Although she fainted, the Qi of the Five Elements was still circulating in her tendons automatically and consciously, repairing the energy she had consumed due to performing exercises.

Lu Tiantian woke up from the cold. Before she passed out, her clothes were soaked with sweat and she couldn't change them in time.

Quickly enter the space lounge, the bathtub is filled with hot water and wormwood, and soak yourself in the hot water.

The hot air started to rush upwards from the soles of the feet, and the body and forehead were already sweating, which meant that the superficial cold air had been forced out of the body.

Not long after, Lu Tiantian felt her stomach tumbling and vomited on the toilet. It was because the heat entered the stomach, driving away the cold in the stomach, and finally relieved the discomfort all over her body.

After washing herself again, Lu Tiantian changed into clean and dry clothes and left the space.

Habitually activated his spiritual consciousness and probed out of the cave, sure enough, the food scattered outside was gone, and the two rabbits were still lingering.

A sable came running quickly, frightening the two rabbits and fled back to the cave, while the sables surrounded the entrance of the cave looking for a gap to enter the cave.

Lu Tiantian smiled, and removed the stone inside, revealing an opening, and the sable quickly rushed in.

The sable who had taken the Requiem Pill was obviously different from before. Not only was its fur brighter and smoother, its expression was lighter, and its eyes were particularly bright.

"Have you found the Millennium Ganoderma lucidum?" Lu Tiantian asked.

Sable nodded, turned around and ran out, Lu Tiantian followed quickly.

One person and one mink are like two naughty elves in the mountains, jumping nimbly in the mountains.

Finally came a cliff, Lu Tiantian quickly swept it out with consciousness, and sure enough, there was a ganoderma lucidum growing in the groove of the cliff.

The Ganoderma lucidum has already shown a dark purple light, and the thick roots are even deeper into the cracks of the cliff.

The sable was muttering something, it turned out that the sable had tried, but it couldn't pick vegetables at all.

Also, the Millennium Ganoderma lucidum is guarded by a precious snake, but this protective snake is laying eggs, so it is estimated that there is no time to take care of the Ganoderma lucidum.

Lu Tiantian stroked Sable's head, and took out the last ten requiem pills. Sure enough, Sable's eyes lit up again.

He took out a plate from the space, put Anshen Wan on the plate, let the sable eat it by himself, and took out a thick rope by himself.

Tie the rope around a nearby big tree with a figure-of-eight knot, tie the other end around your waist, and slowly climb down the cliff.

Sable ate an Anshen Pill and looked towards the cliff. After eating ten Anshen Pills, he reluctantly went to the cliff to take another look, turned and left.

Lu Tiantian was struggling with the rocks on the cliff, but she couldn't step on the rocks that were very close.

Is it because her legs are too short, Lu Tiantian lamented in her heart, but no matter what, such a precious purple ganoderma must be obtained.

After a little more length, Lu Tiantian sank and began to sway unconsciously.

It turned out that the wind on the cliff was so harsh, Lu Tiantian shrank her head, and continued to scan the purple ganoderma with her consciousness.

A black shadow flickered, Lu Tiantian's heart skipped a beat, and the protective snake appeared. The situation was extremely unfavorable to him, and it seemed that he was going to outsmart her today.

With a thought, a large number of silver needles soaked in anesthetic appeared, Lu Tiantian was lucky with the five elements, and used the technique of acupuncture to sprinkle the silver needles in the direction of the shadow.

There are at least thirty or fifty silver needles in a handful, and they have penetrated into the seven-inch vital point of the precious snake.

The treasure-protecting snake happened to lay the last egg, and it already knew that someone was coming to snatch the treasure, so it couldn't wait to rush out.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he stretched out his head, he was pierced by a large handful of silver things, and it was still pierced at his vital point.

Hastily retracted, this stretching and retracting is only a blink of an eye, a duel has already decided the winner or loser.

The treasure snake shrank quickly and fell into a coma quickly. After all, it was a strong anesthetic, and it took effect very quickly.

Lu Tiantian didn't climb up easily, but scanned and scanned with her spiritual sense. She was hanging on the cliff, so she couldn't be careless.

After she was sure she was safe, Lu Tiantian began to shake vigorously, each time getting bigger and bigger, until she could grasp the rocks on the cliff with her hands, and then slowly climbed up.

Finally, I saw the Ganoderma lucidum up close, and it was much bigger than the one I got before.

Lu Tiantian took out a red rope, wrapped it around the purple ganoderma several times, and finally tied it to her body.

He also took out a Swiss Army knife and started digging at the root of Ganoderma lucidum.

I don't know how long it took to dig, but Lu Tiantian felt that her body had been blown away by the mountain wind, so she dug out the Ganoderma lucidum completely.

Regardless of admiring the ganoderma, Lu Tiantian threw the ganoderma into the space and quickly climbed up.

You must know that the effect of the anesthetic has a time limit. If the protective snake wakes up, you will be out of luck.

Lu Tiantian's estimate was right. When she climbed up the cliff and untied the rope to walk to the cave, the precious snake really woke up.

Fortunately, Baosnake's first concern was the eggs it laid, and it didn't notice that the Ganoderma lucidum outside had been picked.

Lu Tiantian, who returned to the cave, first sealed the entrance of the cave with stones, and then entered the space in a flash, admiring her Ganoderma lucidum.

Hey, there is a small golden ganoderma under the Bingdi Ganoderma lucidum, which is an immature Ganoderma lucidum.

Quickly cut off the little ganoderma with a scalpel, planted it in the red mud, and left a large open space.

When the small Ganoderma lucidum matures, it will spray out powdery spores, these roe deer will float everywhere, and then they will grow into entities.

Looking at the growing ginseng and ganoderma lucidum, Lu Tiantian was in an extremely happy mood. As long as she could get wild beehives, she could make unlimited requiem pills.

If spiritual liquid could be added, the effect of the Requiem Pill would definitely be multiplied, but unfortunately there is no spiritual liquid.

Lu Tiantian started to process the ganoderma lucidum, ginseng and honeycomb that night. These steps are very complicated and require a lot of patience.

But Lu Tiantian just likes to do this kind of work, it is another way for her to temper her soul.

This time the purple ganoderma is double, and the ginseng is bigger than last time. It seems that this time we can make [-] requiem pills.

The wooden board of a small pharmaceutical machine can make a hundred pills, and Lu Tiantian found another small pharmaceutical machine.

But the two templates couldn't hold the medicinal paste, so Lu Tiantian had to take out a brand new small pharmaceutical machine.

It was the necessary equipment for developing new medicines and pharmaceuticals in her previous life, so the hospital bought a lot of them.

Half of the medicine mud was placed on the third template. Lu Tiantian activated the medicine start button, and the medicine machine started to make a slight sound.

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