Dabao's body was weak, seeing this situation, he knew that no one would come.

The person sent by the stepmother must have been attracted away.

The current situation can only depend on yourself.

Thinking this way, she took out another needle from her body, and the stepmother said that things should not be used too much, as it can restore the body's strength for a while.

But at the same time, it will bring a load to the body, and it will take a long time to recover.

In the current situation, I don't care so much.

Dabao stuck a thin needle in his arm.

Close your eyes and press down.

After a while, the eyes turned red.

The weak body also gained strength.

Pushing the window and wanting to leave quickly, there was a fire outside, and the entire East Palace was illuminated red. Last night, the Taifu did not stay here.

Fortunately, he didn't stay overnight, otherwise, in such a situation, he would have no way to bring grandpa back alive.

Thinking of this, he shook his heavy head.

With all his strength, he couldn't push the window open.

The outside is sealed.

Is this a plan to burn him here?

Dabao looked up and saw the beam was on fire, he thought for a while and stuffed the ipad under the pillow into his clothes.

Who started the fire can certainly be seen from the records.

As for how to get out?

Dabao stared at the doors and windows, are they locked?

Those people are really cautious, they can't tolerate a child like him.

He took out the gun in his hand and shot at the blocked place one by one.

The sound of bang bang directly opened a hole in the window.

With a little more forceful kick, the window finally opened.

Dabao ran out from inside.

The clothes on his body were covered with flames, and he rolled around on the spot.

Put out the fire on your body.

Feeling the pain in his buttocks, Dabao's face became even uglier, and he escaped from the window. The flame was burning right at his buttocks, and the clothes he was wearing looked like irons, emitting high temperature at the moment.

If you don't hurry up and get this thing straightened out.

He felt like he couldn't keep his piss this time.

Looking up at the tree, it turned out that the hidden guards arranged by my wife were not here.

How can I get the underpants off?

The key is still inside.

Dabao lowered his head, his face getting more and more ugly.

Also at this time, Yan Qingshu jumped in from the outside, and saw that Dabao's clothes were not burned much, the iron pants were exposed, and there was no one in the East Palace.

This situation &

Fortunately, Xiaobai couldn't sleep and cried all night.

That's what made her feel uneasy.

Went here to have a look.


The moment Yan Qingshu's figure fell to the ground, the bedroom where Dabao was resting just collapsed, if Dabao hadn't run out, if he was still in a powerless state.

People should have died in it.

Just thinking about it this way, Yan Qingshu's heart throbbed in pain.

She quickly took out the key.Pull off the iron pants.

Look at the burning bubbles on Dabao's ass.

heartbroken as hell

If she hadn't insisted on Dabao wearing this thing, she wouldn't have been burned.

Staring at the two taels of meat in the middle of Dabao's legs.

Fortunately, the child is in a young age, there is no development here, it does not take up too much space, and it is not cooked by the high temperature.

Take out a set of clothes worn by Dabao from the space, and let the child put it on.

By the way, put the tablet held by Dabao in the space.

Carrying people to the outside of the palace.

Now the child state looks very strange.

Goodbye to the blue pinholes on the dark arms.

Can think of what the child did.

I have to ask the military doctor to adjust it.

Thinking so, he took Dabao and left the palace.

As for what will happen tomorrow.

Let's talk about it tomorrow.

She went back to the village, pried open the door of the military doctor, stuffed Dabao in, and seized the time to find Lu Jiuyuan and let Lu Jiuyuan do the aftermath.

Dabao finally became the apparent heir.

Naturally, it can't be because of this fire that I don't know how it came from.

It will be destroyed once.

When Lu Jiuyuan got the news, he immediately took people to the palace.

Lead people to extinguish the fire in the East Palace.

Before the emperor woke up, he broke into the Hall of Mental Cultivation and told the old emperor that his little grandson was taken away by his people.

Dabao's departure has no apparent belonging.

The emperor stared at him for a long time.

Said, "What are your plans?"

"The news that the emperor's grandson is still alive will not be announced for the time being. The fire in the East Palace today must be arranged by someone. If the news of the emperor's grandson's life spreads, those people will definitely be more cautious, and they will even jump over the wall in a hurry.

It's better to follow the plan and see who does it. "

"I understand." The old emperor said, his voice was extremely weak.

Lu Jiuyuan glanced at the burning incense in the hall.

Look at the face of the emperor again.

I understand in my heart that this competition for the position has reached the final stage.

The old emperor's body couldn't bear it anymore.

Even this strange poison cannot stimulate the potential of the body.

Lu Jiuyuan left from the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

The emperor immediately summoned his confidants.

Let these people search a little bit, looking for clues to the burning of the East Palace.

The dark guards were dispatched.

A little search.

I saw a eunuch who fainted not far from the East Palace

Also saw a wooden sign on the ground.

this thing...

The emperor stared at the sign.

"Is it the prince?" He whispered.

It's unbelievable that the eldest grandson of the emperor is the prince's son, his own son.

It is impossible for anyone to attack the prince.

"Planting and framing?" the emperor pondered.

The leader of the dark guard stood where he was and did not answer.

Such words involve the affairs of the royal family, so you must be cautious if you speak.

Or just keep your mouth shut.

The hidden guard chose to be quiet, and did whatever the emperor told him to do.

The emperor thought for a long time, and said, "Take someone to check the little courtyard of the abandoned prince."

"Promise." The leader of the dark guards responded, leading his men to remove him.

Come back again and escort Eunuch Sun.

Eunuch Sun saw the emperor with hatred in his eyes.

The person who killed Chun Xing that day was the emperor's secret guard.

Why did the emperor kill Chunxing.

He couldn't guess, and he didn't have the energy to guess, but the new neighbor across the way said that the spring apricot was not a spring apricot, but an apricot flower.

Going to the prince's side is just to perform the task.

According to what that person said, anyone in the royal family is Xinghua's enemy.

They want to do something to the little emperor's grandson.

If the person who did it can be planted on the crown prince, then Xinghua's wish will be fulfilled.

Xinghua's face was disfigured because of the emperor.

They even referred to Fang as Xinghua's mother.

In short, Xinghua still has many ideas that have not been completed.

If he loves Xinghua, he can help fulfill Xinghua's wish.

Eunuch Sun didn't know whether he loved Xinghua or not, but he felt that he didn't have much fun living now.

If you can do something, do it while your life is still alive.

So I agreed to Chen Jinshan's arrangement,

Decided to betray the prince.

Anyway, the prince didn't want to attack the little grandson once or twice.

If you want to find evidence, it is easy to find evidence, so Eunuch Sun came to the emperor.

Seeing the emperor is like seeing father and son fighting each other.

The little emperor's grandson is dead. If the old emperor disposes of the crown prince, then at present, the emperor has no apparent healthy heir.

If the emperor does not dispose of the prince.

He has already betrayed the prince.

The prince must be terrified all day long.

Finally, I chose Goujitiaoqiang.

Intimidate General Lu and take measures to seize the throne.

Either way, if the father killed the son, then the son killed the father. In short, this father and son will not end well.

Thinking about it this way, I feel much happier.

There's no point in his life anymore.

Ben is an eunuch, the love in his heart is dead, all he can do is to make life difficult for the prince and the emperor.

If the crown prince didn't let Xinghua go out at the beginning, nothing would happen to Xinghua

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