You want?" Yan Qingshu smiled.

Dabao nodded, as cautious as he was, he would speak his heart even when he was in a happy mood.He didn't even notice that his title had changed.

"Then take it away!" Yan Qingshu nodded, let Dabao lead the horse, and walked towards the resting place of the villagers.

She followed behind and cleaned up the traces of the horse's whereabouts and the shaft. If these things were there, the rebels could still find them.

In this way, the speed is much slower.

When Huang woke up after a nap, seeing that Yan Qingshu was no longer there, she asked, "Where did elder sister go, why hasn't she come back?"

"Who knows, don't worry about her, I'll be back when I see you then." Old Madam Yan said.

Mrs. Zhu hesitated to speak, and wanted to say that she had nothing to do now and went to look for it.

But the mother stared, she forgot to say.

The porridge boiled in the village slowly released its fragrance.

Mrs. Yan ordered Mrs. Zhu to bring over the rice with the little one.

After clearing the wasteland in the small town, their life is not so tight now, at least they have a bowl to eat.

Several pots and stoves also hid.

There are even some lucky people who have touched some silver on their bodies.

Mrs. Zhu came back with white porridge, and the family got together and started eating porridge.

Mrs. Zhu felt something was wrong: "Mother, are you really eating without waiting for elder sister to come back?"

"Wait for her to do, can she still get lost as an adult, just eat you, won't you be hungry after walking for so long?"

I was so hungry, but no matter how hungry I was, I couldn’t forget Eldest Sister!

The elder sister is such a good person.

What if I get lost!

He opened his mouth and wanted to talk, but met the old lady's cold eyes: "Why do you have so many things to do, you can't eat your food well, my good girl is very sensible, if you don't come here now, it must be a delay, don't give it to me." My daughter is making trouble, eat yours quickly."

For a moment, Zhu didn't know whether to be touched or to cry.

Mingming Niang is concerned about her, but when she speaks, she is so fierce.

elder sister!Forget eating and then go to elder sister.

The younger sister and Xiao Shan ate porridge slowly, and they were also curious about where the stepmother was going. Not only did the stepmother disappear, but the elder brother also disappeared, and they often disappeared together.

After dinner.

Xiaoshan took the little sister's hand, and the two began to whisper.

"The next time you see elder brother going out with stepmother, tell me in time. I suspect that stepmother will be able to do sorcery, so she will lure elder brother away." Xiao Shan frowned and said to younger sister very seriously.

The little girl nodded.

Then he shook his head, and was interrupted just as he was about to speak.

Xiaoshan thought that the younger sister didn't want to cooperate, and said: "Look at the big brother, it is very different from the past now, he is like a stepmother's dog leg, if he hadn't been bewitched and lost his soul, how could he be so stupid!"

"Who is stupid!"

Dabao's slightly indifferent voice came.

"Of course it's you!" After Xiao Shan finished speaking, his small body froze instantly, and someone caught him talking behind his back.This seems a little ugly!

Turning around stiffly, seeing Dabao behind him, he was slightly embarrassed.

Now Dabao is leading more than 20 horses. These horses are all looking energetic, and the flesh on their stomachs is also very finished. They have long, slender legs and good-looking hooves.

Xiao Shan fell in love at first sight.

People living in this era, who does not love horses, especially strong horses!

Xiao Shan looked at Dabao and said obsequiously, "Brother, where have you been? How did you find so many horses with saddles on them? That's great!"

As Xiao Shan said, he stretched out his hand to touch A Ma's back.

He was so short that he couldn't touch the horse's back at all.

You can only touch the belly of the horse.

The horse's stomach is wet.

Withdrawing his hand, he saw that the palm of his hand turned red.

This? ? ?

What the hell!

"Brother Hehehe, what is this!" Xiao Shan said, his voice trembling for several syllables.

"You are not afraid of the person who has been poisoned, what kind of blood is it! Do you still remember your last name? You have forgotten your identity!" Dabao glanced coldly at Xiaoshan.

There is dissatisfaction in the eyes of the ambitious child.

His brother can't be so stupid.

Yan Qingshu?

She thinks the children are getting more and more interesting, but she forgot their surname, aren't they sex Lu?Their parentage?Isn't he the son of soldier Lu Jiuyuan on the surface?

Why, just be father's soldiers, and their bloodlines will be noble!

Have you forgotten your identity?

She was even more suspicious that the child's mother had an extraordinary background!

Maybe it's what she thought, the mothers of these children are princesses.

If this is the case, then the Dabao in the original book is really miserable!

The princess' son turned out to be a eunuch.

Also served the rebel emperor.

This kind of shame can probably be compared with Han Xin's crotch.

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