As soon as this article was published, the people who didn't know what was going on were indeed brought into rhythm.

This incident also made the senior officials of the United States and Maoziguo feel very angry after knowing about it. They obviously had nothing to do with the two countries, but they were forced into it in the end.

In particular, Maoziguo's high-level executives were even more angry. Sarkovsky keenly felt that there was a lot to do in it, and he simply fermented this turmoil to the extreme.

Sure enough, the FBI investigated the incident of the destruction of the active phased array radar base. After investigation, it was found that a group of people from the radar arsenal in Volga were responsible. Arrived in the Philippines.

Sarkovsky was obviously dissatisfied with such an investigation, and he directly ordered the FBI to continue the investigation, but the people from the FBI told him that those guys had confessed clearly about this matter.

According to the procedure, since someone has taken all the responsibility, the investigation should end.

Ilyakovsky was not willing to be targeted by Sarkovsky. He and Sarkovsky fought in disguise. After a few rounds, the boss directly let the investigation end.

The boss knew very well in his heart that if the investigation continues, few of the guys around him will be innocent.

Although Sarkovsky did not get the result he wanted, but through this fight, he successfully replaced the head of the arsenal with his confidant, and at the same time took the opportunity to help Peterjevic The mayor of Mosco is also a member of the council.

Peterjevic rose from the mayor of a mere border city to the mayor of Moscow in less than half a year, and suddenly he became a hot figure in Maoziguo's political arena.

Peterjevic was very grateful for the promotion of Vladimir and Sarkovsky. As soon as he was promoted to mayor of Moscow, he began to let his confidants conduct private investigations on the major mansions in Moscow.


After this article was published, Martin himself couldn't help feeling a bit of fear. Both the United States and Mao Ziguo came forward to deny the untruth of the report. Fortunately, these two countries did not compare the truth, and it was also thanks to the fact that ABC TV did not report it, which allowed him to escape. Passed a catastrophe.

However, for Martin, this matter was something he feared later. He still insisted that his analysis was correct, and it was just to expose some people's so-called face.

Seeing that Martin had stayed in the capital of Niall for three or four days and had no plans to come back, Caroline worried that this guy would cause some trouble again, and called him several times to urge him to return to Casablanca as soon as possible.

Martin didn't want to leave at all. He made up an excuse to go to neighboring Budinia for an interview, and told Caroline that he would postpone his return for two or three days.

"Okay." Caroline agreed, considering that the TV station also plans to go to Budinia for an interview in the near future.

But Caroline still kept an eye out. She asked her staff to call the cameraman and "take care" of Martin along the way.

This cameraman has already indulged in the pleasure nest arranged by Martin. He lives in the best five-star hotel in Niall every day, and there are call girls of all colors. Compared with the busy work life in Casablanca Know how many times happier you are.

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Martin told the cameraman that he would go to Budinia alone for an interview, and then come back to meet him after the interview, and then the two would return to Casablanca together.

The cameraman agreed without hesitation.

Naturally, Martin would not go to Budinya. He decided to go deep into the jurisdiction of the Rabosay rebels for interviews, trying to find some black information about Vladimir from there.

These black materials are blood diamond mines and arsenals.

After spending a few hundred dollars to hire two local guides, and another two thousand dollars to rent an old pickup truck with an unknown number of hands, Martin headed towards the jurisdiction of La Bosay.

There is no clear boundary between the government and anti-government fu armed jurisdictions, and more often they are divided by the local tribes and the patrolling areas of the two sides.

After two days of trekking, Martin entered the jurisdiction of La Bosay.

At this time, the two locals dared not go any more.

"I'll add money to you." Martin knew what these guys were thinking.

As the saying goes, money should not be exposed. When Martin took out his wallet and revealed a thick wad of dollars, the two guys were not only moved, but also had bad intentions.

They decided to kill Martin.

One guy was chattering after Martin, while the other guy took advantage of Martin's inattention, picked up a piece of wood from the ground, and smashed it down hard on the back of his head.

Martin didn't even have time to yell, his body went limp and he fell to the ground.

Seeing this, the two guys quickly ransacked his mobile phone, wallet, video camera, laptop and other valuables, and then fled.


Martin was woken up by the splashing rain in the middle of the night. When he woke up, he felt dizzy in his head. When he regained consciousness a little, he realized that he was about to confess his life here. .


When Machiyev told Vladimir that Russell had fallen ill recently, Vladimir decided to ask Machiyev to inform Russell that he had found the best doctor for him in London.

Who knows that Roselle's illness is really strange. He is no different from normal people when he is not sick, but once he gets sick, he can't control himself at all. have no idea.

Naturally, Roselle refused to go to Europe for treatment, and right now he hated Europeans to death, if not for the nightclub incident, he would have had one of his eyes removed.

As a last resort, Vladimir went directly to the Philippines, where he also witnessed an attack of Roselle's illness. Afterwards, after Roselle returned to normal, he showed him the video. Roselle This time I was stunned.

Vladimir told Russell that if he did not receive treatment, the virus would spread to the whole body after a while, and there would be no cure at all.

Russell was quite frightened, and immediately agreed to Vladimir's going to London for medical treatment.

In London, the world's top ophthalmologist performed the surgery. Due to the poor technique of the ophthalmologist in Cairo, Russell's brain nerves were injured, and this injury is irreversible. Maybe one day the injured will recover. Nervous system breakdown due to emotional agitation.

This was what the expert told Vladimir in private, and Vladimir did not tell Russell.

Seeing Roselle's illness will not get better.

Vladimir decided to support a new candidate.

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