
Chapter 478

Zhu Yue took a bottle of beer, opened the cap and took a sip.

Ok?Or chilled?

I was surprised at Bai Shaoping's trick-like trick.

But he knew that those who have no thoughts can't use the usual theory, so he was relieved.

"I'm still inexperienced in the world. There are really many things I don't understand. My brother doesn't talk about it. He always lets me think about it."

Bai Shaoping asked in a flat tone: "Do you usually read?"

This scene made Zhu Yue feel a little weird.

The Bai Shaoping in front of him was unshaven, with wine in one hand and meat in the other hand. He looked as rough as a mountain village savage, but he asked such an artistic question.

After thinking for a moment, Zhu Yue shook his head and said: "I haven't read much. I have read some Internet before, all of them are brainless and refreshing, and they are all the same. I get tired of reading a few books. But traditional literature and everyone's works are too profound to read. go in."

"Mr. Yang Jiang said such a sentence, and I will share with you." Bai Shaoping smacked his mouth, sucked his oily fingers, and said with a chuckle: "When I was young, I thought that not reading books was not enough to understand life. It was only later that I realized that if you don’t understand life, you can’t read books.”

Zhu Yue's heart trembled slightly, and he exclaimed, "Golden sentence."

Bai Shaoping rubbed his fingers on his clothes, "Learning without thinking is useless, thinking without learning is perilous. Only reading without practicing is building a car behind closed doors, a castle in the air, and finally a white-faced scholar; only practicing without reading is brave but foolhardy. Flashy and unrealistic, in the end he is a reckless fool."

Zhu Yue listened carefully and nodded slowly, "Does Brother Bai have any recommended books?"

Bai Shaoping thought for a while, then said softly: "You said that you are not deeply involved in the world, if you want to understand some sophistication of the world, you can first read Zeng Guangxian Wen, or Liu Bowen's family heirloom and Zhu Xi's family motto.

But in fact, these are more useful for those who have just stepped into the society. You have met many people from all walks of life in the Yaojiu Club, what you lack is a deeper understanding, um."

Bai Shaoping thought about it carefully, nodded slightly and said, "Yes! Let's go and see Mr. Zeng Wenzheng's Six Precepts."

"Zeng Wenzhenggong?" Zhu Yue didn't even know this great man.

But Bai Shaoping didn't think there was anything wrong with it. This is normal. Today's young people don't know who Zeng Wenzheng is, and they can shoot a bunch of bricks.

"It's Zeng Guofan."

Zhu Yue had heard of this name before, but didn't quite understand it, "Brother Bai, can you tell me about the six precepts in detail?"

Bai Shaoping said quietly: "The first commandment, don't do things that are Jiuli, don't go to places where people are fighting.

There is no one-and-done thing in the world. The world will not fall into traps, only hailstorms. When everyone sees the benefits of a matter, it is no longer profitable. This is also the reason why a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall.

The second commandment is not to abandon the great beauty of others with small evils, and not to forget the great kindness of others with small grievances.

This is the way to get along with people. You can't just look at the things in front of you with narrow eyes. Nowadays, many lovers and even family members, as long as the other party makes a small mistake, they will completely deny everything the other party has done before. This is asking for trouble Therefore, we must blame ourselves with the heart of responsibility, and forgive others with the heart of forgiveness.It is rare in the world to know the evil when it is good, and to know the beauty when it is evil.

The third commandment is to say that others are short, but to protect one's own, and to praise one's own strengths is to avoid others' strengths.

The more a person shows off, the more he lacks something. Sitting in meditation often thinks about his own mistakes, and chats without talking about others.Many young people suffer from the problem of vanity. We don't need to use words to get the affirmation and praise of others. People value themselves.

The fourth precept is that benefits can be shared but not alone, and schemes can be few but not numerous.

This precept has helped me a lot. It is true to always say that God rewards hard work, but too much belief in this will make people fall into the limitation of self-affirmation.When you accomplish something, you will think that it is entirely the result of your own hard work, and it is all your own credit. It is wrong to attribute all achievements to yourself.

No matter what you do, always think about sharing the benefits and achievements you have gained with those who have helped you, not only in the workplace, but also in the officialdom.

Secrets are used to make things secret, and words are used to reveal failures. When planning something, the more people who know about it, the greater the possibility of being exposed. This is not a matter of trust or not, but the more people know, it needs to be considered The wider the scope, the more destabilizing factors.

The fifth commandment, all the mediocre people in the world, ancient and modern, will be defeated by the word lazy; the talented people in the world, ancient and modern, will be defeated by the word arrogant.

Inertia is the inferiority of human beings. It always tends to be comfortable and resists dangers. Overcoming inertia is actually against human instinct.If you can't overcome it, you can only become a mediocre ordinary person, but in fact, sometimes this is also a kind of happiness.

People, to be without arrogance but to have arrogance, arrogance will lead to defeat, humiliation to shepherd, be modest, open-minded, these clichés should have instilled a lot in you since you were a child, and your ears are callused, right?But very few people can really listen.

In my opinion, pride is actually exposing one's ignorance. When you know more, you will find that you know less.

The sixth commandment, when doing major tasks, focus on knowledge and supplement by talents; when accomplishing major tasks, half of them are people's plan and half of God's will.

To do big things, it is true that knowledge is more important than talent. Without profound experience and accumulation, only talent can only accomplish small things.But to achieve great things, knowledge, experience, and talents are all human beings, and you must also pay attention to the location and timing.There is no way to say the second half of the sentence. It is impossible to fully comprehend the will of heaven until the extinction of human beings.

That’s about it, it’s all my own superficial understanding, everyone will have their own insights, so let’s just listen to it. "

Zhu Yue was fascinated by listening, completely immersed in it.

Even after Bai Shaoping finished speaking, he didn't react for a long time, until he smelled a faint burnt smell, he quickly took away the burnt meat, and murmured: "Brother Bai, you are only three years older than me, why do you understand this? many?"

Bai Shaoping shrugged his shoulders and said with a wry smile: "Nine months of wandering, nine months of being in a daze, all thinking about things. Studying Zeng Wenzhenggong's knowledge should be of great benefit to you now. For example, after you read the Six Precepts , I will also know that Zeng Guofan once said that there are three taboos in the way of heaven, taboos of coincidence, taboos of surplus, and taboos of two.

Avoiding cleverness is a kind of clumsy knowledge. In today's impetuous and sensual society, cultivating sensitivity is far less valuable than insensitivity.

Don't be a perfectionist, allow imperfections, accept regrets, know what to do and be content with life.

Bogey two, the two here does not mean that a fool makes two mistakes. Confucius said that a gentleman should never make two mistakes. Don’t make the same mistake twice. Only by learning to sum up and reflect can you grow. "

Zhu Yue was shocked, nodded solemnly and said: "When I get back from the virtual world, I must study hard."

Bai Shaoping raised the wine bottle and touched Zhu Yue.

"I hope I can help you."

The two drank together, and Zhu Yue didn't ask any more questions.

Because Bai Shaoping has talked enough, and if he continues to follow Zeng Guofan, he will definitely talk about Wang Yangming. If he talks about psychology and university questions, he will not be able to understand it for several years.

If you have to go back up, you will end up with the Tao Te Ching and the Book of Changes, which can talk about the day when the universe is destroyed.

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