Dream Broken You Pavilion

Chapter 33 Special Guest

At dawn, Gao Liang rushed into the study and reported to Shang Wuyang that he found a group of people coming towards Fulong Mountain, and the leader was Xiao Han.

Shang Wuyang's face was condensed, "It's finally here."

"Young master, what should we do now?"

Shang Wuyang said: "The Xiao family is not a waste. It has been more than ten days. If you can't find it again, it means that the Xiao family is too incompetent? Order it down, closely monitor it, and report immediately if there is any situation."

"Yes." Gao Liang led the order to retreat.

Shang Wuyang leaned back in the chair, narrowed his eyes slightly, in his opinion, although it was Xiao Zizhan who killed his father, not Xiao Han, but he lost his father since he was born, this is the pain of his life, the so-called The father's debt is paid by the son, and he will also inflict this pain on Xiao Zizhan's son. He will play with his son first, and then settle the score with Laozi.

News kept coming from the study room. As soon as the hour arrived, Xiao Han brought more than [-] people to the foot of the mountain and set up camp in a farmhouse. They seemed to be standing still, perhaps waiting for support.But Shang Wuyang will never believe that they stand still, the father and son of the Xiao family are famous military generals in Hunan, Xiao Zizhan fights all the year round, Xiao Han is the deputy commander of the Dragon Army, they are good at fighting, how can ordinary people compare their methods of using soldiers?Looks like they'll be taking action soon.

Shang Wuyang ordered all walks of life to send additional manpower to guard against death.

Sure enough, in just one stick of incense, many groups of people rushed to the foot of the mountain to join them.Shang Wuyang thought to himself, they deployed troops and generals generously under his nose, obviously they did it for him to show him as a shock, after all Wu Kexin was in his hands, Xiao Han had some scruples and decided not to act rashly, Shang Wuyang Yang is also confident.

After another hour, Gao Liang handed Shang Wuyang a greeting card.

Shang Wuyang couldn't help being stunned for a moment, seeing what was clearly stated on the greeting card, Xiao Han wanted to come to worship the mountain alone.He thought of a hundred ways for Xiao Han to attack the mountain, but he really didn't think of this, and said:

"That's a lot of courage."

Gao Liang asked: "Young master, someone sent us a 'text', how should we deal with it?"

Shang Wuyang pondered for a while, and said: "Since he has the guts, then the young master must never let him down, show him Xiao Yuntian's grandeur. Go and inform Shanxia to Shenshi to let him up again."

"Why Shenshi?" Gao Liang was puzzled.

Shang Wuyang sneered and said: "Fulong Mountain is not where he can come and leave whenever he wants, if he wants to worship the mountain, it depends on whether the young master is willing to see him, if he comes to find his bride sincerely, Then you don't care about standing under the sun for two more hours, right? The show is about to begin, I have to watch it."

Hooking his finger at Gao Liang, Gao Liang hurriedly put his ear to his mouth, Shang Wuyang said in a low voice: "You go to Geng Yu and ask him to make arrangements like this..."

Everything was arranged properly, Shang Wuyang sat in the chair and closed his eyes to rest, thinking in secret, after a while, he slowly opened his eyes, with a weird smile on his lips, then got up and strode out.

All the way to the other courtyard, he stomped upstairs.

Now Jing'er can already distinguish his footsteps. As soon as she heard the sound, she knew that this bad guy was coming again. If he saw what she was doing at the moment, he would probably go mad again with anger, so she made up her mind in an instant. Prepared for the "fight".

Shang Wuyang pushed the door open and entered.He scanned the room and saw no one, turned to the left door and looked, only the "door god" on the pillar existed like a ghost, but still did not see anyone, Shang Wuyang knew something was wrong, so he hurriedly turned to the right Looking from behind the door, sure enough, Jing'er was enjoying herself carving on the mahogany pillar on the other side.Immediately I lost my temper.

He closed the door firmly, and said in a deep voice, "I told you not to carve in my house, don't you have ears?"

Jing'er pretended not to hear, neither answered nor stopped her hands.I hate it in my heart, sooner or later I will engrave it on the pillars in this room for you.

Shang Wuyang was annoyed, he pinched her slender wrist, looked at the dagger-like hairpin in her hand, and asked, "Where did this come from?"

Jing'er looked at him coldly, "Mine."

He snatched her away, then dragged her to the table, pointed to the pen and paper on the table and said coldly: "Write!"

"Don't write!" Jing'er scratched her neck.

The flames in Shang Wuyang's eyes began to rise, he pushed her down on the stool, and stuffed the brush into her hand, staring at her eyes with a pair of cold eyes, as if saying: If you don't write, you will die.

Jing'er rolled her eyes, "Okay, just write."

She grinded it calmly, dipped the tip of the pen in thick ink, thought for a while, brushed it, and after a while, she put down the pen and said, "Take it."

Shang Wuyang picked it up and took a look, only to see that the handwriting was neat and skillful, but he wrote a whole page eloquently, "If you see the record, I hope you will come soon. You will be a rock, and my concubine will be a pussy. Threads are like silk, rocks cannot be transferred.”

After reading it, his eyes lit up with flames, he tore the paper to pieces in twos and twos, gritted his teeth and said, "Are you going to confront me?"

Seeing his distraught look, Jing'er felt very happy, and pretended to be serious and said: "My father wanted me to be an honest person since I was a child, and you wanted me to write a letter to Xiao Han. I speak from the bottom of my heart, you want me to make up lies, I'm sorry, my father didn't teach me!"

Shang Wuyang said angrily: "Then did your father ever teach you a word: 'He who understands current affairs is a hero'?"

Jing'er raised her hand to touch her red and swollen cheeks, and said calmly, "I'm sorry, I'm just a little girl, and I don't intend to be a hero, so don't waste your efforts in vain."

Shang Wuyang jumped into a rage, stepped forward and grabbed Jing'er's arm to lift her up, and put the sharp hairpin on Jing'er's neck.The hairpin was originally specially made by the Xiao family, and it was specially used for self-defense by the girls in the house. The tip was as sharp as a knife, and it pierced her skin instantly when it was pressed against her neck, and blood flowed down.

Jing'er gritted her teeth and endured the pain, "You really have so many tricks to torture me."

Shang Wuyang said bitterly: "Then I have to thank you for the hairpin."

Her neck hurt so much, and her heart was so angry, Jing'er straightened her back instead, and said, "I don't know how to write that letter, otherwise, how about you kill me?" Suddenly she pushed her neck forward, and the hairpin entered The flesh is divided into half, and the blood flow is even worse.

Seeing this, Shang Wuyang hurriedly withdrew the hairpin and said, "I won't let you die. If you die, no one will sing this show with me."

Instead, he shouted towards the door: "Xuelian, bring the rope!"

Jing'er secretly sighed in her heart, came again, I don't know whether to tie or hang this time?His face was still as calm as ever.

Xuelian came in with the rope, Shang Wuyang snatched it, and said coldly: "Go out."

Scared Xuelian hurriedly backed out.

This is to do it yourself, Jing'er looked at him quietly, waiting for the storm to come.

Without saying a word, Shang Wuyang tied her hands in front with a rope, then found a handkerchief and stuffed it in her mouth, he dragged the other end of the rope and dragged her outside.

Jing'er injured her ankle and walked with a limp. Shang Wuyang frowned slightly, turned back and walked to the bed, stretched out his hand and tore off the sheet, threw it on Jing'er's head, wrapped it up indiscriminately, stretched out his long arm, Tucking her under his arm, he strode out.

Shang Wuyang's arm was holding the person, and he was rushing all the way, walking like flying with the wind on his feet, Jing'er was really uncomfortable being held by his arm, it felt like her ribs were about to be strangled, but she wanted to shout but couldn't.

After about an incense stick, Jing'er felt the light suddenly dim through the bed sheet, as if she had entered the room, and then loosened her hand, and was thrown to the ground with a "plop". There was a cushion, but even so, Jing'er fell so hard that the bones in her back were about to break.

Then the wrapped sheets were torn apart, and Jing'er found that she was indeed in the same room.

Shang Wuyang squatted down, and said in a deep voice: "You stay here for me, if you dare to make the slightest noise, don't blame me for being rude."

Jing'er's mouth was covered with a towel and she couldn't speak, she just stared at him angrily with her big eyes.

Shang Wuyang didn't intend to help her untie her at all, when he saw her fearless and contemptuous eyes, he frowned again, stood up impatiently, strode out, and pulled her tightly. the door.

Jing'er looked at her tied hands in front of her, blinked her eyes vigorously, and thought, is this plague god really out of his mind?Immediately, he raised his hand and pulled out the towel stuffed in his mouth, panting heavily, feeling much more comfortable.

Looking up at the room, the room is large, exquisitely decorated, and elegantly colored. There is a tea table in front of her, with a whole set of tea sets on it, and a bedding set on the north and south sides. It seems that this is a tea room.Seeing tea, water, and flint on the table, she simply sat down cross-legged and boiled water to make tea for herself. Although her hands were tied, fortunately it did not affect her drinking tea.

What she didn't know was that this tea room was right next to the meeting hall, and the door of the tea room opened at the southwest corner of the meeting hall.After a while, Shang Wuyang will "receive" a special guest here.

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