I looked at my father Jackie Chan in 1988

Chapter 146 Crude Oil Futures

Arrived in the beautiful country on the second day.

In the morning, Ji Sheng went to the Immigration Bureau to apply for a green card.

The Immigration Bureau first reviewed his information, and then asked him to line up for an interview, half a month later.

After a little calculation, Ji Sheng found that the auction he participated in would be about half a month away, which was just right.

After visiting the Immigration Bureau, he called Jack Zhao to make an appointment, and then took a taxi to Wall Street.

Wall Street is a large street extending from Broadway Road to the East River in the south of Manhattan. It is quite long, but the width is not very good. The street is very narrow and short.

Ji Sheng had no choice but to pay for the taxi, then got down and walked to the destination.

It is a securities company that does not appear to be very large.

He didn't care at first, he just communicated with the guard, and then he was taken to the securities trading department.

As soon as he walked in, Ji Sheng was shocked. It was obviously only around ten o'clock in the morning, and the people on the 45 desks in the public office area were frantically and busy making phone calls.

From time to time, there were still people shouting to bring some documents over.

He only stayed in the public office area for a few seconds before being taken into a small office.

Knocking on the door and entering, Ji Sheng saw Jack Zhao sitting leisurely in front of seven or eight computers drinking coffee, "Uh, Mr. Zhao, why are you so free?"

Jack Zhao stretched out his hand to ask him to sit down with a smile, got up to make coffee for him, and said, "A good stockbroker doesn't need to be so busy, I just need to keep an eye on the stocks."

With that said, he returned and put the coffee on the desk in front of Ji Sheng.

Ji Sheng said thank you.

The two chatted for a while.

"Did you go to the immigration office?"

"Go ahead, let me wait half a month for an interview."

"Your aptitude is so good, it shouldn't be difficult to get a green card. You just need to pay attention to a few questions during the interview. I'll talk to you later."

"Well, thank you Mr. Zhao."

After chatting for a few words.

Jack Zhao began to recommend Ji Sheng to look at information such as stocks and securities.

Ji Sheng also walked from the front of the desk to the back, staring at a series of data changes on the computer.

Well, he can't read anything.

Jack Zhao recommended: "The recent upward trend in international crude oil futures is good. If you want to do long-term trading, I think you can give it a try."

Ji Sheng took a look and found that the price of crude oil futures has approached 24 US dollars a barrel. Next to it is a series of data of crude oil last year, such as the average price of [-] US dollars a barrel, the highest price of [-] US dollars, the lowest Price $[-].

Judging from this trend, it seems that long-term holding of crude oil futures is a good choice.

But Ji Sheng suddenly said, "If I want to short crude oil futures, what should I do?"

Jack Zhao was taken aback, "Are you going to short crude oil futures?"

"Well, short-term, how to do it?"

Ji Sheng stared at the data on the computer screen without blinking.

Jack Zhao was taken aback, and quickly persuaded: "Mr. Ji, you must not short crude oil futures. During this period, the upward trend of crude oil futures is very good. It has risen from $24 a barrel to $25 at the end of last year. In less than four months, according to this trend, it is only a matter of time before breaking through $26 and $[-].”

Ji Sheng asked another unimaginable question, "Is today March [-]th?"

"It's March [-]th, that's right." Jack Zhao wondered, "Why do you ask this?"

What is this for?

Could it be that Ji Sheng said that he traveled from the modern society?

If it was other things, he might really not know much about the beautiful country in the late 80s.

But when it comes to crude oil, Ji Sheng really knows a little bit.

When he was searching for information on [-] and [-] in modern society, he came across an interesting piece of news in [-], that is, the largest oil spill in the beautiful country occurred in this year.

The news was still fresh in his memory.

It was reported at the time that on the night of March 23, less than midnight on the 24th, an oil tanker named "Exxon Valdez" left the North Slope of Alaska carrying [-] million liters of oil. Prudhoe Bay oil field, its final destination is Long Beach, California.

However, the cruise ship hit a reef a few hours after leaving Alaska, causing 88 million liters of crude oil to leak into Alaskan waters, forcing sea otters, salmon, seals and many other animals to die on a large scale. The leak affected a total of more than 2000 kilometers coastline.

Ji Sheng was interested in seeing this news at the time, so he began to search for information on the stock market in the beautiful country in [-].

He wanted to check environmental protection stocks at the time, but unfortunately he found nothing. Instead, he saw the price of crude oil plummeted. From the peak of 24 in 16, the historical price of crude oil fell to the bottom of [-] yuan. ninety nine.

The price drop is as high as an astonishing 30.00% or so!

There is a difference of $[-] per barrel of crude oil.

Although Ji Sheng doesn't know much about shorting futures, he knows that if he can short 700 barrels at the highest point, he can earn more than [-] million US dollars.

Of course, this is just the ideal data.

Besides, he doesn't have that much money on hand, he only has more than 300 million US dollars.

"If I want to short $100 million worth of crude oil, what should I do?" Ji Sheng asked.

Jack Zhao frowned, obviously he didn't want Ji Sheng to gamble short, but out of professional ethics, he still said truthfully: "You only need to pay a [-]% deposit, which is about [-] US dollars. Let me do it for you."

Ji Sheng was stunned for a moment, "Only need one hundred thousand dollars?"

"Yes, because if the loss of the contract you bought reaches this figure, the position will be forced to close." Jack Zhao carefully explained: "Generally speaking, normal futures trading rarely has such a large fluctuation, and the [-]% margin Regardless of the profit or loss, it is enough to support the contract until the contract expires, and only those with high leverage have a high probability of forced liquidation."


Ji Sheng had heard this word countless times, but he really didn't understand it very well, so he asked, "What's the matter with leverage?"

"When we buy futures, we usually have leverage. For example, if you want to buy $100 million in crude oil, we will charge you a 100% margin. In fact, it is ten times leverage, which is equivalent to buying $[-] million with $[-]. crude oil trading contracts.” Jack Zhao said.

He paused for a moment and continued, "Because the futures have their own leverage, the overall leverage ratio can be as high as more than a hundred times if the off-site capital allocation is carried out. Although the ultra-high leverage ratio means higher yields, the risk is also magnified. If the futures price fluctuates a little bit, you may lose all your money, and if the loss margin after forced liquidation is not enough to pay, the futures company will pursue it from investors.”

Ji Sheng understood as soon as he heard it, "That is to say, if I want to conduct off-market capital allocation to achieve 24 times leverage, assuming I short crude oil, the current price of crude oil is [-] US dollars, and the price increase only needs to be more than [-] US dollars , I will be forced to close the position, is that the saying?"

Jack Zhao said: "The popular saying is this, that's right."

Ji Sheng originally thought that he would not be able to short many crude oil futures with 300 million US dollars, but when he heard Jack Zhao's explanation, he suddenly became amused.

Although it is impossible for him to short crude oil futures with all 300 million US dollars, even with 100 million US dollars, as long as Jack Zhao Ken operates for himself, he can also short 2000 million US dollars of crude oil futures.

According to the information Ji Sheng got from modern society, $24 is the highest price of crude oil futures this year, and it is now $24. He can leverage twenty times, and even if the middle price fluctuates, he will not be forced to close his position.

Ji Sheng nodded thoughtfully, "You just said that the price of crude oil will continue to rise, I think it makes sense."

Jack Zhao breathed a sigh of relief, "Let me just say, do you want to buy some crude oil futures?"

"Can you find a way for me to short crude oil futures with 24 times leverage? It is best to start shorting at 27 dollars, and the contract will be signed on March [-]."

Ji Sheng blinked and said, "I want to do short-term futures."

Jack Zhao was scared to death by him, "Mr. Ji, you have to think about it, crude oil futures with 100 times leverage of 2000 million US dollars is the crude oil that leverages 100 million funds. Once the price of crude oil rises to a certain value, your [-] Ten thousand dollars is gone."

Ji Sheng finally came across such a good opportunity, how could he miss it, "Let's just say that, give me twenty times the leverage to go short."

Jack Zhao Xin finished speaking. He originally wanted to make Ji Sheng a little bit of money because of Nan Hui's face, but he didn't expect Ji Sheng to not listen to the persuasion at all, and actually wanted to short $100 million in crude oil futures, and he would really lose money by then. He lost all his money, and this incident was reported back to the country. Don't Nan Hui and his relatives tell him to die?Said that he cheated the money of the people of the motherland!

Thinking of this, cold sweat broke out on Jack Zhao's forehead, and even tried to persuade Ji Sheng to dispel the idea.

But Ji Sheng was so determined that he insisted on spending 100 million US dollars to short, with [-] times the leverage.

Jack Zhao Xin was stunned, but the client strongly requested to go short, and he couldn't refuse, so he pinched his nose and said: "Okay, you hand over the deposit to our company, and I will operate it for you immediately after the account arrives." Go short."

Ji Sheng was afraid that he would forget, so he specially instructed again: "You must wait until after 24 dollars before shorting, and then buy on March 27."

Although Jack Zhao didn't want Ji Sheng to short crude oil futures, he still recorded the data, "Okay, you hand over the money to our company first, and then we sign a contract to entrust futures trading."

As he said that, he sighed again in his heart, saying that this time he had killed his fellow villagers, and he would not have let Ji Sheng come here if he had known.

Ji Sheng didn't know what Jack Zhao was thinking at all, he only had one thought in his mind, this time it's the right time to come to the beautiful country, fortunately he came early, and he could earn a lot of dollars with crude oil futures.

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