Twin martial arts

Chapter 3554 Lin Ruoxi escapes

Even if the poisonous mist is about to destroy the world.

Even if the yellow spring water is about to flood this world.

But it's not as big as Lin Fan's impact on sentient beings when he smashed Honghu!


A generation of legends.

A ruthless generation!

For many ages, when his name was mentioned, all the heroes would tremble.

But now, he is dead.

Died at the hands of an offspring kid.

The old legend ends.


The celestial talisman is screaming, and the eyes are about to burst!

This ancestor is not because of Honghu's age, nor is it because of Honghu's strength.

But -

Honghu is indeed one of the sources of his blood.

"Lin Fan, when I kill the Three Thousand Realms, I will kill all the blood in your Divine Court!"

This is the curse of the talisman.


But as soon as he finished saying this, he was nailed through the eyebrows with a long spear.

This is Lin Nuo.

A long spear thrown thousands of miles away in front of the crack in the boundary wall nailed down the commander of the first army of the Celestial Clan in front of hundreds of millions of troops!


The spear pierced through the eyebrows of the talisman, but it didn't stop, and the corpse of the talisman slammed backwards, leveling an unknown number of areas, and killing an unknown number of celestial clan troops!




"Into Chaos!"

Wuji waited for someone to move!

At the moment when Honghu was killed, the army of the Celestial Clan was stunned and horrified.

Just when the Tianfu was killed, the army of the Celestial Clan had no leader, and was in a moment of shock and fear.

Lin Fan grinned grimly, he had never been a kind person.

Since the hundreds of millions of soldiers behind the rift have come here, how can there be any innocents?

The god-suppressing bell buzzed over, exuding a monstrous evil spirit, as if there were millions of ghosts hovering around the mouth of the bell, screaming pitifully.


Lin Fan slammed his fist hard on the wall of the Chaos Suppressing God Clock, causing it to crash straight into the crack, and then tilted——

Originally, Huangquanshui, which Honghu wanted to slaughter all living beings in the three thousand worlds, now became the supreme killing weapon in Lin Fan's hands to wipe out the billions of heavenly clan troops!

The yellow spring water poured from the God Bell of Chaos Town, just like a celestial river suddenly stopped flowing here, rushing into the human world, and the army of the heavenly clan suffered, even if there were cultivators in the fifth and sixth realms roaring and struggling, trying to lead the yellow spring water to him place, or blocking it in the sky will not work.

Anyone who dares to fly high into the sky will be shot and killed by Xiao Nuo one by one!

Xiao Nuo is too ruthless, with a big arched foot in his hand as tall as a person, bending the bow and setting an arrow, with one shot, there will definitely be a cultivator of the five or six realms of Linshen that will explode!

"This shit!"

Wuji cursed.

He was already ready to fight to the death.

How difficult is it to break into the Chaos Realm?

Even he, in fact, is not sure that he can survive several charges.

But now, he led the Qinglin army all the way into the chaos, and he rarely encountered obstacles. Even if he occasionally encountered the remnants of the Celestial Clan and defeated generals, they all had no fighting spirit and generals.

But Wuji did have a skill. The Qinglin army he led turned out to be the first God's army to break into the chaos.

The second is no sword.

Wujian's luck is not as good as Wuji's, and what he meets along the way is actually a powerful enemy.

Fortunately, his Juggernaut Legion is all sword cultivators, and the killing is the most decisive and ruthless, so although there are casualties, they are still within the acceptable range.

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