Entertainment 2004 began with supporting roles

Chapter 126 Do You Know What Coffee I Like To Drink?

After the recording was over, Shen Xiu didn't stay too long. After saying goodbye to the program group, she left the recording site. The content of this recording will be broadcast in their next episode, and they have to wait for several days.

I got on the special car and went back to my residence. It was already night. Before going home, I had a casual bite nearby to eat my stomach. I turned on the light in the room, leaned on the bedside and took out my mobile phone to interact with Liu Sisi through text messages.


After putting down the phone and flirting with the girl, let alone, he was in a good mood. Liu Sisi tended to get angry, and every time he saw her like that, Shen Xiu was unspeakably happy. Maybe this was his bad taste.

The next day, just after eight o'clock in the morning, Shen Xiu was still sleeping in bed, and there was a sound of the door opening outside the room. After Liu Sisi came in, seeing that there was no movement in the room, she walked towards the bedroom at a cat's pace.

Seeing someone who was still sound asleep, Liu Sisi walked gently to the edge of the bed, quietly sat on the edge of the bed, quietly admiring Shen Xiu's unusually handsome face, and secretly sighed that he looked like he was sleeping , are so pleasing to the eye.

After about a few minutes like this, Shen Xiu's biological clock made him gradually wake up, opened his eyes slightly, and vaguely found someone on his bed, his expression was startled, and he quickly opened his eyes and looked aside.

After discovering that it was Liu Sisi, she breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing that he woke up, the girl grinned and said, "You're awake~"

"Sisi, you're trying to scare me to death, why don't you tell me you're here." Shen Xiu yawned, adjusted to a comfortable sleeping position, and didn't even think about getting up.

"I opened the door very loudly, but I think you're still sleeping, so I didn't wake you up." Liu Sisi playfully stretched out her fingers, scratching Shen Xiu's cheeks with her fingertips, her tone light.

"Then how long have you been waiting here?"

"Fortunately, I only sat for a few minutes and you woke up."

"Just wake me up next time, or when will you wait, idiot." Shen Xiu didn't know what was going on in her heart, but she still reminded her that there was no need to do this.

"No, you must be very tired from work, I want you to rest for a while." Liu Sisi refused with her shaking head, she had her own insistence.

Seeing Liu Sisi's gentle and virtuous appearance, Shen Xiu was still not used to it. He felt that the girl's current appearance was slightly different from before.

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"Sisi..." Shen Xiu called her softly, as if she had something to say.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Liu Sisi showed a puzzled look, and moved closer, wanting to hear Shen Xiu's next words.

"Oh, that's right—come here." Taking advantage of the girl's focus on listening to his words, Shen Xiu pulled Liu Sisi into the bed.

"Oh, what are you doing!" Unexpectedly brought in by Shen Xiu, Liu Sisi struggled to get up, but unfortunately, it was useless, the strength gap between the two sides was too big, Liu Sisi couldn't get away at all.

"It's nothing, just sleep with me for a while, um, it smells so good." Shen Xiu put his arms around her waist, leaned on her gooseneck and smelled it, there was a faint fragrance, it seemed that the brand of laundry detergent he used was a good one.

"Don't make trouble, let me out quickly."

"That's not okay, let's have a good time."

"Bastard! You..."

Skillfully kissing the soft lips, tried and tested, it was settled immediately, but after a while, the other party seemed to be turning against the customer. After separation, the two looked at each other. strong affection.

"Are you satisfied now?" At this time, Liu Sisi's cheeks were slightly red, and her tone was shy.

"not enough."

"Then what else do you want to do?"

"Sisi, do you know what flavor of coffee I like to drink?" Shen Xiu smiled mysteriously and asked her a question instead.

"I don't know, don't you rarely drink coffee?"

"But, occasionally, I still drink."

"I can't guess."

"Then let me tell you, I like to drink coffee with thick milk."

"So? Why is it thick...don't even think about it!"

"That's up to you."


In the end, without accident, they succeeded smoothly and unlocked the achievement. When the two of them went downstairs, it happened to be lunch time. They went to a familiar street nearby and found a noodle shop.

Liu Sisi was sitting opposite Shen Xiu at this time, still pouted, and glared at Shen Xiu fiercely. She let the person in front of her succeed again, and now she still felt a little pain. He kicked Shen Xiu under the table to vent his anger.

Shen Xiu could only face Liu Sisi with a flattering smile on her face, accepting the beating silently, blaming him for not controlling it well, driving the car for a long time, which made the durability exceed the upper limit, so be careful next time.

After lunch, after returning to the residence, he cut fruit and poured water for the girl again, and then reluctantly forgave him, and warned him that next time he was like this, he would be really angry and ignore him.

Shen Xiu quickly slapped her chest, and promised with a serious expression that she would never do it next time, but she thought in her heart that she would dare next time, but she had to be gentler.

At this moment, the two of them were leaning on the sofa, watching the programs on TV, as if thinking of something, Liu Sisi turned her head and asked with a serious expression.

"Hey, did your mother tell you anything about me when she came back that day?" Liu Sisi was obviously very concerned about this matter, and since they met two days ago, she has always kept this matter in her heart.

Shen Xiu knew what she was worried about, and recalled the reply they gave when they received a call from Shen's mother about Liu Sisi after they went back.

The meaning of Shen's mother is obvious, and she has no objection. She obviously investigated on purpose, so after meeting Liu Sisi, she just felt that this girl is not very good at talking, and she is good in other aspects.

"Don't worry, she has a good impression of you, so she didn't say anything." Shen Xiu gave her a reassuring look.

"That's it, hehe." Liu Sisi got the answer she wanted, and with a happy expression, she leaned over and hooked Shen Xiu's arm.

At this moment, she seemed to have forgotten the little emotions she had before, and cuddled up to Shen Xiu intimately, enjoying the time that belonged to the two of them.

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