Entertainment 2004 began with supporting roles

Chapter 153 Too Smooth Investment

During this period of time in Neon, it can be said that Shen Xiu gained both fame and fortune. Not only that, Ai Hui also specially put Shen Xiu and the members of Dongshen group together in a program and made a variety show.

Before, Shen Xiu finally accepted the cooperation from the silly hat company, so, while he was in Neon, the five people who were doing activities in Neon were allowed to meet Shen Xiu.

Regarding this combination, Shen Xiu has nothing to say. He still admires the three of them and dares to play a positive game with South Korea's entertainment capital.

When Shen Xiu met with them, she could see with the naked eye that these five people were very mentally exhausted. It was obvious that they had been engaged in high-intensity pick-up activities for a long time and did not have a good rest.

Speaking of it, it's outrageous. During this period, Dongshen Combination can be said to have supported the entire silly hat company by itself. When it reached its peak in the previous life, it was no problem to earn hundreds of millions a year.

However, it is such a group that has reached its peak in neon and local areas, is also extremely popular in the mainland, and has attracted countless money throughout Asia. The five of them work hard all year round. The company is tens of millions.

It can be said that this kind of behavior of the silly hat company does not treat them as human beings. You must know that the contracts of the stick idols were all opened on September [-]st. It can be described as an excellent example of capitalists.

Of course, it was also because of this that in the follow-up, three of them couldn't bear it and publicly announced their withdrawal from the team, and finally won the lawsuit, which also made the contracts of the subsequent stick idol artists become Qisan.

However, while becoming a hero in the eyes of the younger generation, the price was also heavy. The three of them were banned in retaliation by the silly hat company in the mainland, and they were still not lifted until Shen Xiu was reborn.

When the five people sat around and saw Shen Xiu, they were still a little cautious. They also knew that this was the company's arrangement and learned something about it.

Da Jin, who is still the oldest, said hello first, using neon language: "Brother, it's the first time we meet, we have all heard your songs, it's really amazing."

Shen Xiu was dumbfounded by his brother. From what he knew, he seemed to be one year younger than Da Jin. Isn't Bang Zi very particular about age? Doesn't it mean he doesn't know his age?

The other four people also followed Da Jin's greetings, and they all called brother one after another, their faces were also very natural, and there was no sign of entanglement.

Seeing that they were all shouting that, Shen Xiu responded calmly, and said politely: "Hello, I have heard your songs, I have seen your dances and live performances, are you Greatest team I've ever seen."

After listening to Shen Xiu's praise, the few people also glanced at each other and smiled knowingly. Everyone loves to hear good words.

There was no in-depth communication. Shen Xiu just had a brief chat with them and got to know them a little bit. After all, he took over the job of the silly hat company, and he may meet many times in the future. As for the messy things in the future, he is not interested .

After finishing the recording of this variety show, Shen Xiu decisively said goodbye and left, took a special car and returned to the hotel.

In a few days, all his trips here will be over, and then he will be able to go back home. This time, Shen Xiuzheng and Liu Sisi are sending text messages as usual.

The two were chatting, when suddenly a call came in, it was Shen's mother, Shen Xiu was a little curious, what could be the matter at such a late hour.

After pressing the answer button, a familiar voice came: "How about it, I didn't disturb you to rest."

"No, Mom, what's the matter, you called so late, what's the matter?" Shen Xiu was not polite, and got straight to the point.

"What else can it be? I'm just telling you the first time, that matter is done."

"That thing? You mean..."

Shen Xiu was a little confused at first, then she was stunned for a while, and finally she looked surprised. He didn't expect it to be so fast.

"No way? It's only been more than a month."

"Specifically, we'll talk about it when you come back, but it's estimated that when you come back, it's basically over."

"...I know, is there anything else?"

"No, I hung up, there will be an emergency meeting later."

"It's so late, mom, you should go to bed earlier."

"Let's put it down, I know, I'll go home after this meeting"


A few days later, in front of the building of Chasing Light Film and Television, a black car parked in the parking space, and the door opened. A man wearing a mask got out of the car in a hurry and walked towards the door of the building. The man who got out of the car also hurriedly followed.

"Brother, slow down, why are you in a hurry." Ye Bin trotted all the way to catch up with the man in front.

The man was of course Shen Xiu. He took a flight from the Nehong airport early in the morning and returned to Yanjing non-stop.

After entering her own company, today's Shen Xiu did not greet the surrounding employees, but walked straight into Shen's mother's office.

The heavy opening of the door obviously reminded Shen Ma, she looked up and saw Shen Xiu coming in panting heavily, with a rather surprised expression: "You came so early, I thought you would arrive very late."

After a few steps, she sat on the sofa, poured herself a glass of water and drank it all down, Shen Xiu didn't care about chatting with Shen Ma about the family, and asked straight to the point: "What is the situation now, can you tell me. "

Shen's mother looked at him eager to know, and responded very straightforwardly: "Well, the procedures are completely over. From now on, we are Tang Ren's second largest shareholder."

After receiving Shen's mother's clear reply, Shen Xiu just sat down, cleared her mind, and asked her question: "How could Mr. Cai agree?"

Seeing his unbelievable appearance, Shen's mother told him the ins and outs, to clear up his confusion.

After Shen Xiu finished listening, she pondered for a long time. He didn't expect that Tang Ren's backlash this time would be so severe.

Because of Shen Xiu's relationship with this movie, Cai Yinong accepted a lot of investment, but after the car accident, all of them were withdrawn except for Chasing Light Film and Television. burn.

There are also actors, not all actors are willing to wait for Brother Hu to come back, and the time they originally signed the contract is not long, so even if the work is suspended, it still has to be counted. Cai Yinong took the money and ran away, but Cai Yinong had to give it up.

Yang Jiajiang, who previously cooperated with Huayi, was also banned in the mainland because of plot issues, and he lost all his money.

In this way, in the past two months, Tang Ren's liquidity has been consumed rapidly, and he will not last until next year at all, and there is already a tendency to break the chain.

Coupled with the fact that Cai Yinong's new investment has hit a wall everywhere, of course, it's not that no one is willing to invest, but they are all with the purpose of taking advantage of the fire and with bad intentions. As an old Jianghu, Cai Yinong can tell the difference at a glance.

In the end, it was Shen's mother who made the move, and the two made an appointment to meet at a place, and Shen's mother didn't talk much about what they talked about. In short, the final result was that Cai Yinong accepted the investment of Chasing Light Film and Television.

"So, how much Tang Ren's shares do we have now, and how much did we spend?" Shen Xiu asked a question that he was more concerned about.

"Two million in 1000, 49% equity." Shen Ma said the string of numbers flatly.

"So high? Is this price a premium?" Shen Xiu said in surprise, feeling like she was being taken advantage of.

"Well, it's higher than the market's estimated price, but it's okay, it's within our acceptable range, but..."

"But what?"

"However, the name of the 49% equity is written by you."

"What do you mean?"

"That is to say, you are Tang Ren's shareholder now, not Zhuiguang Film and Television. So, son, when will you pay back the money the company gave you?"


Shen Xiu's eyes widened. He never thought that he would have to pay for the money himself. Although he could indeed take it out, so much of the hard-earned money evaporated all of a sudden. fake.

"Why use my personal name?"

"Isn't it good? When the news is made public, everyone will say that you value love and righteousness. When your friend's company is in crisis, don't you have a good reputation for donating money to rescue the company?"

"Shouldn't that be the only way?"

"That's all I have to say, the rest, you can slowly understand it yourself."

Mother Shen didn't want to talk too much, she showed him a meaningful smile.

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