Twin martial arts

Chapter 3640 Elegy


Naturally, it wasn't because of fear and fear. At this level of cultivation, I didn't know what fear was for a long time.

The reason why he was trembling at this time was, of course, only deep hatred.

"Hey, I didn't die, I was saved by the Star Lord from another era."

A human figure appeared and squeezed out from the time and space.

too skinny.

Skinny is not enough to describe.

should say.

This is a piece of human skin, it should have survived in a strange state.


The Kunpeng star master went mad, crazy, and killed it as soon as he saw this piece of human skin. No matter what, the endless hurricane rolled up and ravaged the sky and the sea of ​​stars; A strong wind is enough to destroy all generations!

"Since you want to fight and kill, let's go together!"

Another strong man is coming!

Killing intent.

He is the most normal of the three invading enemies.

He is not handsome, but he can catch the eye. He is only in his twenties.

This is of course not his real age.

This is the Lord of the Starry Sky, at least they are all immortals who are more than a hundred thousand years old. They just use means to freeze their appearance at this stage and maintain their peak.

Wuji narrowed his eyes, sighed, and walked forward, with a look of reluctance in his eyes.

Behind is his wife and children.

Don't dare to look back.

Have a look

Maybe you will shrink back and dare not move forward.


Hua Mengxue had tears in her eyes.

But that's all, she flew up and jumped onto the floating island.

She looked at the starry sky.

To bid farewell to Wuji.

One last look.

After that it was never seen again.

Going to fight in Wuji's current state, against a Starry Sky Lord in his peak state, how could he not die?How can it not wither?

She wants to go with him.

What if you just don't leave?

Always haven't grown up yet.

"Husband, if you go ahead for at most 30 years, I will definitely come to accompany you, Huangquan Jiuyou, we will still be companions."

Hua Mengxue laughed, with tears in her eyes.

"Let me do it."

Without making a sound, he stepped into the sky from the Shenting galaxy and blocked Wuji: "You are in a bad state, you are not his opponent, why bother to die?"

Wuji was silent: "They will always give me an opponent, why bother to pick and choose?"

Don't be silent anymore.

Looking at the starry sky all over the world, there are too many eager breaths, and too many murderous eyes.

"Okay, walk slowly."

Buwang just opened his mouth like this, and patted Wuji's shoulder lightly.

Wuji smiled sassyly and strode forward.Like a general who goes on an expedition, he goes forward bravely.

"I really don't want to kill you, I feel like my hands are dirty, but everyone has a task."

Wuji's opponent chuckled lightly, and then said: "By the way, let me tell you, my name is Le Di."

"Emperor?" Wuji frowned slightly.

This is clearly the pinnacle of the Eight Realms of Linshen, and most of them have stepped into the Nine Realms, but they still take the title of Emperor.

That's terrible, obviously, this person has great ambitions, even in their realm, he still wants to be called emperor and respected!

"Wuji." Wuji said his name very simply.

"Hehe, say more, this is your last words." Le Di chuckled lightly, with mockery in his eyes.

"Without a battle, who knows who lives and who dies?"

Wuji's eyes turned cold, and he struck forward with a sword.

He was forcibly boosting his energy, squeezing his potential, suppressing his injuries, and restoring himself to his peak.


How could it be this powerful opponent who dared to use the emperor as the suffix?

The sky splattered with blood.

"Hahahaha why don't you take advantage of today and destroy this divine court in one fell swoop."

There are the most powerful who are always around.

Waiting, testing.

It's because, although they first came to this world, they also knew that Xiao Nuo had shown his prestige beyond time and space, suppressed and killed the Star Lord, and subdued Buwang and Kunpeng.

Therefore, even if the heart of the God of Destruction is extremely strong; there is no impulse, and I have been waiting to see if that person will appear.

But now it seems that there is no need to wait.

"Okay! Let's do it together and occupy the present world. It will be of great use to us, and it can add to the foundation of God."

"It's a shame that I am far away from time and space, and I am still traveling through the years. I missed this great opportunity for nothing."

Even in the passage of time and space, there is such a voice full of regret and unwillingness.



They are all Era Lords, and they are all Xing Kong Zun.

Since they want to fight, naturally followers gather!




The drums of the gods were beating, dull and desolate.

The Shenting war department is still the same, and legions have appeared one after another, fighting against the battle flags that once made the world tremble.

But it can't play such a brilliant role, and it can't deter those Xiaoxiao

The war really swept all the ancient planets of life.

At least hundreds of big stars were involved in the battlefield at the same time.

This is too bad for the court.

Every Shenting soldier is at least one against ten.

There are too many enemies.

Not to mention the contemporary Shenting soldiers, they are not as strong as Lin Fan and others when they were there.

Even if Lin Fan is still there.

When Shenting was at its peak.

It is also impossible to be outnumbered.

Blood spattered.

The sad battle song is still loud and loud.

The majestic slogan of being invincible in the court gradually seemed to have become a joke.

The sky is bleeding, too many people have died, and the bones are flying up. ,

This world seems to be dying in this battle

Wuji was also vomiting blood, his body was broken, and he couldn't suppress the old wound, but a new wound came again.

"God Lord, where are you, please come back and look at your divine court, which is now being slaughtered and tortured"

Some veterans shed blood and tears.

He wanted to fight, but couldn't.

On the verge of decay, even action is difficult.

He could only cry and howl on that hospital bed, hating himself for not being three hundred years younger, hating himself for not being able to rush to that battlefield to live and die with his robes.

"Where are you, Young God? Can you see that reincarnation is dying? I am the only one under this battle flag now."

Some soldiers of the Samsara Army laughed sadly.

So many brothers.

But now he was the only one, and the rest were all lying in a pool of blood.



In the dark, there seemed to be an angry roar.

This makes the masters of all epochs who are raging in the sky go crazy!

"Hmph! Is this the lingering soul? Or is it the roar of your imprint engraved under this starry sky?"

This is Le Di, his eyes were gloomy, and he smiled grimly: "Don't say you can't come back, so what if you really come back? I am the emperor among the gods, how can I be afraid of the so-called gods?"

"If he is here, you don't even have the guts to make a move."

Wuji got up again from the pool of blood, sighed and looked at Le Di, then turned his head to look at the statue at the highest place of the God Court.

There was bitterness in those eyes.

Brother, are you awake yet?

your court

I really can't keep it, sorry.

This should be my last effort, right?

But the opponent was really too strong, even at his peak, he couldn't stop him.

Wuji's eyes began to blur, and he had already made the final blow.

When he looked back, he saw his wife and son, who were crying heartbreakingly, but they tore through the sky and walked away without looking back.

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