
Chapter 301 Entering the Spirit World Without Regrets in This Life

Since ancient times, confession is more than confession.

Love letters have always been difficult to write.

Joking about how young a boy is,

Often talk to people about life.

Sometimes, the confession doesn't have to be very white. When the ambiguity is a matter of course, it is naturally tacit, and the words are not about love, but every word is love, which is the most tender feeling in the world.

Of course, it doesn’t apply to scumbag men and scumbag women. This kind of people can’t give people a sense of security even if they say they love you every day and call their husbands and wives dear. They can wake up with different people every day.

Just like the poem by Cha Xin, poor mortals have many drunk lovers, and they don't want to be in vain.

At this time, Cha Xin and Xia Ding came to the outer suburbs of Shencheng City.

After getting off the taxi, they walked along the stream, both of them walked very slowly.

Cha Xin needed crutches even more, Xia Ding supported him by the side.

Not far away, Qin Xiuyu, dressed in a suit and holding a black umbrella, appeared in front of the two of them.

From the main road to the Wanling Pavilion, there is a long path along the stream, and this is the first time that the Umbrella Emperor can walk to the intersection to greet him in person.

In terms of seniority, Qin Xiuyu is the youngest among the most spiritual beings, one generation younger than Zhu Tianxiao, Su Qing, and Gu Yuan, and two generations younger than Cha Xin Xia Ding, only in his early sixties.

So Qin Xiuyu knew that Cha Xin Xia Ding was coming to revive his soul, so he waited early at the intersection, and when he saw the two saints of civil and martial arts coming, he said respectfully: "Why don't the two elders let the disciples come and give them away?"

After finishing speaking, he took Xia Ding's hand and helped Cha Xin to move forward. Xia Ding is a warrior after all, although his steps are no longer as strong and powerful as before, at least he can walk without any problem.

Cha Xin said weakly: "I have explained everything that needs to be explained, why bother to make them feel sad, raise them generously and bury them poorly, Lao Xia and I are satisfied."

There is an idiom in China, which is called thin nourishment and thick burial.

It means that when the parents and elders were alive, the younger generation did not show filial piety, but held a big funeral after their death to show off their filial piety.

This is the way of filial piety of many Chinese people today. On Father's Day, Mother's Day, and parents' birthdays, they buy gifts and send them to Moments.

Is it normal?Of course it is normal. Many people spend most of their energy on work and study, and they simply cannot spare time to accompany their parents. Only during some festivals do they think of giving their parents and elders some thought.

But is this doing filial piety, or doing my own vanity?

When buying gifts for parents, you don’t need to take pictures and post them on Moments.Going shopping and eating with your parents, you don’t need to choose the Father’s Day or Mother’s Day, you can do it normally.

The way of great filial piety should be suitable for common people.

Don't complain that you don't have time, you can give time to your boss, time to work, time to your partner, time to play games, and time to meet friends. When your parents muster up the courage to ask you for some time, can you still give it back?

Whether you are working or studying, the speed of growth should catch up with the speed of your parents' aging.

Cha Xin and Xia Ding are very fortunate that their apprentices are usually very filial.

Yuan Mingyi would often come to Guanfu Villa to visit Cha Xin. When Cha Xin didn't want to chat, he would make a pot of tea and stand quietly by the side.

When Cha Xin wants to write, he helps grind ink.

When Xia Ding was at the farm, Yan Hai would often go to Xia Ding's yard to clean up weeds and fallen leaves, dig well water for Xia Ding, and watch videos with Xia Ding as long as he had no official duties.

So Cha Xin and Xia Ding said, don't let the disciples come to see them off for the last time, they usually did what they should do, and that's enough.

Qin Xiuyu continued to support Cha Xin, and walked with Xia Ding to the Wanling Pavilion. Halfway there, Cha Xin seemed a little out of breath, so he proposed to take a break.

Qin Xiuyu immediately moved a big rock for Cha Xin to sit on, and then stirred everything up, blowing a gust of breeze, like the last retaining of the two sages of civil and military in the world.

The tea heart was blown by the breeze, and seemed to be more energetic. Looking around, he raised his finger to the trees on the other side of the creek, and said softly: "Umbrella Emperor, after Lao Xia and I return to our spirits, we will be buried." Under those two trees."

Qin Xiuyu looked in the direction pointed by the tea heart, and there was a sycamore tree and an osmanthus tree on the opposite bank.

He knew that Xia Ding should be buried under the plane tree, and Cha Xin should be buried under the osmanthus tree.

With grief in his heart, he replied in a deep voice: "Okay."

Cha Xin smiled lightly and said, "Will it ruin your Feng Shui?"

Qin Xiuyu said slowly: "This is Qushui Baocheng Bureau, quiet and peaceful, and the two elders can have a good rest."

Cha Xin glanced at the two trees again, her eyes gradually became distant.

"In my yard, there were two trees like this before, but they didn't grow as well as yours. It will be easy for disciples to find them when they come to visit the grave."

Hearing this, Qin Xiuyu felt even worse, and could only sigh secretly and shake his head.

And tomb-sweeping is not just about visiting and reminiscing about the dead. The so-called spirits in the sky and the blessings of ancestors, some things have their own destiny.

The greater significance of sweeping the tomb is to show it to the younger generation.

Therefore, grave-sweeping usually brings the younger generations of the family, and let them know where they come from, so that they will know awe.

Respecting the world is too high and ethereal, but revering the ancestors is much more real and close.

It is a terrible thing if people are not in awe.

Of course, one attentive companionship before death is better than a hundred visits to the grave after death.

After resting for a while, Qin Xiuyu supported Cha Xin and continued to walk towards Wanling Pavilion with Xia Ding, and walked to the front of the simple and ordinary but extremely important wooden house.

Qin Xiuyu first helped Cha Xin and Xia Ding into the room and sat down, then poured two cups of warm water and placed them in front of the two elders to quench their thirst.

There are three areas in the wooden house, one is the room with the Zhu Xian Talisman at the door, which is the real Wanling Pavilion.

The other is Qin Xiuyu's usual living place, the bedroom.

The other is the living room where the three of them are now.

Xia Ding noticed that there was a comatose young man in his 20s lying on the bed in the bedroom, so he asked Qin Xiuyu, "Umbrella Emperor, what's on the bed in the bedroom?"

Qin Xiuyu said softly: "A lucky young man was also injured by the reincarnation of Manjiang Ye. He went back to the time when he was 12 years old. He came here to heal his injuries a few days ago. He was manifested by his ancestors. He just came out of Wanling Pavilion and still needs to fall asleep for two or three days. day to wake up."

Also injured by reincarnation, Cha Xin and Xia Ding were ten years old. Even if they entered Wanling Pavilion, they would not be able to go back to ten years ago.

Xia Ding sighed, "It's good to be young."

Cha Xin and Xia Ding got up and came to the door with the Zhuxian Talisman. Qin Xiuyu bowed silently, with grief in his eyes.

Later, after Cha Xin and Xia Ding went in, they had to swallow Han Yunzhi first, and put the Pillar of Zhenling in their hands to restore their spirits. Then, Qin Xiuyu had to take out the latent spirits of the two and perform some processing before depositing them in Wanling. Permanent inheritance in the cabinet.

Cha Xin and Xia Ding took a sip of the warm water on the table at the same time, and they looked at each other and smiled.

Memories of a lifetime emerged in my mind, with suffering, glory and regret.

The two were born in the Republic of China, experienced national turmoil, and social reforms. When they were on the verge of danger, they saved the village from declining. Together with Ao Shou, the owner of the mountain, and the village chief, they jointly repaired the hidden spirit code, restored a piece of pure land in the village, and then recruited disciples. There are countless people who have taught the art, continued to pass it on, and taught it. Today, it is finally dying, and the end is approaching.

The peaches and plums are speechless, and the next is a path, and the real country is unparalleled.

Xia Ding smiled calmly and said, "It's time to go, Old Chatou."

Cha Xin looked into Xia Ding's eyes, and chuckled with the same open-mindedness.

"In this life, I have no regrets about entering the spirit world, and in the next life I will be a villager."

After finishing speaking, Xia Ding supported Cha Xin, and the two walked into Wanling Pavilion together.

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